American library books Β» Drama Β» Love of a Maid by Sarah Daniels (summer reads .txt) πŸ“•

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Chapter 1

Usui's POV


 "How many times have I told you Usui you can't hang out in the student council room and has anyone seen Yukimura" Misa came in yelling I looked around and seen the terrifed looks of everyone else I sighed and stood up from where I was sitting which was the edge of Misa's desk I grabbed my girlfriend's wrist and pulled her into me moving a couple of fingers under her chin I tilted her head up and softly pressed my lips to hers she tensed so I wrapped my free arm around her waist in turn freeing her wrist she moved her hands to my shoulders and tried to push me away so I pulled her closer I deepened the kiss when she parted her lips she quietly moaned before I let her go "you were scaring everyone so I was trying to find a way to calm you down" I explained she glared at me before going and roughly sitting down in her chair "whatever stupid Usui" she muttered crossing her arms under her chest, blushing deeply "Miss President I wanted to ask you about the boxing clubs habits again" Yukimura said walking in "fine i'll go handle it in a minute" she snapped standing "sorry Yukimura, I didn't mean to snap at you" she sighed "she'll handle it later if that's alright with you" I said to the green haired boy he nodded and went to his seat "what do you think you're doing" Misaki asked me "nothing come with me" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her behind me I took her up to the roof and locked the door behind us "I have to get back" she said slowly "they can handle themselves without you for a couple of hours which is how long we have free from class" I said going to sit on the edge "fine then" she sighed coming to sit next to me "why did you kiss me" she asked quietly "two reasons one I wanted to and now I can cause i'm your boyfriend" I said grinning "pervert" she muttered "what's the other reason" she added "I found that to be the quickest way to shut you up" I said she reached up to hit me before gasping and clutching her side "Misa are you okay what happened" I asked worried "nothing i'm fine just a small incident at the cafe that's all I promise" she tried assuring me "take you shirt off" I commanded "what no I will not you stupid pervert" she clutching her blazer closed "I don't want you to take it off for whatever reason going through your mind I want you to take it off so I can see what's wrong" I explained softly "oh" she said moving her hand and doing as I asked once she was sitting with her shirt open a little she moved to the centre of the roof I walked over next to her as she fully removed it "Ayuzawa why didn't you tell me" I asked running my fingers over the bruise sitting just below the bottom of her bra "because I didn't want you to worry" she said closing her eyes and wincing "can I ask you something" I asked "you're going to anyway" she murmured grabbing her shirt again I put a hand out to stop her "what happened yesterday" I asked helping her get it on "some guy wasn't happy with something and I happened to be the closest person to him is all" she whispered "that's not what happened Erika called me and told me everything" I lied "what was I supposed to do he was going to hit her and I just reacted" she said "who was going to hit who" I asked she looked at me with wide eyes "Erika never called you did she" she asked me getting angry "no but I didn't know what else to say" I defended myself she growled but answered my questions anyway "Erika's ex boyfriend came to the cafe yesterday he tried to hit her and I got in between them he got me in the ribs as you can see" she explained quietly gestering to her ribs "why didn't you go to a hospital or at least a doctors clinic Misa you're really injured" I said buttoning her shirt and tying her bow "I can dress myself you know" she joked "I know" I murmured softly before wrapping my arms around her waist "what's with you you're acting really mushy" she asked blushing and avoiding my eyes "how can I not with a beautiful girl like you as my girlfriend" I whispered kissing her forhead "stop it it's weird" she said laughing I pulled away and chuckled myself before going and unlocking the door opening it to let Misaki through once I shut the dor she reached over and tangled our fingers together I glanced over and seen she was blushing a little I pulled my hand away and wrapped it around her shoulders she leaned her head on my shoulder pulling away only when we neared the student council room I let go when she began moving away a flash of disappoinment crossing over her face before she steeled her experession she went in leaving the door open I stood just outside waiting for her but not actually going in "hey what are you doing out here" Sakura asked coming up to me with Shizuko "waiting for Misa to finish up she yells at me for going in so I decided to wait out here instead" I explained we all turned when a bang startled us Yukimura came over and started begging me to help that Prez had gone crazy again "why can't you guys ever handle it on your own" I complained walking in and grabbing Misa's hand and her bag I walked out pulling her with me "did you two want to come see my place" I called back to her friends.


Misaki's POV


I glared at Takumi's back as he pulled me along behind him "stop it Misa" he said I glared harder before gasping as he twisted me around and held my wrists against the wall "what is your fasanation with pinning me against walls and such" I asked smirking "I asked you too stop glaring at me now I will ask again will you please stop glaring at me" he asked me I rolled my eyes but agreed "fine" he let me go and we kept walking "where are you taking me" I asked "home" he stated not looking back I stopped walking and leaned against the nearest wall until he noticed he stayed facing forward but stood still "no my mother will be worried if i'm home early" I said "that's why we're going to my place not your's" he replied turning his head to look at me "no absolutely not" I said shaking my head "tough you're stressed out and biting anyone and everyone's head off today so stop being such a baby and come on" he said "no" I said "for crying out loud Ayuzawa you need a break i'm not trying to do anything to you except help we can go to my apartment or I can ask your mother if I can take you away from everything for a while" he said "fine your place just leave my mother out of this" I snapped storming past him I went and changed my shoes before walking out of the school "I have to call the manager and tell her what going on" I said to him as he came up next to me "I already did she said take as long as you need" he answered "damn it" I muttered walking in the direction of his apartment. 20 minutes later we all walked into his apartment "pardon the intrusion" all three of us girls said "am I allowed to change out of my uniform" I asked sarcastically "yes Misa that's fine" he sighed I went into his bedroom and put my bag down next to his bed "crap I don't have any spare clothes" I muttered turning and walking back out to where the rest of them were "weren't you going to change clothes" Takumi asked "no apparantly i'm not I don't have anything I can wear here" I complained dropping onto his couch "you could borrow something of mine" he offered "fine" I grumbled getting back up and going back to his room I grabbed a shirt and a pair of pj shorts I went into the bathroom and closed the door I changed and stuck my things in the basket by the bath "did you want to stay over tonight" I heard the others talking "yeah sure why not" Sakura said happily Shizuko just nodded and stepped closer to Sakura "let's play truth or dare" I suggested the girls nodded and sat down on the couch Takumi came and sat down on an armchair I seen no spare seats so I wen over and sat down on Usui's lap blushing faintly "if you're so embarrassed about it then sit on the floor" he said "that's not why i'm blushing it's what I can feel that's making me like this" I said quickly I squealed as he quickly got up and I landed on the floor "Taku" I whined pouting "why don't you sit on the chair i'll sit on the floor and don't call me Taku" he said smiling "why should I Taku" I teased "nevermind" he said sitting down next to me I moved my legs to the side and leaned my head on his shoulder like I did at school "Misaki truth or dare" Sakura asked me "dare" I answered "I dare you and Takumi to go to second base tonight" she leaned over and whispered in my ear "what no way he would be my first time" I hissed back "what" she asked I reached over and grabbed her wrist getting up and pulling her into Takumi's room I shut the door roughly "i've never had a boyfriend before Takumi is my first everything boyfriend, kiss and if I go through with it he'll be my first time" I said quietly "come on it's a dare you have to do it I can't take it back the rules haven't change since middle school you know" she commented "fine" I muttered going to walk out "i'll need some kind of proof as well" she quietly said "fine whatever how much do you want" I asked "i'll know tomorrow" she chirped before walking out I groaned before following her out.


*2 months later*


Misa's POV


"Sakura just leave it alone okay" I said to her "no it was a dare you were supposed to do it" she replied "I can't help it if he was stupid and said something to make me mad" I snapped "what did he say to you know-" she trailed off "piss me off so bad" I finished she nodded and Shizuko started paying attention to the chat intently


"Takumi Usui transferred to Miyabigaoka High Shool three weeks ago" I yelled starting to cry I took off running and didn't stop until I was on the school roof.

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