Silver Blood by Bianca Gray (freenovel24 .TXT) π

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- Author: Bianca Gray
Read book online Β«Silver Blood by Bianca Gray (freenovel24 .TXT) πΒ». Author - Bianca Gray
Chapter 1
I whipped my head around and I knew they were following me. I didn't know who, yet I knew exactly who they were. They were the people of the Night. I started to walk faster, the slapping of my sneakers onto the black pavement was the loudest sound in the night. I heard thier muted steps catching up to me, but without hearing them. I started to run but a clawed hand caught my arm spinning me around to face it. I screamed in terror as its hand reached toward my neck. I felt its hands cup around my neck, blood seeping out where its nails were. I faintly heard my scream turn gurgled and my vision darkened. The last thing I saw was the brilliant white, sharp teeth from the smile of the monster choking me. Then all I could see was black.
I woke up in a cold sweat, panting. My hands immediatly flew to my neck. I felt puckered lines. I got up and looked at my bare white neck. I sighed. Scratch marks were up and down my neck. It felt so real, I thought while scrunitizing the scratch marks, no wonder why I was clawing my neck for air. I shook my head, as I relived the dream. 3rd time this week, I thought as I slipped out of my nightgown and into a pair of jeggings with a tight fitting yellow shirt. I put my contacts in and quickly put a little eyeliner on. I scrunitized my face when I finally decided to put some mascara on too. I reached for the tube of mascara and picked it up when my head suddenly hurt. I felt myself drop it as I fell to the floor yet I saw nothing. I faintly heard the clatter of the mascara tube hit the floor. Then suddenly I saw a picture form in my head. It was a boy that was not quite a man. He looked worried. He had dark brown hair that kind of went into his eyes. His jaw was set and hard. His eyes were midnight blue that had a fire blazing in it. They were like the deepest parts of the ocean that was set on everlasting flames of fire. I looked into them unable to turn away as he grabbed my shoulders.
"You are in grave danger," he finally said. My groggy mind wouldn't wake up.
"What? Danger?" I said looking around. He sighed.
"No, not here, later into the future," he said. I shook my head as I took it in.
"That's not possible. This is a dream," I said slowly. He looked back at something that wasn't visible to me.
"I don't have much time. But two things, one, this isn't a dream. It's a vision. And two, do you trust me?" he asked staring deep into my eyes. I nodded, speechless.
"Then whatever you do, don't fall asleep tonight because that's when all this trouble started. Tonight's the night when she'll choose you," he drifted off, slowly fading away. I grabbed at the picture with my mind.
"NO! Who? Whose going to choose me?" I yelled at him.
"Goodbye Eve. Remember that I'll always love you," I faintly heard him say. Then I was in my bedroom looking up at my parents.
"We heard a crash," my mother said.
"And found you sitting here screaming, eyes wide open," said my father.
"We are really sick of your dramatic nightmares," said my mother sternly.
"It's not like I'm purposefully doing this!" I said, suddenly angry. They gave me a look like that's exactly what they thought.
"Oh my God! You do think that!" I exclaimed accusintly. My mother's face softened.
"Oh no, sweetie. I just mean, with your father and I getting a divorce, you feel like if you kept having recurring nightmares, we won't. But your drama isn't going to get us back together, I'm sorry," said my mom with a concerned face.
"Yeah, you caught me, Mom. That's what I was doing this WHOLE time," I said, sarcasm heavily coated on each word.
"See? Now you can stop with all the screaming," said my mom, either not getting my sarcasm or just ignoring it.
"See you later, kid," said my dad, messing up my hair.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bye," I grumbled. On my way out the door, I grabbed a piece of buttered toast and stuck it in my mouth.
"Bye Noah!" I yelled at my little brother sitting at the table with a cerial bowl on his head.
"Bye," he said waving. Adam, my twin brother, finally came down the stairs. He grabbed the bowl on top of Noah's head and placed it in fron of him.
"Aren't you a little too old to be putting bowls on your head?" he asked grabbing a boiled agg and heading towards me.
"12 is not that old,"" Noah said crossing his arms, his little bottom lip sticking out.
"Um, yes it is," said my mom pouring cereal and milk into the bowl for my brother.
"Whatever," Noah said shrugging his shoulders and letting the conversation go. I grabbed Adam's arm.
"C'mon, let's go!" I said, yanking. He laughed.
"Just a sec, Eve! Let me get my coat," he said, his light blue eyes twinkling. I grabbed a blue plaid scarf after he left and put it on while looking at myself in the mirror. After that, I decided to put my silky auburn waves into a bun; my side bangs falling slightly over my violet eyes. Adam came back wearing his black jacket. His sunkissed skin couldn't help but look slightly pale in it. His golden hair was slightly disheveled. Even though he was my brother and my best friend, I couldn't help but marvel at his unearthly beauty.
"C'mon, I'll drive," I said grabbing the cherry red mercedes's key off the hook near the door. Before Adam could protest, I handed him a brush. He looked at me confused. I turned him so he would face the mirror.
"Trust me, Adam, your hair desperately needs it." He smiled goofily.
"Yeah?" he asked while quickly running the brush through his hair.
"Let's go! Or we'll be late!" I said laughing at the face he was making at me.
"Fine, fine, fine. Let's go," he said grumpily but with a smile. He threw his backpack over his shoulder and headed outside, towards the mercedes. I started to follow him out and then I saw the pale moon against the light blue sky. I stopped as my head started to hurt and flashes of a woman kept coming into my head.
"Come, Come to me, child," the woman kept saying.
"Silver," she kept whispering. Then I heard a single word that was so staticy I wasn't sure if I heard correctly.
"Come, Silver Blood," she said. It was like I had a bad connection or something because the picture kept going fuzzy and flashing off and on again. During those flashings, I saw Adam looking worried, then the fuzzy staticy woman, and then suddenly I felt my numb face being slapped. A thousand pricks of pain started up in my face. Then my vision focused and I saw Adam on the ground looking at me. When he realized that I focused on him and that it was over, he burst like a water balloon.
"WHAT THE HEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeck.....?" said Adam holding out that one word. I sighed. Adam considered himself to be the older brother although we're twins so he doesn't like to cuss in front of me.
"Just say exactly what's on your mind," I said. He started up again.
"WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED???!!" he practically screamed. I shushed him.
"No need to scream. I'm right here and you knew about the nightmares," I said as calmly as I could but I was trembling. The beautiful buttery voice was still echoing in my head. Adam's face turned from angry to concerned.
"I didn't know it happened when you're not sleeping. I thought..." he said, his voice drifting off.
"Yeah, didn't know either. Just started today," I said somewhat angrily. He looked momentarily hurt and then sighed.
"I'm sorry this is happening to you, really I am. If you want to, you could tell me what you saw just now. Boy, you were screaming like a banchee over here," he said smiling. I didn't smile back.
"It was a woman. I couldn't see her, though. It was like a bad connection. It was all...fuzzy," I said my head hurting trying to remember what she looked like. Adam looked at his watch.
"Sis, I wanna keep listening to you but we have to go," he said. I handed him the keys, knowing I was not in the state for driving.
On the way there, I remembered that I didn't tell Adam what the woman kept repeating.
"Adam?" I asked quietly.
"Hmm?" He replied glancing over at me.
"The woman kept telling me something," I said slowly.
"What? What did she tell you?" he asked serious for once.
"She kept saying 'Come to me, child, come to me, Silver Blood," I said trying to imitate her buttery voice. Adam gulped.
"And, uh, what triggered this?" he asked.
"Huh?" I said confused. Adam sighed.
"Remember Ian?" he asked. OF course I remembered Ian. He was Adam's best guy friend and he had the biggest crush on me. I blushed.
"Yeah, I remember him," I said. I could see Adam's eyes tear up. He really loved I an like his own brother. When I an disappeared when he was 13, it devastated Adam. He didn't eat for 2 days. Everyone thought he was dead but I always thought Adam knew more than he lead on.
"Well, the same thing happened to him. He had nightmares and sometimes he would stare at nothing and randomly start screaming. But those only happened when something triggered it. Most of the time, it was blood," said Adam shuddering. Well, I didn't know this,I thought nervously. Adam cleared his throat.
"And then, one night, I woke up to him throwing rocks at my window, so I went outside to see him. I immediately noticed something different about him. He was more pale and his muscles and features were more defined, but his eyes...his eyes were bright yello like a cat's," Adam was shaking, overcome with sadness.
"He asked me what was wrong with him and I said I didn't know what he was talking about. He laughed without emotion and gestured to all of himself. 'Look at me, Adam. I'm different. I've changed.' I told him he never looked batter, trying to make a joke out of the situration, you know? Anyway, I saw him looking at my neck and he said do you hear that? I said hear what? He looked at me with his bright yellow eyes and said your pulse. That's when I felt it pounding in my ears. 'It smells so good!' he cried out wrapping his arms around himself. I guess trying to contain himself. But I saw his nails get longer and curved and his teeth turned long and curved like a canine's teeth. His pupils did not look human anymore. Oh, Eve, his pupils were up and down, little black slits. He looked like a freaking demon, Eve!" Adam yelled slamming a fist down on the steering wheel. His tear streaked face looked at mine for a minute.
"That day, my best friend was dead to me, right after he succeeded in drinking my blood. But because he was like a brother to
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