Books author - "W. C. Green"
nder FUNCTIONS, asDINNERS, INVITATIONS, etc.APPLES should be pared, cut into small pieces, andeaten with finders or forks. ARCHBISHOP OF ANGLICAN CHURCH--HOW ADDRESSED.An official letter begins: My Lord Archbishop,may it please your Grace, and ends:I remain, My Lord Archbishop, your Grace'smost obedient servant. A social letter begins: My dear LordArchbishop, and ends: I have the honor to remain,my dear Lord Archbishop. The address on the envelop is: The MostReverend, His Grace the Archbishop
nder FUNCTIONS, asDINNERS, INVITATIONS, etc.APPLES should be pared, cut into small pieces, andeaten with finders or forks. ARCHBISHOP OF ANGLICAN CHURCH--HOW ADDRESSED.An official letter begins: My Lord Archbishop,may it please your Grace, and ends:I remain, My Lord Archbishop, your Grace'smost obedient servant. A social letter begins: My dear LordArchbishop, and ends: I have the honor to remain,my dear Lord Archbishop. The address on the envelop is: The MostReverend, His Grace the Archbishop