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started, who would like to ,go first?" I raised my hand and noticed I was the only one with my hand up. "Sally, go ahead."

I hesitated for a second, "I'm, well going through a tough patch. A few years ago my mom died, and I did some things that I do not speak of. Then a few months later I was pregnant. I had... I had the most beautiful girl you could ever imagine. Today is... Her second birthday. And I wanted a house for her so I left her with my dad and drove over to the house. I bought the house and when I came home-when I came home she was lying dead on the couch with her body twisted up in weird angles. And then my dad told me I was a spy, he was a spy, my mom was a spy. That I belonged to this organization called Awesome Society of Good, and that I was supposed to be the leader."

Julie hesitated for a second then pulled me aside. "I'm sorry Sally, but I'm going to have to give you a test to make sure you aren't drunk and to make sure you don't need to go to a mental hospital." I nodded my agreement. She called out to the rest of the group, "I'm going to be right back, alright?" She focused her attention back on me again and asked me a lot of questions and had me walk in a straight line. After a while it was proven clear that I wasn't on drugs and that I wasn't drunk. Then she had to make me take a mental test. I failed.

"Sally, I'm so sorry but I have to call your father and then drive you over to the Mental Hospital, I'm so sorry, Sally." She called my dad and left a message explaining everything. "Ok, Sally let’s go. I've already found someone to take care of the session." I got into her care and we drove over to Sagewood Hospital. There I was admitted and taken into my room.

My room was red, Marie's favorite color. The bed was like any normal hospital bed. The nurses crowded around me, lifting me into the bed and then hooking me up with all of this electronic stuff. After a few hours they all left but one nurse. "My name is Monica and I'm going to take care of you during your stay here, Sally." I nodded relieved to have everything that happened be lifted of my shoulders. Julie waved goodbye. I asked if Monica could call my dad and tell him not to come. I didn't want anyone here. I just wanted to relax. Next I asked if she could close the door, it was really bothering me that everyone passing by kept looking in my room. Then I turned the tv onto my favorite show, America’s Got Talent. Monica pulled up a chair and watched with me. At ten she insisted I go to bed, so I got up to dim the lights and Monica gasped. "Sally you aren't supposed to get out of bed!" I stood there frozen in place until Monica coaxed me back in bed. She dimmed the lights for me. "Monica, are you here like 24/7?" She nodded her head. I was amazed, how could she be so nice and almost never leave the hospital?



In the morning I felt terrible, like I was sick, but worse. I told Monica how I felt and she called in a doctor. He looked at me for a long time and then said, "You might have cancer." I nodded, not really shocked. "I'll call your dad and then start the operation." He called my dad and left a message. Then he took me into a different room. Monica was left behind. "Are you ready to start?" I shook my head, "I need Monica!" He called her down. Monica stood beside me and held my hand and then operation started.

When I woke up I was told I didn’t have cancer but my body was shutting down for some reason. They didn’t think I was sick but that I was probably just suffering major depression. Monica took me back into the room and I started to cry. “Sally, are you ok?” Monica looked at me with great concern.

“No, I’m not ok. I’ve never been wanted, or loved. Even though no one loved me I loved my mom. And she died. I had a baby girl. She was the only person who ever loved me, and she died. My dad’s a spy and I'm supposed to be the leader of an organization for spies. And I’m put into a mental hospital to top it all off.”

Monica looked at me then walked out of the room. She returned with a knife and handed it to me. “Just in case,” she said with a wink. I was shocked she thought that I needed this. And that she gave it to me. I mean, I’m in a MENTAL HOSPITAL for crying out loud, you’re not supposed to go around giving a  MAJORLY depressed girl a knife!

The next morning Monica left to get me breakfast when a small girl came into my room. She looked around then gazed at me sweetly. “Sally Slythe? I have something for you.” I nodded and whoa, the girl took a gun out of her pocket and tried to shoot me!!!!! So of course I did what a normal person would do, scream your freaking head off. But of course then the girl just throws a knife at you and leaves! And just like in the movies someone saved me by catching the knife mid air and hurling it to the ground. Like this is insane people, this doesn’t just happen. I look at my savior, Monica. She turns on me, suddenly angry,”Why didn’t you use the knife I gave you?”  I was dumbstruck, I almost got killed and she was yelling at me. “Did you not see that a freaking 9 year old came into my room whipped out a gun tried to shoot me then threw a knife at me to kill me?!?!?! I don’t know what you would have done but I was frozen in terror as a little girl tried to kill me!”

   Monica rolled her eyes and then herded me out of the room, “Come on we have to get to the base before they send out others.”


“Hurry Sally, the two year olds won’t slow down for an ice cream!”

  Sally looked at me, “Well I’m sorry, I haven’t had food for two days!!!”

I rolled my eyes. Just like her to exaggerate. “First of all ice cream doesn’t qualify as food, second you ate last night, and third I didn’t get you breakfast because I was saving your life!” Sally just shrugged and continued eating her ice cream. I sped up the pace looking for any cute kids. “Sally, there’s a cute 4 year old!”

   She looked behind her and her mouth dropped open. “That boy is the cutest toddler I have ever seen!!!!! He couldn’t hurt us, he’s too cute!”

   “He could hurt us very easily, and kill us even easier. His name is Sebastian Price, a top agent of ERI.” I thought back to when he was a baby and killed one of my partners. “He’s nasty business, Sally. You don’t want to be up close to him.”

Dumbstruck Sally looked at me and then at the toddler. “Come on, let’s go for a little run, shall we?” And with that I took of running. Sally quickly caught up. I ran until I saw the familiar GOLD’S PLACE sign. Smiling I opened the door and gestured for Sally to walk in.  She walked in and gasped, “This place, this is amazing! Is this where you live?”

  I nodded. “Welcome to the Protectors! We are a group of highly trained spies from ASOG. We have a leader, but mostly all our orders come from higher up spies in the network. Our mission is to protect you from ERI so that ASOG can have a leader once more!” I watched as she struggled to take it all in.

“So I’m not mental all this spy stuff really does exist!” I smiled as she beamed like she won a million dollars. “But is your name really Monica?”

 I sighed, “My name is Monica, but everyone calls me Boss except my closest friends.”

“Oh, ok….. Boss.” I rolled my eyes for probably the sixtieth time today, “You should not be calling me Boss, I should be calling you Boss.”

Sally looked taken aback, “Why would you call me Boss?” Seriously, this girl really exceeded her blonde stupidity. I mean, how many times will I have to explain things that should be totally obvious to her?

  “Because you’re the leader of ASOG! Which reminds me, I have to contact Protectors and ASOG of your arrival.” I ran off into the contact room but I could still hear Sally behind, “My arrival? Am I some sort of package?” I faintly snorted and went to work calling an all spy meeting. “This is Boss with an C-14937. Calling an all spy meeting.” I returned to the hallway to see Sally wandering around like a lost puppy. “Come on, I’ll show you to your rooms. The others will be here in half an hour.” I led her to the empty wing saved for guests. “Here are your rooms. If you need anything just message me.” I watched as Sally gaped at he monstrous space and beautiful furniture. When I told her rooms, I literally meant ROOMS. Then, I walked out of Sally’s wing and got ready for the meeting.

In my own private wing, I selected some of my low-toned makeup and began brushing it on. After I had finished makeup, I quickly brushed through my glossy black hair and smiled in the mirror to check my teeth.

Could definitely use some whitening, I thought to myself. Hurrying to my extensive wardrobe I picked out my favorite suit. A hot pink, smart suit that was perfect for combat because it was flexible, bulletproof, and fireproof. I changed as fast as I could and then exited my wing and headed toward the meeting room. I was surprised to see Sally already sitting at the conference table with a few other hundred spies. I had figured she would still be in shock or exploring her wing. I know for sure it took me at least and hour to fully explore my wing when it was first shown to me. I’m pretty sure she will turn out to be a good leader. I took my place at the head of the gigantic table and surveyed who was already here. Not that many, less than a thousand spies were here. Glancing at my watch I saw I was 17 minutes ahead of schedule. Setting my jaw I waited for the rest of the societies to show up.

It wasn’t until 15 past 5:00 that the last of the agents trickled in. I sighed. Finally, I thought.

I banged my fist on the table.

“Everyone, listen up! This is going to be a civilized meeting, unlike the others,” Sally glanced at me nervously, “That means no arguing, interrupting, or shouting!” I shouted. “Ok now I have some very exciting, life changing news. Sally is here.” Several people looked around while others just smiled their face off. We have been waiting years for this and all but do you have to smile very idiotically and not stop smiling to talk? I mean the dumb people look like they just came out of a  stupid Mickey Mouse® cartoon!

     I motioned for Sally to talk as she stood up, “It is true, my dear Monica,” I winced as she said my dear Monica, I am not hers, I’m not dear, and I’m not Monica- I’m Boss, “saved me from

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