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The Last Goodbye
Allanah Hunt

Always cherish your family

Copyright 2010 Allanah Hunt

Howling wind lashed out at the tall trees. Their bare limbs swayed back and forth, fiercely fighting to stay attached to the trunks. Dead leaves littered the ground. Dark clouds, that were covering the quarter moon, were near releasing a blanket of icy snow upon the earth below.
Tucked between two large maple trees was a sturdy cottage whose chimney was belting out thick smoke. Inside, there were two rooms, one large and one small. The large one contained skimpy pieces of furniture, a small table, and a wooden stove. Through a doorway, which possessed no door, a warm fire crackled comfortingly in the small area, providing heat. The humble room contained nothing but a chair and an undersized bed. In the bed, slept a young lady, whose auburn hair was damp with sweat because of her hard labour. A tiny newborn baby was snuggled beside his mother, contentedly sleeping. His father sat in the chair, wasting away in his self-pity and selfishness. He silently watched his newborn son and exhausted wife slumbering peacefully, lost in their own pleasant dreams. But in his arrogant mind, he did not see the beautiful picture his modest family presented. All he perceived was heavy responsibility and long hardships that he was certain would suffocate his casual way of life. When it had been just himself and his fair wife, he had felt joyously happy. But the sudden arrival of his new son was so unplanned, so unexpected. He wasn’t prepared; he had no concept on how to be a father. He was only just beginning to comprehend that he had become a husband.
β€œWe shall learn to be good parents,” his wife had whispered softly to him when he discovered she was pregnant, β€œwe are not the first and we certainly won’t be the last.”
He pondered thoughtfully on her positive words. What she had proclaimed was true, but there was one problem. He didn’t want to learn; he had no wish to be a father. He no longer wanted to be here. He came to realize the truth of this thought. He glanced at his son and wife who were oblivious to his self-indulgent thoughts. He rose to his feet and came to stand quietly at the foot of the bed.
β€œI love you both very much,” his whispered to them, β€œbut I have to leave. I cannot stay here any longer. I need some time alone. I will return by the spring.” But deep down in his heart, he knew he would not fulfill his empty promise.
He opened the front door, his thin jacket in his hand. With one last departing glance at his precious family, he entered the vicious storm outside, leaving his wife and son alone and unprotected.

She reached out searching for his supportive arm, wanting more warmth. She opened her pretty eyes, feeling extremely confused that she could not find her husband. She searched the room, becoming very anxious and shaken. Making sure her treasured baby was safe and comfortable, the young lady traveled to the living room, looking for her husband. A cold feeling settled within her chest when she realized he was nowhere to be found. Thinking he might have ventured outside, she pulled the front door open and braving the unmerciful weather, stepped outside barefoot. She called out to him, growing desperate. When there was no reply, she called out louder, hoping against hope that he would return her cries. Still nothing. Shaking uncontrollably, she collapsed on the dirt, desperate tears welling up in her green eyes.
β€œDon’t leave me!” She screamed, her voice choking up, tears of despair streaming down her pale cheeks. β€œHow could you abandon your son? How could you!”
She wailed hysterically, burying her face in her frigid hands, feeling numb inside. β€œYou deserted me. How could you desert me?” She moaned, but no one was there to give her any solace. He was gone.

Dark shadows were embedded under his suffering eyes like twinkling diamonds encrusted deep within the earth's ground. His hair clung to his weary face and his breathing was shallow. His frail body was positioned on rickety chair which sat near a dusty table. Snow fluttered toward the ground outside. Pale moonlight shone through the only window, casting an eerie light throughout the old shack. He held a black feather in his rugged hands and slowly dipped it into an ink pot. He began to carefully write on the sheet of parchment in front of him.
" My close friend,
I am dying. I have been ever since I abandoned my dear family. My footsteps no longer have the spring they once had. I smile no more and my laugh is but an echo of the past. My head aches so and at many times, it is hard to keep my thoughts clear. I can no longer go outside for the cold is too much for my weakening body to handle. I hear things that are not even there and I fear I am losing my senses. I feel as if I am slowly fading like the large and powerful flames of a blazing fire burning down into the feeble red ashes. I know not the disease that has taken control of my body, but I know I shall not stay on this earth for long. I ask of you only one favour. That is to take care of my wife and young son. Please be their protector and solid rock in stormy weather. Be the resonating light that will lead them through the most treacherous terrain. Be the strong and proud man that I could never be. I beg of you do this! Now, I feel as if I can write no more. Goodbye, my dear friend, once and for all."
With that, he quickly scribbled his signature. He leaned back into his wooden chair, thoughts of his precious family still emblazoned within this mind. He tried to rise from his chair but suddenly collapsed back into it. He felt weak, so weak. His eyelids fluttered closed and his shallow breathing finally stopped. He had gone into eternal sleep.

A gentle breeze drifted lazily through the tree’s green leaves, making them shake softly. Thick grass decorated the once barren ground and the sunlight’s rays reached down to greet the earth.
A lady with auburn hair slept peacefully in the cool shade of a leafy maple tree, while her son crawled gleefully through the grass. He had cheeky green eyes that sparkled whenever he smiled. Sitting not far away, a man with a kind but strong face watched the little baby with an amused grin. He soundlessly relished in the perfect picture his new-found son and beautiful girlfriend presented to him.
In his hands, he held a worn piece of brown parchment. It was a farewell message from his closest friend. He had unexpectedly stumbled upon it in a broken-down cabin while in search for his friend.
His friend’s last words were still clearly legible, bidding his final farewell to the world. His last goodbye.


Publication Date: 01-05-2010

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