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GNU/Linux AI & Alife HOWTO


by John Eikenberry

v2.3, 21 Aug 2006

This howto mainly contains information about, and links to, various AI

related software libraries, applications, etc. that work on the

GNU/Linux platform. All of it is (at least) free for personal use. The

new master page for this document is


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 What’s New 1.3 Where to find this software 1.4 Updates and comments

1.5 Copyright/License

2. Traditional Artificial Intelligence

2.1 AI class/code libraries


2.2 AI software kits, applications, etc.

3. Connectionism

3.1 Connectionist class/code libraries


3.2 Connectionist software kits/applications

4. Evolutionary Computing

4.1 EC class/code libraries


4.2 EC software kits/applications


5. Alife & Complex Systems


5.1 Alife & CS class/code libraries


5.2 Alife & CS software kits, applications, etc.

6. Agents 7. Programming languages

8. Missing & Dead


8.1 MIA - Projects missing linkage.


8.2 Dead projects.


1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose


The GNU/Linux OS has evolved from its origins in hackerdom to a full

blown UNIX, capable of rivaling any commercial UNIX. It now provides

an inexpensive base to build a great workstation. It has shed its

hardware dependencies, having been ported to DEC Alphas, Sparcs,

PowerPCs, and many others. This potential speed boost along with its

networking support will make it great for workstation clusters. As a

workstation it allows for all sorts of research and development,

including artificial intelligence and artificial life.


The purpose of this Howto is to provide a source to find out about

various software packages, code libraries, and anything else that will

help someone get started working with (and find resources for)

artificial intelligence, artificial life, etc. All done with

GNU/Linux specifically in mind.


1.2. What’s New


οΏ½ v2.3 -


New entries: β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,

and β€œβ€.


Updated information for some entries including β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,

β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€ and others.


I also changed the MIA section to β€œβ€ which now groups into

subsections entries with bad links that I can’t find replacements

for and long dead projects.


οΏ½ v2.2 -


Fixed a some bad links and was forced to move a few entries into

the MIA (missing) section. I also removed one duplicate entry.


New entries: β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€ and β€œβ€.


οΏ½ v2.1 -


New entries: β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,

β€œβ€ and β€œβ€


οΏ½ v2.0 - Ran linkchecker and for any bad links I either found a new

link or removed the item. See the new section MIA for a list of the

removed entries (please let me know if you know of a new home for



New entries: β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, and



οΏ½ v1.9 - One new entry (β€œβ€) and fixed the link below to the dynamic

list (now defunct).


οΏ½ v1.8 - Cleaned up bad links, finding new ones where possible and

eliminating those that seem to have disappeared. Quite a few new

entries as well.


New entries: β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€,

β€œβ€, β€œβ€, and β€œβ€


οΏ½ v1.7 - Another 9 new entries, a bunch of links fixed, and a few

items removed that have vanished from the net.


New entries: β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, β€œβ€, and

β€œUTCS Neural Nets Research Group Software”


οΏ½ v1.6 - 9 new entries, a couple link fixes and one duplicate item



οΏ½ v1.5 - 26 new entries plus a couple link fixes.


οΏ½ v1.4 - 10 new updates and fixed some lisp-related links.


οΏ½ v1.3 - Putting a dent in the backlog, I added 30+ new entries today

and submitted it to the LDP.


οΏ½ Previous records were in a mixed format with site updates. See the

old notes section of the master site for them.


1.3. Where to find this software


All this software should be available via the net (ftp || http). The

links to where to find it will be provided in the description of each

package. There will also be plenty of software not covered on these

pages (which is usually platform independent) located on one of the

resources listed on the links section of the Master Site (given



1.4. Updates and comments


If you find any mistakes, know of updates to one of the items below,

or have problems compiling any of the applications, please mail me at: and I’ll see what I can do.


If you know of any AI/Alife applications, class libraries, etc. Please

email me about them. Include your name, ftp and/or http sites where

they can be found, plus a brief overview/commentary on the software

(this info would make things a lot easier on me… but don’t feel

obligated ;).


I know that keeping this list up to date and expanding it will take

quite a bit of work. So please be patient (I do have other projects).

I hope you will find this document helpful.


1.5. Copyright/License


Copyright (c) 1996-2006 John A. Eikenberry




This document may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part,

in any medium physical or electronic, provided that this license

notice is displayed in the reproduction. Commercial redistribution is

permitted and encouraged. Thirty days advance notice, via email to the

author, of redistribution is appreciated, to give the authors time to

provide updated documents.




All modified documents, including translations, anthologies, and

partial documents, must meet the following requirements:


οΏ½ The modified version must be labeled as such.


οΏ½ The person making the modifications must be identified.


οΏ½ Acknowledgement of the original author must be retained.


οΏ½ The location of the original unmodified document be identified.


οΏ½ The original author’s name(s) may not be used to assert or imply

endorsement of the resulting document without the original author’s



In addition it is requested (not required) that:


οΏ½ The modifications (including deletions) be noted.


οΏ½ The author be notified by email of the modification in advance of

redistribution, if an email address is provided in the document.


As a special exception, anthologies of LDP documents may include a

single copy of these license terms in a conspicuous location within

the anthology and replace other copies of this license with a

reference to the single copy of the license without the document being

considered β€œmodified” for the purposes of this section.


Mere aggregation of LDP documents with other documents or programs on

the same media shall not cause this license to apply to those other



All translations, derivative documents, or modified documents that

incorporate this document may not have more restrictive license terms

than these, except that you may require distributors to make the

resulting document available in source format.

2. Traditional Artificial Intelligence

Traditional AI is based around the ideas of logic, rule systems,

linguistics, and the concept of rationality. At its roots are

programming languages such as Lisp and Prolog. Expert systems are the

largest successful example of this paradigm. An expert system

consists of a detailed knowledge base and a complex rule system to

utilize it. Such systems have been used for such things as medical

diagnosis support and credit checking systems.


2.1. AI class/code libraries


These are libraries of code or classes for use in programming within

the artificial intelligence field. They are not meant as stand alone

applications, but rather as tools for building your own applications.




οΏ½ Web site:


ACL2 (A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp) is a

theorem prover for industrial applications. It is both a

mathematical logic and a system of tools for constructing proofs

in the logic. ACL2 works with GCL (GNU Common Lisp).


AI Kernel


οΏ½ Web site:


οΏ½ Sourceforge site:


The AI Kernel is a re-usable artificial intelligence engine that

uses natural language processing and an Activator / Context

model to allow multi tasking between installed cells.


AI Search II


οΏ½ WEB site:


Basically, the library offers the programmer a set of search

algorithms that may be used to solve all kind of different

problems. The idea is that when developing problem solving

software the programmer should be able to concentrate on the

representation of the problem to be solved and should not need

to bother with the implementation of the search algorithm that

will be used to actually conduct the search. This idea has been

realized by the implementation of a set of search classes that

may be incorporated in other software through C++β€˜s features of

derivation and inheritance. The following search algorithms

have been implemented:


οΏ½ depth-first tree and graph search.


οΏ½ breadth-first tree and graph search.


οΏ½ uniform-cost tree and graph search.


οΏ½ best-first search.


οΏ½ bidirectional depth-first tree and graph search.


οΏ½ bidirectional breadth-first tree and graph search.


οΏ½ AND/OR depth tree search.


οΏ½ AND/OR breadth tree search.


This library has a corresponding book, β€œObject-Oriented

Artificial Instelligence, Using C++”.




οΏ½ Web site:


This document provides reference information on A Learning

Engine for Proposing Hypotheses (Aleph). Aleph is an Inductive

Logic Programming (ILP) system. Aleph is intended to be a

prototype for exploring ideas. Aleph is an ILP algorithm

implemented in Prolog by Dr Ashwin Srinivasan at the Oxford

University Computing Laboratory, and is written specifically for

compilation with the YAP Prolog compiler


Chess In Lisp (CIL)


οΏ½ Web site: *found as part of the CLOCC archive at:


The CIL (Chess In Lisp) foundation is a Common Lisp

implementaion of all the core functions needed for development

of chess applications. The main purpose of the CIL project is

to get AI researchers interested in using Lisp to work in the

chess domain.




οΏ½ Web site:


A library for the Python programming language that provides an

object oriented interface to the CLIPS expert system tool. It

includes an interface to COOL (CLIPS Object Oriented Language)

that allows:


οΏ½ Investigate COOL classes


οΏ½ Create and manipulate with COOL instances


οΏ½ Manipulate with COOL message-handler’s


οΏ½ Manipulate with Modules




οΏ½ Web site:


The Free Fuzzy Logic Library (FFLL) is an open source fuzzy

logic class library and API that is optimized for speed critical

applications, such as video games. FFLL is able to load files

that adhere to the IEC 61131-7 standard.


Fuzzy sets for Ada


οΏ½ Web site:


οΏ½ Freshmeat:


Fuzzy sets for Ada is a library providing implementations of

confidence factors with the operations not, and, or, xor, +, and

*, classical fuzzy sets with the set-theoretic operations and

the operations of the possibility theory, intuitionistic fuzzy

sets with the operations on them, fuzzy logic based on the

intuitionistic fuzzy sets and the possibility theory; fuzzy

numbers, both integer and floating-point with conventional

arithmetical operations, and linguistic variables and sets of

linguistic variables with operations on them. String-oriented

I/O is supported.




οΏ½ Web site:


The Hidden Markov Model

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