Books author - "Redhead16 MLM"

Trian has to solve a possible murder case that he gets involved in. The victim is Andrew, a popular boy with a weird reputation. At the same time, Cylan Everly, a drop dead gorgeous Native American, is trying to solve the same case, but for different reasons. Adair, Andrew's twin brother, suspects Andrew had a relationship with a male teacher, and he sets out to prove it. Kennedy Harding was the most popular girl in school, until she wrongly accused Trian of raping her. She changes her look to

Gabby McFee is living the high life. She loves her school, her friends, her house. She does not expect much until she finds out that a story that won a contest was submitted in her name. It turns out that it's a story SHE wrote but never wanted publicized. Her English teacher swears she didn't submit it and of course no one is 'fessing up. She may need the help of her own worst enemy, Marv Martin, a girl with a head too big for her brain, and a science and math whiz who's only interest is in