American library books Β» Adventure Β» Zombie Apocalypse by Olivia O'Donnell (e reader books .TXT) πŸ“•

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"Zombie movies suck," Sara said in a disgusting voice. She took a handful of popcorn and shoved it into her mouth as the butter dripped down her chin.
"What are you talking about?" Amelia asked Sara, just as Amelia realized Sara had already eaten a fith of Sara's popcorn container.
"Sara," I spoke, as I took away her popcorn container. "the movie hasn't even started yet and your popcorn is nearly empty,"
"Olivia, give it back," Sara said, as she reached over Amelia to grab her container back.
"The movie's starting," Amelia grabbed the remote and highered the volume on the TV in her attic. "better get quiet if you want to hear the beginning,"
"Some of us don't want to hear the beginning," Sara spoke quietly, but just loud enough for Amelia to hear her.
"Ug, not a news interruption!" I belted.
The news reporter popped up in the middle of the TV. She spoke, saying, "Sorry for the inturruption, folks, but there's mysteriously been some zombies roming around the Sleepy Hollow, NY area. I highly suggest that if anyone who is watching this and lives in that area should take cover this instent."
Amelia lowered the volume. She looked to her left, at me, then to her right, at Sara. We all exchanged scared, frightened, and nervous looks.
If there was a zombie apocalypse, which I dought, what would happen? What could happen?
"See, this is why I hate zombie movies, because they always make you scared and make stupid things up and,"
"Sara, this isn't fake, at least I don't think," Sara and Amelia broke the silence.
"It has to be fake, zombies aren't real," Sara stated.
"Well, even if it is fake, we need to make a plan," I told them.
"Like what?" Amelia asked.
"I don't know, like what we're gonna do when the zombies try to attack us," I told her.
"Well, while you guys do that, I'll be making some more popcorn." Sara got up and walked towards the mini kitchen in Amelia's attic.


"Sara, c'mon. If this is true, which there's a fifty percent chance that it is very true, and we need to plan," I yanked the popcorn out of her hand and brought her to the couch to sit down.
"Okay, what are we going to plan?" Sara sat down and asked us.
"Well, we should get a bunch of food, you know, stock up," Amelia said.
"At cTown," Sara added in.
"Anyway, we should get some canoes and kayaks from the beach club," Amelia said.
"Yeah, three canoes or kayaks, one for supplies, one for food, and one for us," I told them.
"Or, instead, we should bring our pets. Then, each of us could go in one canoe or kayak. But Sara cannot go in the food canoe," Amelia said.
I laughed, as Sara asked, "How come?"
"Because we'll have no food left," I told Sara as she took out a pepperoni stick.
"Save that for the boat!" yelled Amelia.
"Ug," Sara complained. "why do these stupid zombies have to exist!"
"Sara, c'mon. This is kinda serious. But then again, who takes zombies serious?" I asked Amelia.
"When they're eating you and you don't have a plan," Amelia responded.
We finally finished talking about our excellent plan.
We'll go to cTown, then head to the beach club for canoes and kayaks. We'll set sail and zombies can't swim!
Our plan is perfect. We'll definetly survive. But what about Grace? And Natalie, and Julia?
"Guys, we should call the girls," I told them, both Sara and Amelia agreeing.
"You call Julia," Amelia said pointing to me. "you call Grace. I'll call Natalie,"
We did as told.
"Julia's not answering," I said.
"Neither is Natalie." Amelia said.
"Whatever. Let's just do our plan now," said Sara.
So, all three of us left for cTown, up the street from Amelia's house, also, the main part of our plan.


"How much food do we need?" Amelia asked Sara and I.
I was thinking maybe all three of us should grab as many things we want.
"I'm thinking like a whole canoe full of food, or maybe two," Sara shared with us.
"I don't know, Sara. Maybe three quarters of the canoe, so that one of us could fit inside," Amelia explained.
"Let's just grab what we want, and then we'll meet up near the entrance," I said to both of them, as we discovered we were the only ones in the grocery market.
We all split and went into seperate aisles.
I went into one aisle, but then realized that all our friends could die. I needed to call them and tell them to come.
"Amelia! Sara!" I screamed. They both came running towards me instantly.
"What?" Sara asked, sounded tired.
"We need to call everyone, they could die," I told them.
"Oh, you're right. You guys brought your phones, right?" Amelia asked us, as we nodded our heads. "Great. Call 'em."
So, we did as told, once again.
And, the people we called did as told, too, because all of them came to cTown.
Sophia, Grace, Tess, and Kate, but not Julia or Natalie, or Andrea. For some reason, they weren't answering. Neither was Courtney.
"Okay, guys, grab the food you want to survive," Sara explained to all of them.
Once again, we all split into different aisles. However, I did see someone in the same aisle as me. There was only nine aisles, and seven of us.
Time flew as my cart was full. I went to the entrance.
Surprisingly, Amelia, Grace, Sophia, Tess, and Kate were already there. However, Sara? Still looking for food.
Eventually, Sara was finished. She came towards us, all of us facing her. Sara facing the door leading to outside.
"You finally finished!" joked Tess.
"Yeah, you took forever! And look how much food you've got!" Kate kidded.
Sara started laughing a little, then looked through the door. The small small tranformed into a horrified expression.
"Sara?" I asked her, checking if she was alright.
"Ahh!" screamed Sara, "Natalie's a zombie!?"


For a second, all of us thought Sara was crazy. But, then we realized that Sara would never lie about something like that. Slowly, we all turned out heads to look behind us.
I caught a glimpse of of Natalie as a zombie in the distance.
Then, she got closer, and closer, and Sara wasn't lying.
It was scary, and to make it worse, a crowd of zombies followed Natalie.
All of us freaked, except for 2. Amelia and I. Sara was somewhere in between freaking and knowing she needed to think quick.
Sophia, on the other hand, flipped. Screamed. Cried. However, she could still text all her contacts to come to cTown.
Slowly, as the zombies got closer to us, Sophia's contacts showed up. However, time was running out. I needed to make a decision, run, fight, or die.
Running seemed like a good option.
But I couldn't leave all my friends.
Slowly and cautiously, I pulled out my hand gun.
Aiming a zombie, I thought hard about doing this.
The crowd of Sophia's contacts quickly now came. Graham ran right towards Sophia, to comfort her. Tell her it's alright. But that was a lie.
I chose to shoot.
Firing the gun at the zombie, I realized who it was.
It was Jasmine, my best friend.
I had to. She was already dead, I had to face it. If I didn't do it, then I would be dead.
"Olivia, Amelia!" recognizing Sara's scared voice, I looked behind me to see she was about to be attacked by what is now Julia. Did Julia not recognized Sara? They're best friends!
"I'll be right there," I yelled back.
She heard me.
Firing quickly, I heard a scream.
I was already running towards Sara when I turned around. I wish I hadn't.
Tears rolled down my cheeks, and I knew this isn't going to be the only time I cry today.


I had shot Cyrus, by accident.
Cyrus and I don't completely get along, but I swear, I would never meaningly shoot him.
"Cyrus!!! You don't know how incredibly sorry I am!!" I screamed, sounding like some three-year old whining.
I watched him fall, blood streaming out.
I couldn't do anything to stop him die, though. 1. I shot his chest 2. You usually can't survive that. 3. He's surrounded by zombies, so if I tried, I

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