American library books Β» Drama Β» The Vamp That Stole My Heart (Not Literally) by Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R. (rm book recommendations .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The Vamp That Stole My Heart (Not Literally) by Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R. (rm book recommendations .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Sammy Davis Jr. (Vera R.

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Meeting Him

Chapter One

I ran through the forest feeling the breeze in my fur.The sun was out and it was a wonderful day. It was pretty ironic because I just got A text from my boyfriend (a human) saying we need to ' talk '. I hope it was a good talk because he has been kind of distant lately. I hope this talk will improve our relationship. Eventhough we're not mates I still love him. I can't emagine what I would do without him. A little ways ahead I saw a slim, but muscular figure in a clearing. With brown hair and green eyes by boyfriend is hot. He's 6'3 and on the soccer team so he has strong legs and a nice ass. Me, I'm 5'5, slim and curvy, and I have red hair with green emerald eyes.Before he could spot me I went behind a tree were I kept a pair of jeans and shirt. He doesn't know I'm a werewolf so...yeah. As I approached him, he looked nervous, I could already tell this was gonna be bad. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. I smiled, but he didn't smile back, his eyes seemed unusually cold and distant. I frowned."Hi." Carmelio said. "Hi." I said. There was an awkward silence, but he broke it.
"Listen Ruth I think we need a break. It's not you it's me. I just don't feel it anymore. "He said. Without saying another word I turned and walked away. I will not show him weakness.
"Ruth! " He yelled. " I'm sorry! " I flipped him off. He could go fuck himself for all I care.


That was Monday, now it's Saturday. Tuesday at school I saw him fingering the school slut. When I walked in the bathroom on Tuesday they froze. " Oh so that's what you meant by you don't ' feel ' it anymore. " I said and walked out. Anyway back to my story. Today, I decided to stop mourning and go to a club called ' Live and Let Live ' with my bestfriend Ally. Too bad she can't handle her alcohol, I wouldn't want what happened last time to happen again. I don't have time for a flashback so just use your damn imagination! I washed up for 15 minutes, put on a tight shirt that outlined my curves and very short shorts, to and some heels to make me seem taller than I already am. Then walked down stair had a quick dinner and went on my way. I forgot to mention that my parents are rich and gave me my own house and car, which I share with my brother Dave. He's not here now because he's probably at some slut's house since he's totally a player. I  can barely get to sleep sometimes when he brings home a girl. All I hear is moans and them bumping the walls.Talk about disturbing! I arrived at the club in 15 minutes since I didn't like that far away. Surprisingly, the line was short. I only waited about 25 minutes. Once in, immediately I walked over to the bar, well more like shoved since the club was packed. I've been here 20 minute and I'm already wasted. Wo-ho!

' I feels good to be single! ' I thought. All night I dance, partied and just what ever the fuck I was in the mood for. I danced til I couldn't dance nomore, and that was until about one o'clock in the morning. At one I was headind back my car when I spotted two shadows following me in the distance. I turned around, but didn't see anyone. I turned back around, but picked up my pace. This is the exact reason why I don't go to night clubs. I saw the two shadows twice more, and by that time I was running. Someone was following me! In my frantic and idiotic state I ran into a dark alley. I swore once I realized how cliche' this was. When the pretty girl is being stalked, and in fear of being harmed, runs into a dark alley. I was mentally cursing myself when I saw two middle- aged, well-muscled guys enter the alley. I back up, but was confonted with a wall. They slowly began to walk up me. One of them grabbed my right arm and the other grabbed my left.

" What's a hot piece of ass doing in an alley all by herself. " Snickered one man.

" Running from you dickheads! " I sneered. They grabbed my arm tighter.

" What's that? " The one on my right said. " You want to lick our dickheads? What a naughty and slutty girl you are. " They scolded. My hands started sweating and sweat formed on my brow. This is it, I'm gonna be rapped and probaly just kill myself afterwards.

" Please don't rape me! " I pleaded. Belive it or not, women do not like to be forced to have sex with someone. It humiliates them and slowly destroys their minds, 'til  they sommit suiside. Or at least that's what happened to my mom. After she died my dad slowly died with her. He bacame withdrawn and bitter. Until he died in his sleep two months later.

" NO! You gonna eat this dick and you're gonna like it! " The one on my left screeched.

" My dad's cheif of policemen. " I lied, hopeing that they'll ket me go. However this just mad my situation worse.

" Then after we've been satisfied, we'll make sure you won't be alive to snich to your father. " Fuck! The one on my right unbottoned my top.

" Let me go! Don't touch me! " I screeched. I was rewarded with a hard slap in the face. The slap was so hard, it drew blood. I could instantly feel a bruise form. The rapists were neading my breast and reaching for my shorts when suddenly, they were on the floor. Outcold. What the fuck happened? I thought tears treaming down my eyes. That's when I noticed a man standing over one of the bodies. Actually, more like crouched infront of one. It looked like he was kissing the man's neck or something. Suddenly he stood, I noticed he had blood dripping down his chin and screamed. This wasn't just a normal scream. It was a oh-my-fucking-god-a-man-just-sucked-another-man's-blood scream. With a woosh of air he was infront of me. He place a stray hair behimd my ear. I was gonna scream again, but was cut off by his voice.

" Keep that pretty little mouth of yours closed, or you might not have another chance to use it. " He said. With that he pulled me close and place his lips gently on mine. I don't don't know why, but I instantly responed. He lips tasted like lilac and pears. Suddenly, I was holding air and he was gone. I stood there half naked with my lfingers to my lips. Amazing... I smiled.






Second Encounter

Second Encounter

It's been two weeks since that first encounter and I can't get that...that monster out of my head. He was so He was like a monkey with keys to the cages at the zoo. I have no idea what that has to do with anything, but do you understand? He was so frightning, but it was like I knew he would never hurt me. I was coming back from the mall. I bout a few sex toys at this place called Kinky. It's embarrasing, but werewolve have a very high labito or sex drive. We constantly crave sex and I wasn't just gonna hook up with a random stranger for sex, that would make me a slut. I hate sluts. It was 12:00 and I was watching Robot Chicken on Adultswim. I was cracking up laughing. It was the Christmas one about when the towns people bell ringer broke on the clocktower. So at the end, the humping robot (robot that humps) falls in love with the bell and starts humping it, causing the bell to ring again. It was so high-lar-ious I was crying tears ( duh, what else can you cry? Blood? ) Srangely their was a knock on the door. 'Strange . ' I thought. I walked to the door and looked through the little peek hole thingy. What I saw shocked me. It was the blood sucker person that came to my rescue. He looked sick, there were bags under his eyes and he was alot skinnier. It looked like he had just been through a plague. I gasped and pulled him  in the house , he did save my life and that was something you could never repay.

" Hi what are you doing here? How do you know where I live? " I asked.

" No time to  explain. " he said in a strained voice. He look  took a step forward and colapsed on he. I yelped in surprise and we both went down together, me underneath him. I looked at his face and he was unconscious. I shook him gently but firmly.

" Hey are you okay. Wake up. " After five minutes of me trying to wake him up, I tried to lift him slightly so that I could roll from under him. It didn't work, all I did was make the position more awkward, with his head in my neck and my legs between his. I sighed and just gave up. Slowly my eyes got heavy and drempt dreams of me free from this man and not single - how I wish true that was real - . I woke up to my mystery man kissing my neck. I smiled.

" Aren't we going a little fast? " I asked kiddingly.


Crazy Man-Who-Thinks-He's-A-Vampire Say What?

Crazy-Man-Who-Thinks-He's-a-Vampire Say What?

" No I think we're fine. " my mistery man says. " And by the way, I'm Carmellio. " he licked and nibbled on my neck a little.

" Nice name. " I ground out. At that moment his fangs came out. In my panic I tried to push him off me, but that just made him hold me tighter. Then the moment I was drading...he clamped down on my neck. I let out pure moan of sexual plessure. You would not believe how good

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