Books author - "Mario William Vitale"

For well over twenty years, Author, Mario William Vitale has demonstrated the impossible.., After an episode with mono- hospitalized/ Made great comback to star in his senior class play, "The Mystery Of Edwin Drood", Charles Dickens based play, His last accomplishment before he died ! * Today Mario William Vitale enjoys outreaching, Going to prisons to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ ! *You will be richly blessed, His work, the goals that this one man has set for his life has

* The first ten poems that poet Mario William Vitale has written.., *Formulated with a brief summary to support each specific poem... * A free verse notion, This has been a work in progress since the Fall of 1989.., Attribute to a well versed platform, Via: Twenty years of writing poetry (Come and celebrate his accomplishments in poetry)