American library books Β» Fantasy Β» Shh it all occured in the past. by Adalina Cruz (beginner reading books for adults .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Shh it all occured in the past. by Adalina Cruz (beginner reading books for adults .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Adalina Cruz

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Chapter 1: The house

The night air stung Camilia's lungs,her nose was frozen she couldn't smell a thing "Bryan i think you should get home now,im sure i can stay there all alone for one night maybe they wont bother me tonight" Camilia said,Bryan shook his head "Look i may have been a bad friend before but im not going to now,those things are after you im not going to leave you alone". She smiled at him he had been her friend since she could remember and he stuck with her no matter what he was two years older then her "you were never a bad friend...." she paused "Ok fine maybe that one time" she said laughing Bryan laughed too "ok so whats the plan?" he asked her,Camilia shook her head and looked at Bryan he was tall and slim with sandy- blond hair and emerald green eyes that sparkled in the sunlight or moonlight he always loved to wear cardigo shorts no matter the weather and Camilia adored him for that,he was crazy, diffrent,extrodinary he could keep you up all night just by telling you a crazy tale." i dont know i guess i didn't think of that" she said at last.The rest of the walk to Camilia's house was filled with silence.When they arrived to the big 4 story building with chipping black paint and an eerie grim garden they paused "ready?" he asked ,Camilia nodded.She was about to open the gate and she felt something she didn't expect, a hand held her hand "Were sticking together no matter what okay?" Bryan said smiling "you have got to be kidding Bryan,holding my hand not 5 anymore" Camilia said grinning,Bryan grinned back then let go of her hand while she opened the gate. They trudged on the short dewey grass and stopped at the front door,Camilia reached for the door knob "You sure Cam?" Bryan asked with sympathy in his voice.Camilia opened the door "does that answer your question?" she said stepping inside,Bryan followed her inside he had been here before....before those things came and took over.This place once belonged to a happy family a man and a woman they had a little girl they lived so happy until the guests arrived they murdered the family and left thier corpses in the house.No one moved into the house after that until the Jones's family moved in they were a happy family a mother a father and thier little girl which was Camilia,one day some people asked to stay in thier house the Jones's being really helpful people let them stay then one day Camilia's parents never came home and the "guests" had vanished along with them and ever since then wierd things started happening. "why is it so dark in here Cam?" "the lights are upsatirs....." Camilia said not bothering to even look up "ill go turn them on" Bryan said "No its too dangerous who knows if they are up there" Camilia said her eyes watering .Bryan stared at Camilia she had light brown eyes and dark ink black hair tucked behind her ears he had a secret crush on her but he never told her,he loved the way how she wasn't like most girls not considering all the creepy stuff that had happened to her,Camilia wasnt the type of girl who stares at guys with googley eyes and batting her eyelashes to get attention no she simply didnt take interestes in jerks like Collin Miller the "hottest" guy in school she read books filled her head with facts stayed focused in school almost as if she didn't have a girly girl brain not that it was bad.The lights suddenly flicked on Bryan stared around noticing Camilia wasn't in site "Cam you dork why did you go upstairs without me?!" he yelled up the stairs,Camilia started going down the stairs she was speechless "Ok then so what is your plan?" he asked sitting down on the couch,she didn't reply "ok Cam whats up?" he asked bracing himself when she didn't reply he turned around and saw that Camilia wasn't even behind him he felt his heart start to thud harder adrenaline started flowing through him like water "Cam!!" he yelled rushing up the stairs.The lights flickered vilontley then they turned off. Bryan reached the top of the stairs huffing and puffing "CAM!!!!" he yelled despretley "Bryan!!!" said a voice it didn't sound like Camilias but he went towards it lead him to Mr. and Mrs. Jones bedroom.He reached to open the door but felt a tug on his arm.He whirled around quickly no one was there,He rushed downstairs hoping to find Camilia laughing her head off,but the room was quiet too quiet.He took out his cell and dialed 911 "hello 911 what is your emergency?" asked a gruff bored voice "Some one just broke into my friends house and now she's missing!" he yelled "Ok sir calm down and give me the adress we'll be there in a moment" said the voice.Bryan told the cop the adress then before he hung up a voice echoed "Bryan you fool you should have seen that you had no bars in here" but it didnt come from the phone (it partly did) it came from the darkness. The kitchen light flicked on and there Bryan saw the Jones's phone dangling from a cord as if someone had just finished grabbing it and didn't hang up "Bryan." called a calm voice it was Camilia.He followed it upstairs again to the Jones's bedroom he opened the door,the lights flicked on a woman was making the bed she had golden short hair up to her shoulders She turned to face him "Bryan...." she called "Save me Bryan!!!" she hissed "Mom?!" Bryan yelled "Sato him in a faint echoing voice "honey...." she called again "Mom...." Bryan said "I didn't die baby im here come here...." she said sadly.He ran into her arms and hugged her "mom..." he whispered,then the woman started flickering ve me or her!!!" she hissed with evil in her voice then she flickered one last time before turning into smoke.Something whacked him in the head "Lights out" said a distant voice then everything around him whirrled around then he fell into darkness.

Chapter 2: mysteries

Bryan awoke on the couch in Camilia's house everything whirled around him he felt something soft and damp on his forehead "hnnn" he managed to say "shhh" it was Camilia's voice "Cam what happened?" he asked sitting up carefully " You told me you were going to turn on the lights i said 'no' but you did anyways you didn't come down stairs after the lights turned on so i freaked out then i heard a loud thud in my parents old room i rushed up and i found you unconcious and i brought you down here" she explained leaning into his face so close that her hair tickled him "Oh..." was all he said.Camilia didn't look satisfied "I tripped and hit my head on the table" he said shrugging "Yea,i dont think so..." Camilia said staring at him hard "ok fine" he sighed.He explained everything starting at how she was the one who had gone upstairs not him. "Wow...wierd" camilia said rubbing her eyes "rest a little bit kay? were going to your house were not staying here" "okay but promise me your not going upstairs" he said glaring at her "whatev" she said getting up "Oh and Cam.." "hmm?" " mean alot to me.." he managed to blurt "thanks you do too" she said kissing his cheek.Bryan fell into a deep dreamless sleep.When he awoke Camilia was sitting down beside him reading a book "Ready to go to my house?" he asked, Camilia jumped "Dork you scared me almost gave me a heart attack!" she said punching his arm playfuly.
The walk to Bryan's house seemed so long they wanted to turn around and go back to Camilia's house but they decided against it.They arrived after an hour of walking in the coldness,Bryan's home wasnt a house it was an apartment with wide space and white plain walls. Camilia sneezed "Bless you" Bryan said "What did you say?" "I said bless you" Bryan said raising an eyebrow "oh thanks....i was just thinking about how my mom and dad had this old painting in thier room it was nothing was just a lady standing in a garden holding a hankerchief in her hand with a guy in the distance watching her, in the right hand corner in small letters it said 'A secret Bless you' " she said sitting on a bean bag chair "hmm interesting" Bryan said opening the fridge "Who was the artist?" "oh some guy named Robert Derts" she answered "oh..want anything to drink?" he asked "some water please". Bryan handed Camilia a glass of water "thanks" she said putting it on the table "so why did it pop up in your head?" "i dont know maybe because my mom liked it so much she was obsessed with it i mean...what i mean is it vanished along with her..." then she trailed off "hmm i wonder why" Bryan said "i'll sleep on the couch if you want" ", no im going home don't worry about me" Camilia answered nervously "Nope,your staying here i don't want to risk losing another person" He said wiping his eyes. After a long argue with Camilia about who was sleeping on the couch she finaly agreed to sleep in the bedroom. Bryan didn't go to sleep something had to be connected to Camilia's parents and the painting.He googled 'Robert Derts' a bunch of pages popped up but one article caught his attention it read
Robert Derts was an artist he wasn't commonly known worldwide but he had a series of beautiful paintings the most commonly known was a piece called 'A secret bless you' it was a piece that Robert refused to sell.One evening on October 3,1982 Robert Derts was found dead in his home and the only copy of 'A secret bless you' was missing,Many witnesses say that a week earlier Robert had invited some "guests" into his house and disapeered on the same day Robert died.The guests were never found and niether was the painting.Robert had a daughter and a wife his wife disapeered a week after Robert did and thier daughter grew up in a foster home her name was Lidie Derts but they changed it to Chrystal Hudson to protect her in case anyone wanted to kidnapp her.This was a very misfortunate thing for the Dert family but life goes on.Octber 31,1982
On the bottom of the page was a picture of the little girl she looked Vaguely familiar but Bryan couldn't put his finger on it 'how had the Jones's had this painting?

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