Found myself in chains of Love by Hannah S. (easy readers TXT) đź“•

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- Author: Hannah S.
Read book online «Found myself in chains of Love by Hannah S. (easy readers TXT) 📕». Author - Hannah S.
“Ugghhh.” I tried to turned over, “owwwww.” My head was throbbing, and that’s not an exateration, it seriously hurt! I tried to get up but my body wouldn’t let me. “Ughhh…” That’s all I could manage out. My mind was screaming but my lips thought otherwise. “At least I’m alive. I think.” Wow even my mind doesn’t know where I am. Just then I heard faint voices, I could hear some of the words but I couldn’t make out any of the sentences. “…”
That’s when I stopped listing at the words home. Home….Home… Now I noticed I’m not home, I now noticed that this is not my bed, I now noticed that I have spots of blood on me, I now noticed that there are no loud noises like at home, I now noticed that I’m all alone now. The noises left, my thoughts stopped racing, and my soul left me… The only thing still working is my heart I know that because it is pounding so hard! Even though its not a huge heart full of love, it’s still pumpping blood through me. But I’m scared. But how? I’ve never been scared in my whole life! Why now? My heart rate is picking up speed and before I knew it, I was...dead. Or at least I thought I was. Well okay, I was dead a second or a minute, no I think it was maybe an hour or two, but now I’m alive. But I’m dead. Well I’m dead on the inside. But after seven years, I was loved again. It was hard because of that...that…,that memory. That memory was about nine years ago, that was my first love, unfortunatly, well let’s just say he wasn’t exactly the “good” type of guy. He got me in a lot of trouble, actually LOADS of trouble, and he also got me killed. But thank goodness this random guy came and rescued me, (I don’t even remeber his name) then he shot the two voices I heard tallking outside and then, well my first and last love. At least I thought it was my last love, but I thought wrong. Okay before we get into so much of this period of time, let me tell you when this “love” thing started while I try to get out of wherever I am at.
Chapter 2-
“Hay Tiff! Wait up!” Janie ran up to me. “You shouldn’t make me run to you after I just had cheerleeding practice, I didn’t stick my landing perfectly, so coach made me run laps after practice.” (As you can see, she talks a LOT!) “Mhmmmh ya…. How fun.” The truth was that I wasn’t listing to her. If you had a friend that talked a lot just tune her out because it’s most likley that she is going to say some pretty weird stuff that you won’t want to hear like, “There are rumors about Jack and Jill kissing! And umm.. like did you see what Shalie was wearing! OMFG that was terrible….” And so on. But the last part was a little funny, but it’s mostly like the first thing she said. Hey! She’s a cheerleader, what do you expect. After a few seconds of walking in the halls one of the football players whistled, “oh my god! That is sooooooooo annoying. Even though I know they aren’t doing it to me, but to Janie, it’s still so annoying.” But as always Jamie is boy crazy, she waves and does a backflip. “Ugghh show off. I can’t even do a summersault.” But I kept on walking like I didn’t care, but I did. She is better than me at like everything, except at school. But then she did the splits. But I grabbed her of the floor and growled in her ear, “Get up and let’s go!” She did as I said and waved to the football players one more time then turned the corner to meet me. “You are so boy crazy!” I said as soon as she approached me. “And that’s a problem?” She asked, “Well yes, and you’re a show off!!” I pressed back. “Well it’s not a problem for me or anyone else here. Is it? Hmmmmm, Hmmmm?” She got really close to my face that I could smell her Cherry bubblegum. Since I couldn’t find anything else to say to her because I knew that she was right, I turned away and walked all the way home. I walked beacuse I usually ride with Janie in her Ferrari.
Chapter 3-When I got home of course it was soooo loud! There was a lot of screaming, crying, fighting, and some eating also. But it all stopped when I walked in. This always happens I don’t know why. But if you were wondering there were no boys, just girls. Yes, girls. I’m at a home for troubled girls. But the weird thing is that I’m not troubled or mean or anything. You could say that I’m the “perfect” daughter that everyone wants, I do everything that they tell me, I clean a lot, but still I’m at the house for troubled foster girls. My parents gave me up because they said that they didn’t need any children. They abused me because I was crying for them, they didn’t feed me very well, I always had to wear the same clothes everyday. And we weren't poor we were the exact opposite! I know right, awful, horrible. I know you feel bad for me, but don’t, there is no need to. So now you know why I always clean and gets good grades to impress my parents. But now I don’t have any. “Um...Hi?” Whenever they stare at me like that I kind of get a little nervous. When they didn’t say anything back, I slowly started for the stairs. The creepy part was that their eyes followed me but their bodies stayed put. As soon as I got to my room all the commotion started up again. What is with these girls? Oh well I guess I’ll never know because I heard the best news ever! I’m finally being adopted, yeah it’s kind of weird for someone to want a daughter that came from the troubled girls foster home. Oh well that doesn’t matter to me anymore! “Do you have to go?” Someone asked me. I turned around to be standing with Kiera. “Awww.” I really felt bad for her, I was her only friend, because she was a huge bully and she wouldn’t stop until they kicked her out, then she had a huge attitude with her parents, and her parents took her here, and now she’s the one that’s getting bullied and now she’s gone soft. “Yes I have to leave. This is my dream to be with a family that will love me no matter what.” I felt soooo bad for Kiera. “But will you love me no matter what?” She asks so many questions but I still love her. “Of course I will still love you no matter what, Kiera.” I knelt down on my knees as I said this. Then I hugged her and she started crying, like I said she is now a softy. “Oh don’t cry! It’s all going to be okay, I will come and visit you, and maybe when I grow up and you don’t have a family still, I will adopt you okay?” Man I hate lying to her. When I grow up I’m probably not going to adopt her, she seems like a little… much. “Hey! Wanna help me with packing my bags?” As soon as I finished saying that she shot straight to our (we share a room with each other) closet while I got the bags. “Alright! Let’s get packing!!!!!!”
Chapter 4-After Keira and I were done packing the dinner bell rang. But I got called up to Ms. Lana's office.
*Knock Knock*
"Come in!" Said a cheerful voice from the other side of the door. But I know it's fake, just like the rest of her. When I opened the door I saw what she was wearing, and omg! For not being a big fashoin person, I knew this outfit was absolute HIDEOUS!!!! I almost gaged as I walked in. She was wearing a pink wool pantsuit with a huge brown beehive!
"Oh god! Shoot! Did I just say that aloud! Frick!"
"Uh..," Ms. Lana looked a bit flustered. "Oh.. Uh.... oh.... ummmmmm...... Tiffiany!! Hi! Here are your ummmm...... Foster parents!!" She pointed to a perfect looking couple. Maybe a little too perfect. But the women had a short bob with different shades of blonde and brown in it, and not to mention, a gigantic dimond on her wedding ring. The man had dark brown hair with wedding ring with pure gold on it. I stared at them in awe.
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