American library books Β» Adventure Β» The Story of the Twins by Isabella Marie Swan/Cullen the second (jenna bush book club .txt) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The Story of the Twins by Isabella Marie Swan/Cullen the second (jenna bush book club .txt) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Isabella Marie Swan/Cullen the second


"Bella bring the twins to me." Aro said. My mom went to the weird dude that was pale white with my sister Renesmee and me. My mom whispers to me "Its going to be alright Issy its going to be alright." I'm a 6 month old and my mom is telling me to be alright is this like Survivor channel or what. I may look like I'm 5 years old I'm not.

"Ah so different. Irina come here. Are these the 2 you saw in the field."

"I'm not sure they're much older." Irina said. Then all the vampires and werewolves started fighting and everything went black. So this is what dying feels like. I thought and the last thing I ever heard was my mom yelling "NOOOOOOOOO!"

Chapter 1

Before Me and Renesmee are born

"What did you decide to call the baby Bella?"Edward asked.

"Renesmee if its a girl and EdwardJacob or EJ fpr short if its a guy. And if its twins lets just hope it's not. And for the guys name to weird?"

"Renesmee is pretty and if its the guy I can work with that Bells." Edward said. Then Bella fainted. I couldn't breath either.

"ALICE CALL CARLISLE!" Edward says also known as daddy.

"Carlisle says the placenta must of detached." Auntie Alice says. Then daddy stabbed something into mommys skin and I could feel it coursing through her veins. Then my daddy cut into my mommys skin and bit the skin and mommy was crying and screaming. Then daddy pulled out not 1 not 3 but 2 beautiful girls.

"Oh my God its twins Bella. One is Renesmee what's the other one going to be called Bella?" He says as he hands me go mommy.

"How about Isabella. Meet Isabella Marie Cullen the 2nd Edward."

"Beautiful like always." Daddy says and takes me away and I start to cry. He then gave mommy Renesmee. "Please be quiet." Then he stares at my mommy and daddy takes away Renesmee from her arms.

"ROSALIE TAKE ISSY AND RENESMEE!" daddy yells. "Jacob you have to let me turn her."

"Just do it I will make sure the pack doesn't touch them or her." Pointing to me and my sister and my mommy.

Thank you Jacob.As Jacob turns back to a werewolf. Oh my God I heard that!

"Who is that." Daddy says. I poke daddy and he looks at me. "Issy that was you? You are one talented girl."

I wish mommy was hear to experience this. Then I felt Love, Misery, and Hope. Daddy I can feel emotions to.

Really. You have Uncle Jazz's ability and mine. You know I think you can manipulate other people's abilities.


Three days later after daddy bit mommy

"Daddy is mommy ever going to wake up?" My 'perfect' sister said. I don't think my family even notices me. I guess this is what happens when their in a book or movie and your not. (DO YOUR BEST FAKE LAUGH NOW!)

"I don't know sweety but it's soon. Ok."

"Okay." I start to cry and my favourite uncle comes to me and picks me up.

"It's okay Izzy uncle Jazzy's here." Yes it's Uncle Jasper. No offense to anyone but he hot. Oh god please say my dad didn't hear that that would be embarrassing.

'No but I can!'

'Oh great another one who can hear my thoughts. Am I the only one who thinks that's weird.'


Publication Date: 11-27-2012

All Rights Reserved

Thanks to my BFF on wattpad named @anjyajackson12

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