Genre - Family & Relationships. You are on the page - 79
My name is Rosalinda. I know! Old name right! My Grandad came up with it. I live with my Dad, Mum, Kevin my Brother and my Sister Jade. My mums side of the family like to meddle, one day we had enough and cut all contact with them. It was easy other than the fact that we lived in the same town literally a few streets away from each other. My cousin Natasha was my best friend until the family breakdown. We grew apart...for the better. We still go to school together and we are still friends. She
Emma is 5 months pregnant with her ex-boyfriends baby. She is in a relationship with a doctor that is on leave indefinitly, has become an alcoholic and a violent man, but loves him even with how he is now. Emma and Tyler (her boyfriend) have a talk one day and say very heart felt stuff to each other. . .