Books author - "Susan Davis"

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

Prepare the way for The LORD. This is a collection of divine letters from our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. These are letters of warning for all the children of GOD. To prepare for the kingdom of GOD is at hand, HE wants us to understand HIS requirements to be under HIS good grace. To have a garment that is free from stains, spots, and wrinkles.

THIS BOOK CONTAINS PROPHETIC WORDS FROM JESUS ABOUT THE VERY SOON RAPTURE. SOME CHAPTER HEADINGS IN THIS BOOK: Humility, Forgiveness, Live in The World, But Do Not Be โOf the Worldโ, Rapture and Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Prepare For The Rapture, Lust For The World, Leaders Do Not Follow ME, Make Preparations, Stop Fighting With Each Other, I Will Not Take You If You Have Unrepentant Sin, Your Eternity Is In The Balance, Very Few Worship ME And Repent To ME, I Want First Place Or No Place,