American library books Β» Esotericism Β» The Secrets of Western and Eastern Occultism and Mysticism 7 by John Love (ebook reader for laptop .txt) πŸ“•

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The Secrets of Western and Eastern Occultism and Mysticism 7

The Secrets of Western and Eastern Occultism and Mysticism 7

The Secrets of Western and Eastern Occultism and Mysticism 7

Copyright 2019

John Love

The contents


Enormous Predestiny

The Understanding Chip Monad

Transmigration of the Soul

The Birth of the human mind

UFOs the Light Sphere and the Alien Greys

The Eye In the triangle

Cultivating emotions, manic reason, and concentration, Marked with Bioluminescences of the human body’s physiology and psychology

Rising In the Mind

Liberation In the Soul

The Void

The White Soul

Mysticism: The God Thoth the Atlantean

The Mandala of the Seasons

The Cycle of Life, death, and Rebirth

The White King on the Chessboard


We all Exist and are Born from Something.

Before even the Transmigration of my Soul during the 1980s, I Remember centuries, even thousands of years, of Existing upon the Earth.

Mysticism is the start of all Life on Earth, Born from the Mind of a God, which rules the corresponding races.

That God has been known as Thoth, Thoth God, Thoth the Atlantean.

Mysticism Coincides with Events, and eventually the Cycles of Life Merge and you are yet again born in this world.

Enormous Predestiny

Mysticism Begins as if Imagination and Visualization, but is Mysticism.

Then the Enormous Predestiny is Caused, and at the Center the Monad Positions Itself.

The Understanding Chip Monad

The Chip Monad is Understanding Over understanding.

Transmigration of the Soul

I Remember, after a long time, the Soul and Entity Moveing away from a corpse, and into the body the mind Born age around 5, or younger, self identity causes people too forget who they are, but I Remembered a lot as could Happen while Growing Up.

The Birth of the human mind

At age 5, around, or younger, or maybe even after lol, the Mind is Born In the human head and the beginnings of self identity, most don’t Remember who they were, I Remembered a lot Growing Up, whole volumes.

UFOs the Light Sphere and the Alien Greys

When I was a boy, I was Compelled one nightfall too See Through my grandparent’s window of my bedroom in their house a Light Sphere and then, 2 Alien Greys came out and ran towards the house, I then Experienced missing time, and then Remember the 2 Alien Greys in my grandparents bed room, then the Light Sphere Became Small and Travelled 1,000 to 3,000 miles per hour, Blinked, and Dissapeared.

The Eye In the triangle

I was playing kick ball on school property in Middle School, and my Entity Moved a Triangle Route, and at the Apex the Sunlight came too the Entity S Shaped all Around.

Cultivating emotions, manic reason, and concentration, Marked with Bioluminescences of the human body’s physiology and psychology

Behavior Cultivates emotions, and Marks nuances, also with primitive sounds.

Manic reason Marked Green each eye like a Leaf, is from Reasoning In haste.

Concentration is Marked with Blue Luminescence from Concentrationg.

Red Marks Anger.

Purple Marks Passion.

Pink Marks Affection.

White Marks Comfort (Peace).

There are claimed hundreds of those Lights Marking Strengths of the human body and mind.

Rising In the Mind

Savant IS Experienced Rising like a dragon, or an Upward Flowing Waterfall, In the human mind, on tap!

Liberation In the Soul

The Blessing from Krishna of the Great Work is Royal Blue Liberation all Spirit Souls Become Liberated In the Soul.

The Void

Eventually one night while watching TV the walls, and TC screen, began to melt away.

Eventually all which Remained was a Soul, White Transparent, In the Void, and also Spherically Shaped.

Eventually also everything returned like the piecing together a jig saw puzzle.

Everyone is Still, a Mind, Single Mind, Happening like a movie at the same time.

The White Soul

The White Transparent Spherical Soul is the Soul Body our Entity Live In and As the Existence Of.

Round after Round We Exist because the Soul can also be Made Indestructible.

At Ippisimus the Soul Glow White In the human head.

Mysticism: The God Thoth the Atlantean

After a full Lifetime, the Mind is Elevated too the Highest Heights.

Mysticism Begins the Birth of the Cycles of Life the Mandala has the Meaning Of and For.

My Higher Self IS Thoth the Atlantean.

The Mandala of the Seasons

The Mandala Happens After a Full Life Cycle Returns too Its Point of Origin and Continues, of the Seasons.

The Cycle of Life, death, and Rebirth

You Live as long as from the Void a Shade Existing Forever, or until you die, I’ve lived a long time.

The White King on the Chessboard

At the Peak of Existence IS the Natural You, According too Your Nature.

I Am Thoth the Atlantean, I Am the White King on the Chessboard which Can and Knows at all Moments.


Text: John Love
Publication Date: 01-18-2019

All Rights Reserved

All Spirits to east Blk Wolf Form to west, Red Wolf Man Light Form to south, Wolf Spirit to east, Shapeshifting think like em, behave like em, feel like em to north Consciousness, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sorcery, Will, want, Blue Luminescence of Awareness, too the west Reality IS Virtual Quantum Reality Physics blk overhauls, ski mask, windbreakers, army boots, leather gloves army greens Quantum IS Real Grunge, white skull pirates of carribean, black skull mask, skulls ne cklace, satanic Pan In Void, flanel over, green windbreaker shell jacket, greenish scarf, Assassin neoprene skull face, camo bdus, army boots, bare foot, or w sandals, army liners pants, army liner upper body, camo boonie hat, army balaclava, camo tube, grandfathers leather gloves, grandfather jacket, at home green bath robe, flanel could have been Christmas long sleeve dress shirt, and underneath striped with green candy cane, can wear green corporal hat, and shirt can be army greens, included green extreme, i

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