Books author - "George W. Crile"
esthesia.Two years ago, an historic appreciation of the discovery of etherwas presented here by Professor Welch, and last year an addresson medical research was given by President Eliot. I, therefore,will not attempt a general address, but will invite yourattention to an experimental and clinical study. In presentingthe summaries of the large amount of data in these researches,I acknowledge with gratitude the great assistance rendered bymy associates, Dr. D. H. Dolley, Dr. H. G. Sloan, Dr. J.
esthesia.Two years ago, an historic appreciation of the discovery of etherwas presented here by Professor Welch, and last year an addresson medical research was given by President Eliot. I, therefore,will not attempt a general address, but will invite yourattention to an experimental and clinical study. In presentingthe summaries of the large amount of data in these researches,I acknowledge with gratitude the great assistance rendered bymy associates, Dr. D. H. Dolley, Dr. H. G. Sloan, Dr. J.