American library books Β» Fantasy Β» Jasper Rose by Scarlet Bay (motivational books for students txt) πŸ“•

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"Jess!" I hissed at my best friend across the room.

"Yeah?" She turned, giving me an exaggerated inquisitive look.

"Nice." I smirked. "I heard there's a new guy coming today."

"Oh, yeah." Her eyes widened and her smirk turned evil, "We really do need some hotties in this dump."

"Yeah, it's a pity all I can do is moon." I put on a sad face for her benefit and and laughed. "At least you might be able to snag him!"

"Dude, any guy who isn't head over heals in love with you I have no chance with."

I rolled my eyes at her antics. Jess was the most popular girl in our school; any guy would go out with her in the blink of an eyelid. Well, more appropriately, in the batter of an eyelash. She was blonde with bluish green eyes, had an impeccable complexion and looked like a model, the dictionary definition of beautiful (as cliche as that may sound). A deep contrast to my brown eyes, brown hair and stereotyped 'helpless girl' looks.

Though don't get me wrong, I was the opposite of helpless. My father had trained me to fight for the past 8 years of my life, and I wasn't exactly the most tame of people. Though that was another reason why guys didn't really like me; I was rude, hyperactive, and didn't like people trying to tell me what to do, how to act, or trying to look after me.

Back to the point, Jess' 'beauty' was made even epic-er by the fact that she wasn't like the stereotypical popular princess; she wasn't stuck up, she wasn't pointlessly rich and she didn't treat others like dirt. She, Tommy and Carrie were my best friends. Tommy was an awesome guy, his parents were great friends with my father and had been with my mother, and they had been there for us when she passed. Tommy was handsome and funny, but, despite his looks, everyone sort of ignored him or despised him - he's gay, and teenagers are judgemental. Carrie, my psycho bestie, had come in 8th grade when we'd met by me accidentally punching her in the face when Tommy ducked - a punch which she quickly returned, before the pair of us were sent to the office, clutching our sore noses. We were always going off at each other, and a lot off people thought we were enemies when we first met. We have been constantly swearing at each other since the day we met, and accidentally scared an old lady when we were having a swearing contest while walking home from school. She had an amazing personality and actually managed to pull off the psycho/smart-ass/genius thing that she was. She'd get straight A's if she showed up to school, but she constantly slept in, and as she was an orphan and lived with 'friends' who didn't really care if she didn't come to school daily - as long as her grades didn't slip - often she didn't bother coming to school until last period. I grinned, thinking of my friends, Jess the beautiful sister-since-birth, Tommy the evil little brother, and Carrie the psycho adopted twin.

I looked back at Jess and rolled my eyes, "If that's true, then you're gonna die alone." I turned and set my books on my desk, winking at her as she stuck her toung out at me, rolling her eyes back.


Our classroom door creaked open slowly and our teacher walked in with the famous new guy.

He was tall and looked athletic, but not thick-necked like the oafs on the football team; more like a soccer player. He had dark brown hair and dark, forest green eyes. Matched with a slanted grin, white teeth, and the kind of looks that any girl would go googly-eyes over, he looked like a popular dude with attitude. An extremely hot popular dude with attitude. The kind of person I'd learned to stay away from unless you want to be humiliated, ignored, or hurt. Shit, why am I practically drooling over him then?

I sighed, this guy did look nice. And really cute. Jess smiled at him and did that flirtatious wave where you twiddle your fingers, giggling. I sighed again - maybe I should go for a sighing record? - despite her being my friend, I was a bit annoyed at Jess' habits with guys. Her 'chew em up & spit em out' attitude. She didn't mean to, but she always did; she never really like liked the guys she dated. Don't get me wrong, Jess was neither player nor slut, she simply thought she'd like a guy, or she would think he was fantastic and charming and all that, and then... I don't know, realise that she didn't really like them enough to date them for ages. Or realise they were jerks.

I watched him as he walked towards the only empty seat in the class; the one next to me. There was something about this guy... I had no idea what made me think it but I was certain he wasn't a jerk. I turned and went back to talking to Jess, even though my eyes where constantly trailing over to him. Who knows, maybe they would go out, and maybe this relationship would work.

For no reason at all the thought of them together made me sad. She was my best friend, I wanted her to be happy no matter what didn't I?

I rolled my eyes at myself, I was acting completely melodramatic.

Pens and Girls


The classroom was hot, small and filled to the brim with 27 kids; well, 28 including me, extremely lucky me.

Mrs Grey, my new math teacher, introduced me to the class in a happy voice - as though I was a god-send or something - grinning wide eyed at me as she instructed me to take the only empty seat.

As I slouched in my chair I grabbed a book and turned to ask for a pen. My breath caught in my throat as I saw her, laughter still in her eyes from something her friend must have said.

"Um ... yes?" The girl sitting next to me looked at me, confused. She had dark brown wavy hair and dark golden brown eyes to match. Her face was spattered by adorable freckles, god, even her lips were amazing. She was beautiful. The hottest girl in this class by far. Shit, I sound like a chick.

I blinked; shocked at my idiotic staring. "Oh." I instantly put on a stuck-up smirk. "Could I use a pen?"

"Hmm ... I'm sorry what was that I heard you say? It sounded like bad manners to me." She looked at me sternly and I was shocked.

"Ah ..." I looked around nervously. Is she serious? Damn did I offend her? Wait why do I feel bad about upsetting her when I don't even know her, anyway?

She looked me in the eyes and started to laughed, she had such a beautiful laugh, "I was just kidding. Here." She held out a pen and stuck out her tongue.

I grinned at her, damn, she's evil.

She was pretty, a bit weird, and definitely evil. Why had I let my guard down? I sobered and made my eyes steely, no way was I getting attached to someone as amazing as her. She stuck out her hand for me to shake and started, "Hi, I'm ..."

I grabbed the pen and cut her off, "Hi. Thanks for the pen." I turned and faced the front of the classrom, counting the seconds until the bell rang.

I couldn't risk a girlfriend, not now, not after what happened.

Just a jerk



I stared at the door. He had stalked out so angrily, as though... I don't know, I'd been a complete bitch or something.

I frowned, he was probably just some stuck up loser. And yet... there was somehing about him. Something that I really liked. I went over my every move and tried to pick out what I'd done wrong.

"Hey, Jasper." It was Jess. I stared at her and, realising I had been sitting there thinking about him, I shook my head; what did I care if the newbie was a jerk? I rolled my eyes at myself and grabbed my books, chucking them into my bag.

"Jasper!" Apparently Jess didn't like me not listening, and she threw a pen at my head.

I caught the pen mid air before it whizzed past me, "Yeah?"

"Hello!" Jess grinned and and sauntered over, giving me a hug. I grinned back and grabbed my bag.

As we made our way out of the classroom Tommy loped over, practically skipping, "Hey"

I looked up at his gigantic form, and burst into laughter, "H-hey."

He cocked his head, "What? Do I have mud on my face or something?"

"Nup, I just imagined you doing ballet."

"Hmm... I'd be good at that wouldn't I?" He spun around with his arms arched above his head, almost falling flat on his face.

"Toms, don't quit your day job any time soon." Jessie perked up grinning. Tommy was an awesome friend to us both, we hadn't met 'till sixth grade, but since then - and despite the fact that Tommy had always been taller than us both, nearly a foot in the case of Jess - he'd been like an adorble, yet evil, little brother to me, and, as Jess 'already has little brothers, and would never wish that upon anyone', he was a strange bestie-guy-friend to her. We'd all came even closer after he came out to his 'friends' and some people started to tease him. I had kicked a couple of guys in the balls after they bullied him. Jess and I had been constantly trying to make him tell his parents, but he was convinced they wouldn't accept him.

"Yeah... I probably shouldn't, hey?" He grinned at us as we all linked arms. Jess and I grinned at each other before we walked towards the seats by the tuck shop.


Suddenly Mariane, the local 'because I'm not the most popular girl I'm going to hang off the most popular girl, and pretend to be as awesome as her', started giggling, "Oh. My. God!"

"What?" I turned to see what she was batting her eyelashes at and saw the newbie staring at us. He met my gaze with a frown and quickly glanced away. I wonder what this guy had against me?

"The newbie is soo

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