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So you look at the title and your puzzled of what dose it means to not a be normal teenager. Well I got knocked up at 17 with my boyfriend of 1 years. I know what your thinking it was stupid of me to get knocked up but you know these thing happen. Instead of ruining the story for you in this little thing here Iโ€™ll let it start from day I got the invite to a party were I meant Eli Jones.Iโ€™ll start with telling you about me my name is Marie Knight. Iโ€™m 16 years olds never been kissed never really as some many will say will say lived life. I have 2 brothers and 1 Sister. My older Brother Damen, heโ€™s 18 and were really close we do anything and everything thing together my mother loved that cause she never had to really worried were I was cause I was always with him. Then my step sister came into the picture yes my mother remarried some guy name Peter. I never really meet my father thatโ€™s why Iโ€™m so close to my brother, but my step sister Kris came she 14 she trying to take my bother from me cause she jealous that he doesnโ€™t pay her any mind. Not to forget the new one my baby brother Nicholas heโ€™s 6 months and you could say me and Damen is his parents cause we feed him take him for a walk put him to bed wake up early in the morning but were fine with it we love doing it mainly because it gives us more time to hang out. But letโ€™s not talk about my family anymore there a pain enough.
I woke up early Monday morning and got Nicholas like I normally do from Damen and went for our run. When I came home I got the mail there was a invitation for me to go to my friend Ambers 16th birthday party and I asked my mother and she said I could go it was a sleepover so I asked Damen if heโ€™ll be ok with Nicholas and he will be but I owe him. The party is this Friday I couldnโ€™t wait. Damen took me out to get a new dress and a gift for her and I also bought Nicholas the apple juice that he wanted. I really didnโ€™t have anything to do I did the same thing all like I been doing from the time Nicholas came home. Now that it was Friday I went running came home got a shower made food for everyone and got ready to leave I had to be there at 12 0โ€™clock and Damen was taking me there to make sure he knew where I was the number to get a hold of me and everything he need we were both kind of upset cause this is the first night I was away from him for more than 3 hours but I told him I call him before he puts Nicholas down and before I go to sleep then right when I get up he kissed my check and left. I help Amber finish anything she need to get done. When people started to come I didnโ€™t really know anyone but Amber told me who is who and we met some I talked to for a little then he came in. Amber pushed me to him saying this is her best friend heโ€™s single and will be perfect for me (who would have thought she would be right. )She came pulled me with her and she jumped on him and they both smiled really big then he let her down and she interduse us heโ€™s name was Eli jones I felt something that i never felt before. So he asked if I would like a drink and to talk so he lead me to the dining room and then to the couch in the living room and we were talking about him and his family and his life then he asked bout mine . He loved the fact that I got along with my brother so well cause itโ€™s the same thing with his little sister but she 14 and he is 16 but I thought it was nice. We talked a lot and we really seemed to be hitting it off then I check the time and I had to call Damen I didnโ€™t really leave or anything I just got on my cell. When Damen answer he was asking me how to put Nicholas to sleep cause it was heโ€™s first time putting him down to sleep cause I always did it and as I was doing that Eli was watching me but got up to set up our beds but before he left his kissed my check that had me blushing. I got off the phone and headed to bed not knowing what i was getting into.
The next morning I woke up and Eli was asleep next to me he looked so peaceful I couldnโ€™t find out why but I really wanted to kiss him I moved my hand to brush the hair that fell from his face but he woke up so I acted like I was just waking up I looked at the time and I really wanted to go running so I lean to Amber and told her Iโ€™m going to go for a run and Eli asked to go with and I couldnโ€™t tell him no so we left. On our run we got to the park and we sat on one of the benches and we talked a little more and I really couldnโ€™t believe I was falling for him. When we got home everyone was talk like that were together we really didnโ€™t care then we were sitting and someone came and asked if were together and we both said yes so that moment we started dating Saturday July 13, 2009 now just telling Damen bout it thatโ€™s going to be hard. I called damen and asked him to come early so I could tell him and let him meet Eli. When he came he looked a little mad then they meet and they talked I looked over and they were laughing so I guess it worked and he said we could date. I gave Eli my number and he gave me his and we said our goodbyes with him giving me a kiss on the check. Then we left to head home. Let me tell you as soon as I got in the door I ran to Nicholas because I missed him so mush then to everyone else but my step-sister. Later that day I got a phone call from Eli and was on the phone with him for a while thought I was doing a lot of other things he asked when can he see me again and I said maybe he could come over tomorrow and go home tomorrow I asked my mom and Damen they both said yeah so heโ€™ll be coming over tomorrow I told him. I got off the phone with him and put Nicholas down for a nap and started to clean but again my jealous step-sister was making a mess and I wasnโ€™t having it so I called our friend but its more her friend and begged she take her for the night and she did cause I never really liked a guy like the way I like Eli. So then it was back to cleaning then cooking and watching damen playing with Nicholas. Also answering things about Eli and my feelings to him. After dinner we went to the store and got food to cook for tomorrow and then to get me a new outfit that damen liked. If you asked me I wouldnโ€™t know what to do without damen he helps pay my phone bill buys me things I like and you know how they say people find people like there dad well I hoping to find someone like my big brother.
The next day I started my routine getting into jogging clothes and getting nicholas. When i got home Damen got Nicholas so i could get a shower to start doing everything for everyone. Around 10 Eli came right on time I ran to the door with Nicholas in my one arm and opened the door the first thing I saw was Eliโ€™s smile and some lilyโ€™s. I let him in and Nicholas asked to go to him so I let him take him and took him to the den were Damen was let them talk as I made a bottle for Nicholas and put the flowers in a vase. But to my surprised I came and Nicholas was pasted out on Eli so I put the bottle in the mini fridge in the den and took Nicholas and put him in heโ€™s rocker and sat next to Eli. We watched some movies and a couple shows and played some games but then I had to make dinner and Eli asked to help so I couldnโ€™t say no but I wanted to see how this worked. In the middle of making dinner Nicholas was crying and when I went to get him (Damen had to run out for my mother) Eli stopped me and went to get him I couldnโ€™t help but smile when he came back with him all quiet and smiling no one other than me and Damen could make him smile so I guess thatโ€™s a good thing. I finished making dinner and we sat down to eat it was my mom to her left was Kris who came home early then Demon sat next to her for me then it was my step father then Eli Nicholas then me you could say we were a whole family I loved looking at a full table eatting talking a laughing it made me feel normal. little whilie after dinner and Eli's talks with my mother i took him up to my room and me and him talked watched tv and made out alittle it was fun. After all that he had to leave but he he said he's going to take me out alot more cause he loves hanging with me. When he left i took Nicholas to bed and as i was putting him to sleep Demon came in and put his arm around me as we watched him fall asleep. When we left Nicholas he took me to his room and i knew something was up cause he never took me in there unless it was really important. He wanted to know how things were with me and Eli and if i saw us having a future and things like that making sure i'm ok and that nothing going to change cause he hates change and he also don't want to leave me. I told him no matter how are life change will always be best friends we will always be close and i will never let anyone change it. After that he hugged me and we actually sat in his room and watched tv and i fell sleep in there.
When i woke up i was still in Damon's room in his bed and he was asleep on the floor. So i got up and it was to late for me run oh well one day wont hurt and i went to go get Nicholas and he wasn't in his bed i ran downstairs and no one was awake and ran back upstairs to Demon woke him up and he jumpped up and we checked everywhere then i had to tell my mom. Me and Damon walked in my rooms holding hands cause

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