American library books Β» Fantasy Β» Who Can You Really Trust by Tamika Dorch (i love reading txt) πŸ“•

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Who Can You Really Trust Finished Book

I met this guy name Chad. He was so amazing. He was the hottest guy that I have ever since. Almost perfect, I have to say myself but you know the old saying right. Everyone has secrets, well, I do... I like stuff and I shouldn't.

I don't want anyone to know my secret. Not even you. I guess it's best to start from the top.
It all begin when my parent start letting me travel around the world alone. They also loved to travel and being that I am now 18. I could go off on my own.

This year I wanted to go to France. I heard it was beautiful this time a year. Winter snow is the best. I love the cold.

I made it to Paris, France and checked into this little hotel called Pu Al U Ma. I paid the clerk for one month and he gave me my key to my room.



I am not rich and nether are my parents but we get grants to travel the world to find old history collection stuff. We made pretty good money for doing the jobs. It was all paid for by The Ancient History Arts .

I find my room B13. I opened the door and sat my bags down at the door. I always travel light so two bags with my important stuff in them is all that I brought with me.

The room was small. I looked around the whole place. You can never be to careful. The room had a tiny kitchen that you had to climb three small steps to get to. The living room was connected to the kitchen. The bedroom and had a small bathroom in it.

I took a hot shower to warm up first. Then put on my red sleeping pants and a tee shirt on then headed to bed. It's been a long day.

The next morning I got up and took a shower. Brush my teeth and hair. I was ready to get started on my project. Coffee was a must have in my line of work. I grabbed my coat and laptop computer before heading out.

I stopped at this little coffee shop call La Cafe Ba A. It was very nice. I had order the number 3, which was Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans with a hint of cream and a creamed filled cake. It was so good.

After I had my fill of my breakfast then I got to work.
I opened my computer and checked my email for my employer company name. I clicked on it and read it:

Ms. Pudula
Thank you for taking this assignment and hope you are enjoying yourself in the process of finding what we are looking for.

The Crown of Princess Tutal was last worn in 1623 in Paris, France. It's been said to been passed down her family for countless years before the last of her family line had disappeared.

Unknown the where about of it, but, a Englishman named Baron Oldnel had told stories of finding the crown but before he could being the crown in his should death.

People said it was due to his old age and his heart gave up but others said he died from being scared to death. So, please take care and watch out for yourself.

Your Visa card has a nice amount of funds on it so you will be ok in that department. If we come up with any more information then we will contact you again.

It's you have any problem or need us for anything please let us know Thank you again for doing this for us.

Signed: The Ancient History Arts

I took a sip of my coffee and took all that I have read in and then logged off my computer.

Sipping my coffee, I felt like I was being watched. So, I looked up from my coffee and right in front of me at another table was the hottest guy that I have ever since watching me.

I tried not to let it get to me but it doesn't help when he is walking over to my table.
Hello, my I sit down with you. He asked. I know I have to be careful with so many crazy people in the world today. I looked at him up and down.

I guess you are harmless enough. I said joking around and then he took a seat in front of me.
My name is Chad Devote and I believe that I just found my queen to my heart. He said while reaching out touching my hand.

I pulled my hand away feeling sort of freaked out by this guy. I'm Jessica Pudula. I said. He was still smiling at me.

Well, Jessica. What bring you to Paris? He asked.

What makes you think that I am not from around here? I said sipping my coffee once again.
Everything about you said American. Your voice, your hair, and even the clothes that you wear. Plus, I would have remembered seeing a woman that looks like you around here.

So, you live in Paris?

I have lived in Paris long as I can remember and I own a beautiful little house over by the sea. He said. Would you like to come see it?

Slow down cowboy! Pump your breaks! I am not a call girl where you can pick me up and take me home with you so you can have your way with me. What type of a girl do you take me for?
Jessica, I didn't mean it like that but wanted you to see my home and that’s it. I have never picked up a woman off the street to sleep with. He said.

I felt myself warm up a little bit. I was new around here and maybe he would know something about the crown I was looking for since he was from here.
Sure, I would love to.

We both walked outside to his parked car. It was a ten minute drive to get to his home. It was beautiful. He drove around the drive way and then parked the car in front of the house. We both got out of the car. I stood there looking at this house and the view of the sea was breath taking.

Chad held the door open for me to come in the house. He was a collector himself. He had so many old things in his home.

You have a beautiful home. I said.

Would you like something to drink?

Water please.

Chad came back with two bottles of water then led me into the living room of his home.

Chad, since you have lived here in Paris all your life. Maybe you have heard something about a crown called Queen Tutal Crown. It is very old and I see that you have a lot of old stuff here that you collect.

Chad took a sip of his water then looked at me.

I have heard of the crown and I know that there are a lot of people that are looking for it. It’s said that the crown went missing after the Queen had died but that's not true.

It’s said that the family and the crown went into hiding because people wanted to kill the Queen and any members of her family that she had.

Why, would they want to do that? I asked.

Power, money, and greed can be a ugly thing.

How do you know all of this?

I am part of Queen Tutal’s family line and the history of our family has been passed down for thousands of years.

I was shocked. He was a Prince or possible a King by right. Why don't you have a castle and ruling over the land. I asked.

Our family went into hiding because the other families wanted us dead so they could take over the kingdom. Which they did but if we ever came to surface and told the truth about what happened to the Queen. They would never stop searching for me or my family and we would always be in danger again.

I understood that. I felt bad for him. To be a Prince that could never rule or be known to the world, it was sad.

I'm so sorry. I told him.

It's ok. I have a good life here and I love the view. Let me show you around the house and the grounds outside.

Chad walked me around his home and the yards were covered in roses and black walking tiles to walk on. This place was really big. We made it back to the front door of the house. Let me take you out to eat. Chad said.

Ok. I wasn't about to turn down a free meal.

We got into Chad's car and he drove us to a little shop that he owned called Bon Ju Va.
I had order the honey roasted duck with green beans and green salad. Chad order the steak, twice baked potato with cheese and a salad. We were drinking red wine with our meal.

I learned a lot about Chad at dinner. He has three older brothers and his parents lived in New York. He is 21 and not currently dating anyone.

I told him about myself. Being an only child and parents are always traveling. It was hard sometime.
I liked Chad. We ate our main meal then we had shared a strawberry cheese cake with chocolate sauce swirled on it.

I was feeling the red wine a lot. I don't really drink and I never drunk that much.
We finished dinner and Chad paid the bill.

Chad helped me to the car and asked where was I staying at so he could take me home but I fell asleep in the car.

I woke to Chad holding me in his arms and carrying me up stairs. He placed me on the bed and looked at me.

You are so beautiful. He said.

I smiled. Chad moved closer to me on the bed and starting kissing me slowly. It felt so good. He rubbed my whole body with his strong hands.

I wanted this man that I barely knew.

I was taking his clothes off and he stared undressing me.

We started making love in his bed and when I was about to come. I felt a shape pain in my neck.
Chad was biting me and sucking my blood. I passed out from pleasure and having my blood sucked out of me.

The next morning I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. With nothing on but the sheet over me. I was freaking out. What the hell happened last night. I wrapped the sheet around my body and tried to find my clothes so I get the hell out of here.

I found them on the floor and hurried up and put them on. I opened the door and looked both ways before going down stairs towards the front door but before I made it to the door. Chad was standing there waiting.

Where are you going Jessica? He asked.

I am really sorry and I don't know what happened last night but I am not like that and I really do need to leave. Can you give me a ride back to my hotel?

Chad looked at me and said no.

No! I said.

That's what I said, no.

I tried to fight him to get outside of the house but he was to much for me to handle. He picked me up kick and screaming to be let down. He carried me to the living room and sat me

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