Books author - "Forest Ostrander"

Little Amelia is a unique kind of dragon, being the only white dragon left alive, she finds it hard to make friends in her new home. With her mother killed and an evil dragon who would kill her too if she was found out Amelia has a lot on her plate, plus, to top it all of; she has been already had her marriage arranged before she even hatched to the Prince himself! Can little Amelia find her footing in this strange world and regain her mother's Kingdome once more or will the evil black dragon

They were brother and sister who grew to hate each other. Then one day, the white wolf becomes sick and dies, but not before telling of a new white wolf to come. Her brother did not know till 20 years passed and he grew angry for he was not the one to kill her, now their descendents fight and wait for the new white wolf to return to them.