Books author - "darkangels"

In wonderland there are 4 rulers, the mad hatter, queen of hearts, alice, and the smily cat(nick name:) frienships (alice, mad hatter) (hearts, cat) this book is about the mad hatter and his jurny to unite wonderland as i country, of course he is not whithout hardships and you can expect this to get qouite mad!

faith was chosen to go to a school for demon hunters, were only 5 pepole are chosen every 5 years, if she dosent pass she could be dissposed of, sold as a slave or killed? and if she passes she has 1 chance out of five to marry the devil? (i want to know how i should go im thinking she will be sold and the devil buys her and they fall in love(sorta shugo plot) so he disownes the girl who was chosen and breakes his own rules.) but what do you think? should she hunt demons, marry a demon, or be