Dear you by Bridget Kathleen (inspiring books for teens .txt) π

Evelyn and Bianca become close to those around them, especially Evelyn who has her eyes set on someone who reminds her of somebody very special to her.
Will she be able to stay in that time or be forced to go back and say goodbye a second time to a man she loves?
This story is finished!
(this story is based off of the REAL strike and the REAL newsies. This is NOT based on the movie. There will be no Jack Kelly, Davy or les, ect. I am only using REAL people for this story)
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- Author: Bridget Kathleen
Read book online Β«Dear you by Bridget Kathleen (inspiring books for teens .txt) πΒ». Author - Bridget Kathleen
Evelyn Kathleen Connealy walked into her high school early in the morning. The sun was beating down on her back as she walked into the front doors. She yawned and tucked back parts of her long auburn hair behind her ears, now showing the freckles on her pale face. Her hair shown a glowing red-gold when the sun hit and it bounced with every step she took, the curls bobbing up and down by her tiny waist. Evelyn was a small sixteen year-old girl who looked like she was fourteen. Her skin was a fair white and smooth. She was a Sophomore and was right in the middle of the year and wanting it to end already. As she walked up to her locker, she struggled for a few seconds to open her locker and finally it flung open, just like it had always done. She heard a chuckle behind her and she spun around fast, ready to poke the persons eye out with her pin that hooked on to her note book, but Evelyn thought otherwise as she saw her boy friend, Scott, standing behind her. Who would want to damage those pretty dark green eyes? Evelyn stared up at him with her bright, fiery golden brown orbs. "What's so funny?" she asked.
"Nothin'. You just always have trouble with that locker and it's funny to watch you try to open it." he joked around with her. Scott was a year older and a Jr. He was tall for his age and lightly tanned skin. His hair was dirty blonde and his bangs hung by the side of his face, taking shape of a heart at the top of his forehead. Evelyn sighed and turned around, putting some of her books into her locker. After that she slammed her locker door shut and turned back around. "If it wasn't for that ghetto locker it make my morning better." she told Scott. As they started to walk to class, Scott took Evelyn's hands in his. "So seeing me in the morning doesn't cheer you up?" he teased her. Evelyn nudged him playfully in the side while walking down the hall. "Of course it makes my morning. It makes my day!" the two laughed and stopped in front of a door. "Looks like this is where I leave you," said Scott. "See you later." he gave her a quick kiss on the lips and was off to his first class.
Evelyn watched him for a few seconds before turning into class. Evelyn sat there, not really paying any attention to her teacher and glanced up at the clock. The class was half over. She rolled her eyes. The mornings were always so slow for her. She looked over to her friend, Bianca who sat right across from her and decided to pass her a note. On it she wrote: Could this morning get even worse? She passed the note carefully to her friend. When Bianca read it she smiled. Bianca was seventeen, older than Evelyn, but only by a few months. Her body though was more eye-candy towards the boys though and had a booty every girl wanted. She was well endowed and her long blonde hair was always nice and straight and perfectly even. Bianca wrote back: I doubt it, and passed it back to Evelyn. They continued this until they were almost caught and the teacher gave them both a stern look as in, continue this and I'll make you read it to the class sort of look. A few minutes passed and Evelyn quietly got up and grabbed a bathroom pass off of the teacher desk and walked out of the room. On her way to the bathroom she heard the other voices of the teachers lecturing. It was almost a humming sound. When she got to the restroom she realized that she didn't have to go as badly as she thought and was quickly done. She walked over to the sink and washed her hands with lots of soap. So much soap she blew some of the bubbles on to the mirror in front of her. She then finished washing her hands and while drying her hands off, heard a loud bang from within the school.
In seconds she heard students screaming and loud running footsteps going to the hall. Was that a gunshot, she thought to herself. Her heart started to beat. Where did the shot come from? Her class room? Scott's class room? She didn't know. She could hardly think. She forgot about drying the rest of her hands and poked her head out the door. The sounds of screams echoed halls. She turned her head to the right and saw more kids running down another hall. Evelyn ran down the hall and past Scott's room and saw that no one was in there. She then ran to her class and it was the same thing. It was the same for every room. Suddenly a hand reached out to her shoulder. She screamed and but was quietly hushed. "Shhh! It's only me." whispered Scott. Evelyn turned around and flung her arms around Scott. "What's going on?" she said into his neck. Scott pushed her back some and looked her in the eyes. "A shooting, Evelyn. It's a shooting and we need to get the hell out of here." Evelyn wanted to play dumb, as if she did not understand the concept, but she could not escape the reality. Scott took a strong hold of her hand and pulled her right along behind him. "Where is Bianca?" Evelyn asked. Without looking back at her, Scott said, "I haven't seen her yet. Sorry." Suddenly Scott stopped running and got back behind the wall, making Evelyn bump into him a little. "What's wrong?" she asked him. Scott put a finger to his mouth. "Who is it?" she mouthed. Scott just shook his head. The two found themselves in a tight situation. The way out was being blocked by the person who started the whole thing. Scott wasn't about ready to tell Evelyn that though. He then whispered into her ear. "When I say run, you run. Don't look back! Keep running until you find the first room farthest away from that side of the hallway." he pointed towards the hall where the person stood. Evelyn nodded. Understanding. "Go!" he told her. They then began running and did not stop nor did they look back. Evelyn kept moving with Scott right behind her. A gun shot was then sounded and a loud moan came from behind Evelyn. Even though Scott told her not to look back she did and saw Scott laying the stone floor. "SCOTT!" she screamed. Scott looked up at her and yelled at her to run. Evelyn shook her head and ran over to him and quickly picked him up with one arm over shoulders. She went to the nearest room and quickly opened it. When they were inside, Evelyn quickly shoved and piled desks onto each other in front of the door. Just then, the person who was after them in the hallway tried to break in. Evelyn's heart would not stop racing.
Finally the pounding stopped the person left. Evelyn fell to her knees and crawled over to Scott who was leaning up against the teachers desk, holding on to his side. "Scott!" Evelyn finished crawling towards him and noticed that he was bleeding on his side. "Oh my God! We have to get you out of here, Scott!" Scott shook his head. "No. It's too dangerous out there. Besides...I'm sure someone...will be here to rescue us soon...Just you wait. Ok?" Evelyn slipped off her white sweater and pressed it against Scott's bloodied up side for pressure. She had learned this from a "survival class" that was for one day. She never thought she'd have to need it so soon. Evelyn started to tear up. Her lips curving under and her eyebrows frowned. "Don't give me that look." Scott said with half a smile. Evelyn shook her head. She let out a sobbing noise and few tears ran down her face. "I'm scared, Scott. Really scared." Scott lifted his hand up to her face and brushed back some of her hair so he could get a better look at her pretty face. "Awh. Doll face. Everythingβs going to be fine...You'll see." he then winced pain and dropped his hand to his side. "No, Scott. I'm worried about you! You are not find! You need medical help right now!" she told him. Scott only shook his head in reply. He looked sleepy. A loud crashing sound sounded outside in the halls. "See?" said Scott. "I betcha those are the cops right now." he smiled weakly. He then struggled to lift his hand again and pressed it up against Evelyn's face and brought her close to him and kissed her softly.
Evelyn sat next to him and put her arm over on to his other side to apply pressure on his wound. She then rested her head on Scott's shoulder and soon felt him rest his head on top of hers. A few minutes passed and Evelyn heard a loud banging on the door. Her heart started to race as she looked up at the door. There was a group of men standing outside the door and within a few more seconds they had the door open, desks tumbling down and landing at Evenlyn's feet. Indeed it was the cops. They were well dressed and every single gear that they could own on them. One started to pick up Evelyn. Her side leaving Scott's. She watched as he fell over to where she was sitting. She let out a scream and started to resist the cop who had picked her up. "SCOTT! NO! DON'T! YOU CAN'T LEAVE HIM! SCOTT!" she kicked and screamed and hit on the cops chest but it was useless. He was far stronger than she. Another cop knelt down beside Scott and placed two fingers on Scott's neck. "This kid is gone. Someone pick him up." he ordered the last surrounding cops. Hearing this, Evelyn screamed even more. Tears running down her face uncontrollably. She continued to kick and scream as the cop led her outside. Her mind was going fuzzy and her head felt heavy. Finally she passed out.
A few days passed and the school was still closed. She didn't know when it open again and didn't care if it ever did. Scott was dead. She looked outside her window was the rain started to come down harder. The moon was nowhere in sight and no stars where in sight either. It was a dull night. Evelyn sat her window, watching the rain drops splatter on the window. They fell just as easily as her tears. She bother to wipe them away. She was tired of doing it. There was no point of doing so until she stopped crying and she didn't know when that would be. She then broke away from her trance of staring out the window when her phone started to ring. It was Bianca. Bianca had safely made it out with not a scratch on her. In fact, she was one of the first ones out. "...Hello?" Evelyn slowly answered. "OH THANK GOD! Your still alive!" Bianca joked through the phone but Evelyn didn't laugh. "How are you holding up?" Bianca asked on a more serious note. For a while Evelyn said nothing so Bianca spoke again. "I've been trying to get a hold of you since the accident. I heard about Scott. I'm so sorry, Evelyn." Evelyn continued to say nothing. "Listen, Evelyn, if you ever want to-" Bianca was then cut off
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