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Love, Life, Loyalty and Honor
A Draconian Royals Short-Story

Lady Adellandra Dratianos,
Author of the All-Realm Chronicles and the Crusader Mysteries

It’s been centuries since two of the Dratianos sisters disappeared into the oblivion of the Realms. Princess Dia, twin to the Countess Dracora, had died during the Wars for Power and buried in their family cemetery at Mal’estar. Princess Alexandria, also known as ‘Dria or Alexia, disappeared in search of battle, adventure, and glory. Secretly, she hoped to find a way to bring her dear sister Dia back.
‘Dria finds the right incantation to break the curse their Grandfather placed on the family when Ishanar was born. She only hopes to bring her sister back before it was too late for them all.
The new leader of the Dominionite Army is a very cunning woman named MagDaliah. She had brought together hordes of her minions and all sort of evil creatures from the depths of the Abyss to wreak havoc against the new Lady Guardian of the Mystic Realms, Lady Empress of Mal’estar, Lady Adellandra. It hasn’t been that long since the Lady’s own chaotic side named Destria had come out to destroy MagDaliah’s plans. This time, MagDaliah and her minions are terrorizing not only innocent Dreamers but Draconians and their children as well. She even succeeds in kidnapping the young female children to brainwash them into doing her bidding. What will happen when two of their own daughters, Lady Adellandra’s youngest daughter Arianna and Lady Adarramena’s daughter Harmony are kidnapped?
Little does MagDaliah know that the Lady Adellandra has two new-old Brannas, the Swords-mistress Lady Alexandria and the gentle but powerful Lady Dia. Will Dria and Dia be able to get to the monarchs of Mal’estar and the Realms in time to stop MagDaliah’s evil plans this time?
It’s time to find out just how tight the ties that bind family together are, but will the Ladies be too late?

Return to Mal’estar

Lady Dia was confused as she awoke from her deep slumber. She found herself in a dark place and felt around her body. After a moment, she realized she was entombed in her own stone coffin!
Not wanting to make a sound, she opened her mind to sense where she was. Her sensors found a female presence knelt beside her stony tomb, arms raised to the air and chanting. She couldn’t hear the words but knew they were powerful, as she recognized the female as soon as she sensed the Ancient Draconian power within her.
Alexia! Dia’s eyes opened wide and she panicked; her heart busy racing in her chest.
The other woman she’d named Alexia stopped chanting and opened her own eyes, smiling. With a wave of Alexia’s arm, the lid to the coffin was moved and Dia took her first breath of oxygen in over two hundred years.
Dia sat up slowly with Alexia’s help, feeling her heart returning to its steady rhythm.
Once she felt Dia had her bearings, Alexia hugged her. “Welcome back to the living, sister.”
Dia blinked her eyes and felt for her voice. Her vocal chords weren’t up to speed with the rest of her body yet, so she said telepathically. Where am I?
“Home, sister,” Alexia replied. “You are in our family cemetery.”
How? I thought I died.
“Our family never dies. We merely resurrect from the Summerlands when the Ancients deem we’re ready.” Alexia explained with a grin. She hugged her sister again before helping her out of the crypt.
Granpere’s curse? Dia asked telepathically.
“I broke it.” Alexia nodded, smiling. “Oh, how I’ve missed you.”
As I have missed you, dear, dear sister. Dia relayed.
“Come, I will help you home.” Alexia put an arm around her sister’s back to help steady her.
Dia smiled. With her older sister’s help, Dia Dratianos looked forward to going home.

On the way to the castle, they saw a large red dragon flying their way. They stopped in their tracks, looking up at it.
As the red dragon flew closer, it shifted to half-dragon, half-Immortal Demi form. “Princesses!” It cried, rushing up to them and taking the other side of Dia.
“Sir Airemus!” Alexia cried, amazed. “You still live?”
“I’m too stubborn of a man to die.” Sir Airemus Dranna supplied with a grin. “Besides, I’m still needed as Branno, as I imagine I always will. Does anyone else know you are here?” Both shook their heads. “They will soon enough, I assure you. News travels fast nowadays.” He laughed. “So, where are we headed?”
“First things first: to the Throne Room. We need to announce our return.” Alexia announced.
Sir Airemus nodded, calling to the Emperor and Empress in his mind as the trio headed to Mal’estar’s castle. “A lot has changed since your disappearances.”
“As long as Father is no longer terrorizing the Nations, all will be well with me.” Alexia responded. Dia nodded with her.
Sir Airemus looked to Dia with wonder. “Why do you not speak, Lady Dia?”
I do speak! She relayed sharply in his mind with a frown. One does not need words aloud when one has the Gifts.
“Not everyone will allow you the luxury of sending telepathic messages, Lady.” He pointed out gently.
Dia’s sigh was no louder than a whisper.
Sensing her sister’s discomfort, Alexia supplied. “Please, do not force it, Sir Airemus. She will speak aloud when she is ready, and not a moment before.”
Dia gave her sister a nod of thanks and a smile.
“How have things changed?” Alexia asked, returning to the original subject.
“Can you not feel the shifting in the air?” He asked them. Dia nodded.
“I knew something was amiss.” Alexia recalled. “It looks like Mal’estar but doesn’t Feel like Her.”
“That is because Mal’estar has been rebuilt on the Borderline of the Mystic Realms.”
“Why there?”
All Sir Airemus did was grin. “You will soon learn, Ladies.”
He looked up and the sisters found their Lord Emperor Brother and his Lady Dragonwolf Empress standing at the Thrones, staring at them in amazement. The Lady Empress had her paw to her heart and her mouth open. Their brother stood at his own Throne, just as shocked to see them as they were to see him.
“Lord and Lady, there are two Ladies here to greet you.” Sir Airemus broke the silence.
The Lord Draconis was shocked, and so was his Branno, Dranus. Dranus smiled silently at his twin sister Alexandria.
“Approach us, Ladies.” Draconis managed to choke.
Dia noted his Lady Empress looked older and much wiser than the young playful Dragonwolf pup that had first been mated to her oldest brother.
The Dragonwolf Empress stood in shock, silent. This left her mate to handle the situation and herself to watch in silence.
Draconis stretched his arms out for a hug. “Alexandria.” He announced, hugging her, “and dearest Dia,” he pecked her cheek and pet her hair. “It’s wonderful to finally have you return home.”
Alexandria nodded, taking a breath. “It is good to be home, Lord Emperor.”
Draconis grinned. “Come now, Alexandria, you are more than welcome to call me Draconis.”
Alexia remarked. “Then I will do so.”
Sir Airemus spoke up. “Do not make the Lady Dia speak, Kanota.” He supplied. “She has just risen and must adjust to her surroundings.”
Draconis nodded. “Understood Dratyrna,” Draconis nodded. “For now, will you escort her to the infirmary for healing, and then to her quarters?”
“Aye, M’Lord Kanota.” Sir Airemus took Dia and headed back out of the Throne Room.
Draconis turned back to the Thrones, where his Lady was still standing silent. “Come now, Adellandra. Surely you remember Alexandria? You used to spar together as children.”
“That I do dearest.” Lady Adellandra replied, finally moving to hug her lost Brattonata. “Pleasure to see you again, Alexandria.”
Alexia nodded back. “I prefer Alexia or Dria now, Lady Adellandra.”
Adellandra smiled, shaking her head. “I’ll not argue, but you are also welcome to call me Adella.”
“So Lexi, what brings you home?” Dranus finally spoke up, hugging her. On their own mind-path, he supplied, You heard my heart-calls?
That I did. Alexia supplied, hugging him back. Oh, how I have missed you dearly, Alex!
And I missed you, dearest Lexi. Dranus sent back.
“I will tell you what brings me home.” Alexia supplied seriously, her sense of duty returning. “There are hordes of dark creatures headed this way, demons if you will.”
Draconis growled. “I thought Demarian agreed to our truce?”
Alexia shook her head. “It’s not Demarian, Lord.”
“Who could it be?” Lady Adellandra asked. “Do you know?”
“They are commanded not by a man, but a woman. I have spied, tracking their movements and it would seem the self-proclaimed Queen of the Dark Area has resurfaced to stake her claim on the Nations.”
“If MagDaliah has returned, so will Destria to fight her.” Adellandra cried.
“Destria, Lady?” Alexia was confused.
“As Demarian is a changed Demon Lord bound by blood and soul to me, so is Destria to her. They are siblings.” Draconis explained.
Alexia shook her head, getting dizzy. “Sir Airemus is right; a lot of things have changed since we disappeared. Would either of you care to explain?”
The couple looked at each other. Dranus gave his sister a warm grin.
“It’s your turn, dearest.” Adellandra teased Draconis’ nose with a kiss.
Draconis sighed and Dranus held in a grin. “Is it your will?”
“Aye. Better show me everything.” Alexia said, taking a deep breath and preparing herself for the shock of her mind being forced to see multiple images at once.
Draconis placed his hands to Alexia’s temples, closing his eyes to begin. Alexia herself closed her eyes.
A rush of memories sped like lightning to her mind. From the Chaos of what was now being called “Dragon’s Fall,” to the dual Vision-Sicknesses of both their mother Locarra and the Lady Empress herself, to Lady Adellandra’s taking the children away, deeming the four of them the “Lost Ones”, to Adellandra’s own disappearance from the Nations, only to find herself blooded by the Ancient Mystics of the Mystic Realms and raised as an Immortal with no memory of who she really was to finally, her new title of Lady Guardian of the Realms and return as Lady Empress of the Dragon Nations beside her loving mate.
The memories caught up with her and she felt a new sense of duty to the Dratianos’ Royal Legacy. The siblings opened their eyes and faced each other.
After a moment, Alexia stood at attention like a good Draconian soldier and saluted, serious eyes on the monarchs. “My life and sword are yours, Lord Emperor and Guardian.”
“Are they mine and the Nations as well, Alexandria Dratianos?” The Lady Empress asked seriously.
“Aye, M’Lady.” Alexia announced.
“Do you also pledge your love, life, loyalty and honor not only to the family, but to All the Realms of All the Worlds?” Lady Adellandra asked.
It sounded a bit much, and showed Alexia

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