Books author - "Santosh Jha"

Dumped by her billionaire fiancé, the Hollywood actress lands herself in all sorts of woes – hospitalization for slipping pill overdose and paparazzi. She escapes to India's Yoga capital but the paparazzi follows. A young yogi bails her out, detours her to an unusual world, introducing her to super consciousness of Onlyness. She thinks she is second time lucky. However, more shocks await her.

In all of us, there is this definite ‘winner’. However, this champion is a ‘Random Warrior’, wins but not always. We all have the determination, patience, discipline and the mastery to be a sure and sustained ‘all-weather-all-season-Hero’. As we miss the knowledge of this ‘mechanism of winning’, this ‘random winner’ is unable to sustain the artistry of winning, to qualify as a ‘Habitual Hero’.

An unknown new neighbor; five minutes into their talks; and he proposes her. His offer is unashamedly outlandish; no man has ever made to any woman. She is allowed no questions; given no facts. Next day, few hours later, she seeks no answer; puts no conditions; says yes. What makes him win her; overnight? Why she acquiesces, yields, to a stranger; when any other woman would kick him out? Find out.

Love is usually accepted with three elements of Mystery, Magic and Marvel. The ‘3Ms’ land most of us in inexplicable troubles and pains of love. The magnificent dualism is – love’s mystery makes it flamboyantly thrilling. Still, the mysticism engenders loads of confusion, making many of us flop in love. Success of love is in non-dualistic positioning, a simple and practical realism, most of us refuse to accept.

Unashamedly, the author begs you, to read this eBook. You must spare ‘two hours’ to save humanity from definite ‘annihilation’. Beg others too, to join the conclusive crusade against ‘Enemy Number One’ of 7.5 billion people. There is no choice; you destroy it or it eliminates us all. Either you reclaim your ‘Crown’; be the sovereign, or die a slave. It’s now, or never. Dead, for sure, can’t yearn.

Novelty and potential await you inside. Life-living reality has dimensions, you’ve never been told and therefore, you live in illusion. The eBook journeys you through dark truths and bares the falsity, unraveling delusions you’ve been living. It traverses you through hidden probabilities to enable you to create alternative realities, which alone can survive and excel you in contemporary madness.