Books author - "Jean Armour Polly"
aiting for printers, and the other half waiting for disk drives.Time is a commodity.I can envision that little girl walking into the public library with thefollowing request:"I'm doing a school report on the Challenger disaster. I need a videoclip of the explosion, a sound bite of Richard Feynman explainingthe O-ring problem, some neat graphics from NASA, oh, andmaybe some virtual reality mock-ups of the shuttle interior. Canyou put it all on this floppy disk for me, I know it's only 15
aiting for printers, and the other half waiting for disk drives.Time is a commodity.I can envision that little girl walking into the public library with thefollowing request:"I'm doing a school report on the Challenger disaster. I need a videoclip of the explosion, a sound bite of Richard Feynman explainingthe O-ring problem, some neat graphics from NASA, oh, andmaybe some virtual reality mock-ups of the shuttle interior. Canyou put it all on this floppy disk for me, I know it's only 15