Perfect In his Eyes (finished) by Danielle Palmer (young adult books to read TXT) π

Book 2 Page 162
Book 3 Page 287)
Living in a house with 11 guys. Will I survive and have a normal life with a boyfriend? Or will my brother and all his friends scare him away?
Destiny's parents just died and she is forced to live with her protective older brother and all his protective friends. When she finally gets a boyfriend will it be the guy of her dreams or will he mess it all up for them.
Read and Find out.
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- Author: Danielle Palmer
Read book online Β«Perfect In his Eyes (finished) by Danielle Palmer (young adult books to read TXT) πΒ». Author - Danielle Palmer
"Since you did self harm yourself I think it's best, and I already told your brother this, but I think its best you aren't alone at all for at least a month or longer. Your brother agreed that someone will be home with you or with you at all times. Now get changed and ill tell the guys they can come back in." She walked at and they walked in.
"Now I have to be fuckin babysat all the time." I said to them slamming the bathroom door to get changed. When I walked back out the nurse was back in the room. She had some papers in her hand.
"Here are you discharge papers and you prescription. Just sign these 3 papers and take this to CVS i'll call them so they know your going to get them so they're ready." I signed they papers and looked down at the other.
"Wait why do I need a prescription?" I asked confused. "Oh yeah there anti-depressants and pain medication for your arm if it hurts." I shook my head 'OK.'
I started getting dizzy and tired so I wanted to go home right away and go to sleep.
"Hey baby will you pick up my prescription?" I said looking at him giving him the puppy dog eyes. He looked kinda mad which was weird cause he never acted like that when I ask him to do something for me. "Um, Actually I got shit to do." He said walking out the room. I watched as he walked out the door not even hesitating to look back. Why would he just leave me like that. He's my baby he's supposed to do the little things for me. I felt a tear go down my face but I quickly whipped it away not letting Keegan see it. "Let's go."
I said grabbing the rest of my stuff. When we got down to the car he opened it for me and help me get in. "Thank you." I said as he shut the door. "Of course." He climbed into the driver side and turned the engine on. We started driving. It was silent the whole way to CVS. When we got there I tried to get out of the car but almost feel. Thank god Keegan was there to catch me. "I'll just go get them." He said with a big bright smile.
"Thank you so much." With that he walked away.
I was almost asleep when he came back. He slammed the door really loud but not on purpose. "Oh im sorry. I didn't think you were sleeping." He handed me two pill bottles. They both said take 1 every 8 hours. There was 21 in each bottle so I had to take them for a week straight. I could get to like that. Before I even realized it we were pulling into the drive way. I went to get out but Keegan lead over and shut my door.
"What is it Keegan?" I asked confused. He really looked like something was bothering him. "I don't know Destiny just these days Ive become more and more attracted to you. I know you have a boyfriend but he just doesn't treat you right and I can." I looked at him in shock that he just said that.
"Shane is so nice to me and treats me amazing. I don't know why any of you cant see that. Yes I like you to Keegan but I love Shane and I cant just give up everything me and Shane have." I got out of the car and grabbed all my stuff not even looking back to say anything else.
I walked into the house and into the arms of all the other guys. I wouldn't let any of them hug me cause I wanted to take a shower first. Ty helped me take all my stuff up to my room. I went to shut the door but it wasn't there.
"Guys where's my door?" I already knew the answer but I wanted to hear what the had to say. They all just kinda sat there and acted like they didn't hear me. "The doctor said your not aloud to be alone." Josh finally said. "That's not necessary but whatever." I was kinda happy I didn't have privacy. Then I would be tempted to cut again. I walked over to my bed and saw the bear Shane gave me. And im right back to sad.
Without even really trying I grabbed my sweats and a tank top. I turned the shower to warm and unwrapped my arm. It revealed all 10 deep gashes that weren't full scabbed over. I sat in the shower and just let the water go all over me. I started to feel like I was going to fall asleep so I washed my hair and body and got out. I put on all my clothes and decided I wasn't going to be sad anymore. I walked out of my room and saw all they guys hanging out and laughing. Maybe they will cheer me up. I walked down the stairs and into the living room. There was one more space left in the middle of the couch between Josh and Jake. I laid down putting my head on Josh's lap and my legs on Jake.
Jake started to move them off but I turned and gave him the puppy eyes. "God Destiny you know some day that's not going to work." We both smiled and he let me put my legs back on him. "Sure it won't." I laughed and accidentally hit Anthony with my arm. He grabbed my arm trying to joke but didn't notice it was the one with the cuts on it. I yelp and everyone looked at me. "Shit Im so-" He started. "No it's not your fault." I realized I had to take my medicine so I got up and walked to my purse. I didn't want anyone to notice but I ended up spilling them all over the tile. "Need help?" I looked up and saw Keegan bend down and start picking them up. When we were down picking them up he handed them to me. "Thanks and sorry about earlier. Maybe we can talk later?" He smiled at me and shook his head yes. I walked into the kitchen to grab juice. I pulled out the apple juice and took my pills not even bothering to pour any in a glass. When I was done I went back to lay on the couch and the next thing I knew I was asleep.
I wasn't fully asleep cause I could hear there whole conversations. They obviously thought I was.
"Why didn't Shane come home with her?" Anthony said obviously it was to Keegan.
"She asked him to get her prescriptions for her because she wasn't feeling well. He didn't look up from his phone and all he had to say was 'I got shit to do'." Keegan said mimicking Shane and everything but Shane definitely didn't talk like that.
"Damn I knew he was a bad guy for her. She's already been through so much from her cutting herself, my dad beating and rap-" He stopped and covered his mouth knowing he wasn't supposed to say that. Damn it Josh.
"He raped her to Josh?" Damien said. It wad already to late for him to say no.
"Yeah he did." I could feel him shaking. He ran his fingers threw my hair. It was still kinda damp but soft.
"How could anybody do that to such a sweet beautiful girl." Keegan said. I started blushing not able to control the burning in my cheeks. I just shoved my face into Josh's leg so no one could see.
"I know." Ryan,Jake,John, Ty, Nick all said agreeing with Keegan.
"Well we should take her to bed. Who's sleeping on her floor tonight? I think it was Jessie and Bryce?" Josh said. I could feel someone pick me up but I was to tired to look and see who it was. They walked up stairs and put me on my bed. I grabbed the bear Shane gave me and quickly fell asleep.
I was sound asleep when my phone started vibrating. I looked at it and Shane texted me 3 times. I threw it under the bed and got up to go to the kitchen. I tripped over someone and landed on someone else.
"Shit Destiny what are you doing it's 4:32 in the morning go back to bed." Bryce said. "Sorry Bryce and sorry Jessie." I got up and walked down the stairs to get something to drink. My throat hurt really bad.
The kitchen was pitch dark. I grabbed the carton of grape juice and sucked it down my burning throat. It instantly cooled it down. I couldn't walk all the way up the stairs again so I fell to the couch and passed out.
"Destiny. Hey Destiny wake up." I woke up and saw all the guys smiling at me. Surrounding me. I looked at everyone of them all the expressions were the same. Happy.
"Um can I help you boys?" I said whipping the hair from my eyes.
"Who wants to tell her?" John said.
"Just someone tell me?" I said getting a little annoyed. "Were finally throwing that party you wanted." Ryan said. I was a little confused. Why are they just now wanting to throw a party but I wasn't going to complain. It's a party! "OK! Just one question?" I said giving Josh puppy dog eyes. "Yes Shane can come. We have nothing to worry about anyways you don't have a door." They all laughed and found spots around the room. I got up so I could go call Shane. I couldn't find it but finally realized I threw it under the bed. I reached under and grabbed it. There was no unread texts messages and they were all erased. God damn it someone went through my phone. I dialed Shane's number and waited for him to answer. He didn't. After 5 rings it went to voice-mail. Maybe he really did have shit to do. Oh well he'll call me back. I ran to the hallway and looked down into the living room.
"What time is the party going to start?" I asked looking at my clock. It was already 2:54 in the afternoon. "Um, at 8:00 tonight. Why?" Nick said looking up at me. "OK then that should give you guys enough time to go get a new stereo, i'll pay, and some drinks and food." I ran back in my room and grabbed a hundred dollar bill and let it float down to him. "OK are you going shopping with us?" Ty looked up and me. "Um, no ima go buy a new dress." I knew they would say I already have a new one but I really needed one that covered up my arms or just my one fucked up one. "A new one? Why didn't you-" Jessie started to say but Josh nudged him. I knew he would know why. I didn't bother to hear the rest of the conversation cause I heard my phone start vibrating. I ran to answer it. Yes, it was Shane.
"Hey." I said kinda shyly. I didn't know if we were still dating. I hope we still are.
"Hey baby. Listen im sorry about the other day. My erm, um, my um DAD was on my case about barley ever being home. I hope you forgive me." He said. I couldn't sit there and let him apologize. I of all people should know how that feels. I mean come on I live with 11 guys.
"Yes baby I forgive you." I felt like I could feel him
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