NSA and the Attack of Zombies by Naman Goyal, Sumiran Tandon (summer reads .txt) đź“•

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- Author: Naman Goyal, Sumiran Tandon
Read book online «NSA and the Attack of Zombies by Naman Goyal, Sumiran Tandon (summer reads .txt) 📕». Author - Naman Goyal, Sumiran Tandon
NSA and the Attack of Zombies
Authors & Illustrators
The story begins with three friends who have been friends for half a decade. Their names are Jake “The strong one”, Jim “The speedy guy” and Atharva “The smart one”. One day all of them were in the park playing cricket, then all of a sudden, their PE teacher shouted: “Hey get your butts over here”. Their PE teacher is just plain evil, nothing but pure evil. All of the three boys are huge pranksters and they decided to play a small prank {PS: not small at all}.
The boys’ plan was to flood the school with Cheetos. They giggled and went to their headquarters.
So, the boys got their supplies and got to work. The boys made holes all around the school wall and connected pipes with bottles full of Cheetos. When they got home, they found out that they were having a sleepover at Jim's house. During the sleepover Jake said: “I can’t wait for tomorrow.” “Yeah I know right”, said Atharva. “It’s gonna be a flood, get it” said Jim. As planned by the boys they were going to launch the flood during the principal's speech. The plan begins…
Principal: “Umm... oh yeah that’s me. Good morning students, I will wait. what the....” BOOM !!! came the flood of Cheetos. “What in the world” screamed the Principal. The three boys laughed and laughed under the benches. “We should definitely do that again”, said Atharva. “Yep!!!” said Jake.
While the entire school enjoyed the Cheetos flood, all the teachers went mad and can you guess who was most angry? If you guessed their PE teacher, you were right. “Principal, these kids are responsible for the chaos”, said their PE teacher while holding Jake’s, Jim’s and Atharva’s hands. “Wait you don’t know that”, said Jim. “Yes, I do. I saw you three boys laughing under the benches”, said the PE teacher. “You three are so busted I am going to call your parent’s and you are having detention for the entire school year”, said the principal. The three boys were talking about how unfair it is to give them full year detention. “Why are we having full year detention and why not only for one hour”, asked Jake. “Yeah it was not that bad”, said Atharva.
“Boys your parents are here”, said their PE teacher, smiling. “I am very disappointed with you”, all parents said together. “You three boys are not going to talk to each other and you are grounded for a month each”, said their parents. As their parents were busting them, they all heard a thud, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! All of them were freaked out so they all ran towards their houses. They closed the door and locked the windows. They looked outside and saw huge crystals or they might be zombie spawners. “What should we do now?”, Atharva almost fainted. Jim and Jake carried Atharva to their headquarters. They found out that their parents are fighting the zombies to save their kids. Atharva shouted “Dad! Mom! This virus is contagious, come back or you may be infected by it.” But it was too late they were already infected. “No...”, shouted all the three boys together. Atharva started to cry, Jim and Jake made him feel better and started making plans for saving the world. Jim said: “We can take my car and go get some food and weapons from the DIY store”. Jim always wanted to drive a car so he took the key and Jake kept some cricket bats (just in case Atharva gets scared and freezes) they were on their way to the DIY store when they saw their PE teacher infected. “OOOhhh!!! Holy good thing... Zombies don’t have brains or else he would put us in detention even in an outbreak” said Jake. As they arrived at the store, they collected some crucial weapons. Atharva took the arrow tide gun which has an arrow tied to it so you don’t need to reload it. Jake took a huge hammer which can literally kill three people at once and Jim took two giant swords which can do some serious damage too. They also took a wave-board each and headed to their headquarters. All of them were thinking about how to stop this apocalypse. They started living in their headquarters and also started practicing some moves. The strongest Jake was telling them and encouraging them. Atharva fainted all the time and they were trained heavily using zombie statues. They got a hamster as a pet who had nun-chucks. Once while hunting for zombies they found a kid who was the dumbest kid in their school, he was also infected. His name was “Dumpling Chicken Head” and they belted him. Jim said: “Wait I forgot about my sis, remember she was with us in the school”. Jim had a sister named Zia, “she might be alive, let’s go to school”, said Atharva. As they arrived they saw a girl; she looked pretty confident, the girl jumped, did a somersault and said: “brother is that you, yes... wow you got a shin - a weapon which u put on your hand and its awesome” and so Zia joined them and moved to their headquarters. They showed Zia their pet hamster. “Wow! Is that hamster holding nun-chucks, that is so cool what is his name?” asked Zia. “Oh no we forgot all about the name”, said Jim. All of them begin thinking of a name and then Jake got a really good Name. His name will be Midas. Everyone thought that was a good name. “So today was a tough day. Let's just enjoy”, said Jim. “Yeah let’s party”, said Jake. Everyone was enjoying and just relaxing in their pool. Then they watched a movie and then played dodgeball. Then suddenly news came on television everyone watched it carefully.
News reporter 1: “Hey Survivors!!! Some scientists say that only by killing every zombie everyone will be safe.”
News reporter 2: “It’s true. Stay safe... bye”.
“Do you think that’s true?” asked Zia. “Maybe”, said Jim. “Ok now let that out of your mind and Party”, said Atharva. So that’s what they did. They partied. Their life was fun but was also getting lonely. So one day, man that's it it’s time said Jim what's wrong bro said Jake this outbreak has to end, “but how?” said Atharva, “remember the news”, said Zia, “yeah so remember yesterday when we were getting food the zombies regenerated” Jim said, “there has to be a boss but who” Jake said. “Wait a sec, remember us seeing the PE teacher” said Atharva, Jake said that “he was not infected, oh yeah and the zombies were bowing to him”. “HOLLY MOLLY the PE teacher wants to take over the world”, Jim said. “Yeah and it’s our job to stop him. Let’s do this” said Zia. So, one fine day they went to school with their team Midas, Zia, Atharva, Jake and Jim. They explored the school killing every monstrous zombie in their way. They found nothing in the school so they went to their headquarters. As they approached, they saw many zombies so they took some important stuff and built a treehouse. They also made many traps to protect their treehouse. They added spikes and dug a hole and filled it with water and a button which will open a trapdoor and under the trapdoor there is water with electrical wires.
“This is the best treehouse the world has ever seen”, said Atharva. “Correction!!! This is the best tree house the world will ever see”, said Jake. “So, what should we do now that we know that our PE teacher is the human who created this virus?” asked Jim. “KILL HIM” said Jake. “WHAT? No way we are killing someone. I don't care if he is the zombie boss or whatever. So let’s train.”, said Jim and so they trained and trained even more. One fine day while training Zia asked what’s the team name, “I don't know“, said Atharva, “how about NSA” said Jim and so from then on they were all NSA members. All of them were masters now. Atharva was also doing some stuff we will know later.
Jim said “we are done with part one now for part two we get his information well” , interrupted Zia “first we need to find him”, “already done, haven’t you noticed the strange huge RIP in the graveyard, I think his lair might be there” said Atharva, to which Jim said “ok so we attack their coming weekend which is 3 days more”.
Day 1 of 2 before attack
“What on earth is gonna happen after we battle” asked Zia terrified, “I don’t know” said Atharva, “Let’s just hope we survive”, said Jim and so they played, watched movies and did fun stuff and slept.
Day 2 of 2 before strike
That night Jim and Jake thought of a plan to go spy on their lair so they know if it is the lair or not and also collect some information so it is easy for attacking and getting more chances of winning. As they approached Jake said “Good thing we didn’t wake Atharva and Zia, yeah and look at those zombies Atharva would have fainted by now, did ya bring your weapon ya”, and they noted everything down. Here are their notes:
Zombies- 11 million in total
Giant zombies- 4 million
Bosses- 5 to guard the king
King name-PE teacher also known as “The Colosseum”
Lair size- One cricket stadium
Battle ground- The Lair Auditorium
Total of their team- 15 million
When they got in, Zia and Atharva were standing angrily and they said we know everything. “Midas told us”, said Zia “Oh come On, leave that tomorrow is gonna be a great fight 5 V/S 15 million”, said Jim. So, they planned and planned and Atharva fainted every 1 minute. That night they didn’t sleep because they were getting ready for the battle of their life. “What if we fail and we don’t save everyone then what will we do”, said Atharva. “Then we will fight till the end Whatever it takes”, said Jim. “Yeah. Whatever it takes we will be ready to get ready guys in this battle we will kick the zombie’s butt’s and create history Right?” said Jake. “Right”, said Zia.
The next day they woke up and found their hamster missing. “Where did he go? Oh no the zombies caught him”, said Atharva. So, they approached the battle field and Jim shouted, “YOU DUMB ZOMIBES YOU TOOK ARE HAMSTER WE WILL TAKE YOUR HEADS OFF YOUR UGLY TOADS!!! BRING YOUR KING TO ME SO WE CAN SLAUGHTER HIM”. Whatever it takes”, screamed Zia. All the zombies farted in fear and ran toward the attack. “Zouses of my butt”, screamed Atharva as they ran towards the zombies. The battle ranged but wait, remember Atharva was doing something well here it is he made a non-zombie regeneration glue and put it on all of their weapons. Jake and Jim went towards the 5 bosses. The bosses were damn strong so they were kinda losing. While Atharva and Zia were also having difficulties fighting the zombies BOOM BOOM BOOM they heard footsteps their PE teacher turned into a mega ugly zombie who was super big and smelly. They heard another huge THUD THUD BOOM BOOM SMASH when all hopes were gone, there were black shadows. “Do you think they are more bosses”, said Atharva. Atharva got ready to fight. Then they saw all the animals raging and fighting zombies and everyone got so much hope that
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