Books author - "Jason Richard"

Hurvun is a cyclops, and the most dangerous sorcerer in existence. It's time to defeat him, but Leevan wonders how he can help. His spells have never been very good. He has an idea for one that would be perfect for the upcoming battle, but it seems he can only get it to work on rocks, and nothing else. Not very useful, unless the enemy throws rocks at them, which is unlikely. Will Leevan be able to get this spell working in time to defeat Hurvun?

Kareen is worried, and why shouldn't she be? The eagle people have never been attacked in their home before. Their palace flies out of reach of any enemy. Even the fearsome goblins who also have wings must hide in their caves for fear of the sun. The problem comes from the dark cloud that has covered the sky, shedding darkness everywhere. With the sun blocked out, it's only a matter of time before the goblins come for them. Kareen knows the battle is imminent, but what she doesn't know is