Books author - "Kylie (Kay) Golden"

Three Stories of sad/happy romance. Includes so far: Goobye Misunderstanding, and Peice of You. Goodbye: Samantha(Sam)loves her boyfriend, Eric. But sam has a secret. Sam stops coming to school for a week, and Eric is worried. Sam dumps him, and they are both heartbroken. Sam is convinced it's for the best, remembering her little secret. Eric finds it out, and looks for her. But it's too late... Misunderstanding: Erica and James love eachother. he has to move, and she is very depressed. Then

Beaten. all her life, Katie Thomas has been beaten. Always told she didn't do something right. Her step-dad raped and beat her from when she was 9 until she was 16. then to an abuisive husband, she is again beaten and tore down. She believes it's her fault, she doesnt do the right things. Will Katie ever gave some self-confidence and get away from the guys that hurt her? or will she just be obsessed with doing 'the right thing'?