B is for Book by Dragola The Mystic (good novels to read in english .txt) π

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- Author: Dragola The Mystic
Read book online Β«B is for Book by Dragola The Mystic (good novels to read in english .txt) πΒ». Author - Dragola The Mystic
I scrunched up my lids against the harsh light, "Mmmmm!", I groaned, "I don't want to get up!" but on perfect schedule the alarm went off. I moaned and tried to ignore the harsh whining, but I had to get up. So slowly pullig myself from the warm nest of my covers I get up. I know this day is going to be bad. Just how bad?
My head moans as I step into maths, the stink infultrating my senses, Mr.Bell needs to get non-scented pens! They reek! As I take my seat, the 'Goverment alarm' goes. Why a test today? But then, I hear harsh motors and realise this is no drill!
I hear screams from the office as we are infultrated,and the staff are silenced forever becoming voiceless (and toungeless) Sili. This can not be happening! I can not be taken by the Goverment! Not to the reasearchers!
A rough man walks in surveying the room, and asks for hands up; we comply, not wishing for death. After our hands have been marked the official takes the fittest of us and (being captain of the netball team) that included me.
We are loaded into the trucks and driven away. This was not a good day.
{I will now speak in past tense as I took a break from recording my life. It is now in the Past.}
B is for Book
I woke up in a clinically white room on a hard bed wearing a loosely flowing hospital shirt. As I observed my surroundings a scientist walked in carrying a clipboard with the letter B on the back. He took some notes never speaking and then wheeled in a table full of medicine and needles. I cringed, I can't stand needles. After a while of fiddling with the bottles he began to speak into a previously hidden dictaphone. "Subject B, previously known as Kacey Matthews, will be undergoing book transitioning. An experiment to change the personality and even appearance of a person into someone else. In this case Jeni a character from a Government book- The white haired slave girl."
After that he left leaving me shocked, terrified and confused.
Jeni?! From the White Haired Slave Girl?! Everyone had read the book about Jeni who dared to cross the Government and paid with her freedom. It was obligatory reading. But she was the exact opposite of me! White flowing hair, desert princess looks and a firey temper that people rally to; whereas I had curly brown hair; the look of a shy schoolgirl and there's no way anyone would rally behind me, afterall I don't even have friends...
How can I become part of a book?
-C is for Colcartha-The scientist came back a few hours later and before checking my bonds put me to sleep.
The man was cloaked in purple, he would have had a nice face if it wasn't cursed with that frown. I felt bad, maybe I should comfort him, but I knew I couldn't I felt like I was wading through Jelly; as you often do in dreams. I felt a prick in my arm and then a wave of odd thoughts popped into my head: 'Colcartha!' (I gasped as I realised I was dreaming of the book- the white haired slave girl and this was Jeni's sworn enemy the Leader of the Goverment) ' I am not trapped in jelly! I am wearing chains!'. I felt another prick and tried to turn, a cascade of straight white hair fell into my eyes... I was Jeni!
Colcartha turned to me the fire in his eyes subsiding and then igniting with new ferocity as he examined me. The man next to him beckoned and an invisible hand pushed me to my knees at his feet; the man spoke but nothing came from his mouth, he gasped shocked and Colcartha laughed- "Leave now traitor, you may never use that accursed tongue again, Sila!".
I struggled through the hase as I woke up with a gasp; Colcartha's laugh ringing in my ears- it was just a dream I was fine. As I became aware of my surroundings, I saw sreveral doctors and scientists clustering round that clipboard, the B was starting to annoy me. The main scientist looked up at me an evil smile plastered across his face: "Hello Jeni- welcome to Research!"
D is for dismayWhat did he mean Jeni? Maybe I was still in a dream? No, I was definately awake. Then that meant, no, no. no,no, nooooo! It couldn't have worked! I caught my bearings, and odd thoughts started popping into my head: Jeni, he's talking to me! What is reasearch? I feel weird. Colcartha must be behind this!. These are not my thoughts. What's happening to me? I came back to my senses as the man began talk again, "I told you it would work! The transition isn't fully complete yet, we need to complete the thought transition of her thoughts, she is gradually becoming more and more Jeni..."
"Excuse me?" I said taken aback by the voice that was not my own, but they were staring at me now, so I continued: "What's wrong with mme? I feel weird." and smiling wickedly, he presented my with a mirror. And a perfect image of Jeni stared back at me; in unison, we screamed in dismay...
E is for Evil"Why did you do this to me?" I yelled, tears streaming down my face, "Where is Colcartha?" I cried against my will. "I know he is behind this!- Shut up, shut up, shut up! Get out of my head!!!!!
ImprintPublication Date: 02-15-2016
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