American library books Β» Education Β» The day terror came by April Wagley (reading strategies book TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«The day terror came by April Wagley (reading strategies book TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   April Wagley

It was a bright day. Many people were traveling to find a home. They found a comfy spot just a few feet from Mt.Vesuvius. The city was called Pompeii. Pompeii is in Italy. The volcano didn't erupt for over 800 years. Farmers thought it would be safe to grow crops near Mt.Vesuvius. But they were WRONG! On August 24th, 79 AD, a madness rumble made a huge sound in the fearsome mountain. Lava shot out of nowhere, making everyone scared. "Run for your lives!" Everyone shouted. The lava was very fast, and killed the first victim. After he was killed, more and more were running south for the hills. "AAA!" One of the others cried, getting burnt. Even a dog died from the quick lava. After that madness, and today, Mt.Vesuvius is visited by many many scientists for investigating the evidence. In 1860, it erupted again. And it will be the same as today. (Maybe)

~By April Wagley


Publication Date: 12-24-2011

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to all who died on August 24th AD.

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