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This is your survival guide to living in a zombie apocalypse. Through these chapters you will find out how to live and not die in an apocalypse.



What are zombies?

If you don't know what a zombie (zom-bee) is then you must live under a rock. But you might not know what a zombie does. "*Zombies are mindless corpses that walk around eating on human flesh." Not just flesh though. Also brains and everything else. Just not the bones. Zombies have almost no motor skills so they are really clumsy, so you could hear them from quite a distance. But I could be wrong. All this information could be wrong if the zombie mutates then you better run like there is no tomorrow because if you don't, there won't be.



*My quote

Life Savers

No not the candy or the pool float, I mean things that will really save your life. Here are some of the suplies needed.

1. Water Duhh!!! You need that to live anyway.

2. Food  Duhh x 2  You should do all means necessary to get this.

3. Weapons Don't say "Ohh well I don't have any" Because you do. Baseball bat, Chainsaw, Guns, Knives, Sledge Hammers, Even long stakes could be used as a weapon.

4. Lighter/Matches/Flint and Steal    There are other ways to start a fire but these are the easiest to get and use. You could cook food, create heat or signal others.

5. Rope  Fishing poles, traps, hammocks, and more, very useful

6. Last but not least, Medical Supplies. DUHHHHH!!! If you don't have anything then you are going to have to use your imagination. Cloth/Gauze Pills, and of course, last resort, a gun.

7. Armor  Something to protect you from the undead.

8. Storage to store food, water, ammo and everything else.

9. A computer to look up and read this book

How to approach a Zombie

If possible don't even try to approach a zombie. But if you happen to stumble in to a group, here is what you do.

1. Take out your weapon.

2. Make as little noise as possible to not attract others.

3. Get ready and aim for the brain or the legs of the zombies.

4. Attack the closest zombie until you can escape.

5. Run but make no noise as you run to your base.

6. Check yourself for bites.

How to set up a base

Pick a place > AWAY< from zombies. Like your house or a car or a farm. Board up all windows period. Then put many locks on the door and have a place to scout outside to look for zombies. Second have all supplies in a safe place. Same with weapons. If you have survivors on your side, than assign them a place. Ex. Cook, Guard, etc. etc. Always have good hygiene for teeth, body and hands.


How to scavenge


1. How something to carry the stuff you find Backpack, Car, Phannypack, bag even a pillowcase.

2. Have hand and back armor/protection, Gloves/Brass Knuckles Vest, Pads Extra cloth or a helmet (for head)


4. Listen to your surroundings and be QUIET ALWAYS

5. Pick through the easy stuff first, as you work your way to hared things, Cars buses stores dead bodies streets or even food stands. These are harder, first search things like hardware store, or junkyards.

6. When carrying your loot don't make noise or others/zombies will find you.

7. If you find a zombie, kill it as quickly and quiet as possible.

8. As you take your loot home be quiet and look for anything moving, then try to avoid that area.

9. Take the loot and anything that can be washed, wash it and put it somewhere safe.

10. Make a list of places you have been and saw the most zombies or heard noises.

Protecting you and your loot UPDATE 2

If someone comes to your door don't answer unless they clarify that they are not bitten and alone. Don't forget your weapon as you peek through the little door hole. When you see he has nothing you let him in. If he has a weapon ready or others waiting stay away from all windows and openings. Go to your scouting place, (best place is the roof.) and have a gun to take care of him and his "buddies."

Be careful not to be spotted before you take them out. Shoot for these parts  only(Head, chest, arm and leg.) No balls, neck or foot or hand, got it. Then loot them and be happy you are alive.


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Update #2

How to create Garden and food collectors


Grab all of the following.

Big buckets, duct tape, and seeds/plants that can be eaten, poles (wooden or metal), a clear area.




1. Take buckets and tape the tarp in the bucket. (cut it if needed)

2. Place the bucket that CAN collect rain, and wait.

3. When rain is collected, take it and boil it.

4. Then put it in the stash with the rest of the supplies.

5. Clean tarp and repeat. 

Update #2 #2

How to Garden


1. Have seeds or part of plant that can be planted.

2. Use your hands to dig a hole and place your seeds in.

3. Place a pole where each plant is.

4. Water 3 times a day and let the seeds soak in all the water and sunlight.

5. Try to guard it as much as possible.

6. When ready harvest it as careful as possible.

7. Then clean and put in a safe place (in the stash).

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