American library books Β» Fantasy Β» Scales, Claws, and Blood by Silver Sky (interesting books to read in english TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Scales, Claws, and Blood by Silver Sky (interesting books to read in english TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Silver Sky

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In the dim pinkish light of dawn a young male returns from his hunting trip a doe hanging from his jaws. "Eragon" his mate Luna cried. "Where did you go, out all night... you... weren't in normal territory were you..." he droped the doe his three children swarmed it. "No..." he said

"Don't tell me you were in serpent territory again"


"Oh Eragon Ive told you thats what started the war us having bigger territory stealing some of their food we must stop it not create it"

"I know I know but... there is just no more prey I had to" he looked over at his young. His pale purple daughter Lia, his purleish grey son Pete, and the largest dark grey son Arrow. Luna layed down next to her three sleeping kids. "Just sleep now" she said and curled around them. Eragon layed where he was and drifted to sleep.

On Their Way

20 years after that night Lia, Arrow, and Pete all grown up. The war they are fighting now has been going for 30 years. Not long after that night Luna dissapered. 1 year after luna dissaperence Eragon was captured and killed by the serpents. The three younglings then stayed with Lia's friend Teltia and her mother. The bunch are heading back from three battle scenes. They are headed to the great hollow one of the few places dragons are able to live freely. The three are silently going in greif for their fallen comrades. Lia hears a flap of wings besides her own and brothers. She looks up, and eyes widened. "Griffins" she shreiks as one comes down on her. Pete doges one while one grabs his wing. Arrow ripped off the one on pete's wing and holds him belly wide open. Pete out streches his wings and spins. The small exteamly sharp tips of his wings mutilate the griffin stomach and exposing his guts. Arrow relases the body and looks for lia. "Lia!" he called. "Right here" she says, pops out of one cloud bank and drops the griffin she was fighting with. It screamed as it plummeted to the ground with a broken wing. "Griffins are such pushovers" she laughed. The boys laughed with her and the flew onwards.

Hollow Tree

The three finally reach Hollow tree. They passed through the refugee chamber. So many lay still cold dying starving. Some swarmed around the three. The dragons asked questions like 'Why are you covered in blood' and 'Are you ok'. The three ignored the questions and headed straight to the leader's chamber. They passed through two more chambers until the reached a very large one with two dragons sitting gaurd. They walked in after the trio. "Hail Star we give you our trust." the group bowed. "And I give you mine" a pale purple female dragons said, she had a big gem on her chest symbolizing that she was Leader.
"What news do you bring me, seeing that your here you either came back deafeated or victorious" she said. Lia swallowed hard and took in a deep breath.
"Oh great leader star.. first..."
"Yes, please speak up"
"Everyone in first, seconed and third battailon is dead, every one was slain" Lia crouches low to the ground waiting for Stars wrath. Star sighes "Including My brother..." "Yes...including your brother..." Star fell silent for a moment then looked back at them "Arrow, Pete you can leave but Lia stay"
"But what abou-" Pete was cut off.
"Arock Taku please escort these two out see theat the are fed and wounds tended to"
"Yes Star" the gaurds escorted them out of the chamber.
Star walked up to Lia. Lia could see she was holding back a wave of tears. "What did his battle scars look like" Star mumbles and placed her head on lia's shoulder for comfort.
"S-serpent" lia stutters holding back tears. Tears flooded Stars cheeks. Lia placed her head on star's shoulder and closed her eyes.

Haunting in Blood

Lia walked into the feeding chamber. She sat with pete and Arrow while healers worked on her wounds.
"What did she say" Pete asked
"She just needs some time alone right now" lia looked down at their given food then back at Pete.
"Star gave us orders to see what happened to Fourth battailon tommorrow" Lia added. She took a bite of the food. It seemed tastless to her. Pete and aArrow hastly gulped theirs down while Lia was only half way through. Pete loked up ate her and his lips clean and said. "Lia you need to eat. Keep your strength up"
"I'm fine someone else needs it more give it to them." she growled. Lia left and headed to the sleeping quarters. She took a small bed and curled up. So many thoughts swirled in her head she couldn't think. She watched arrow and pete settle in bed and sleep. Images of the battle scenes. All the broken bloodied bodys. Peices of dragons griffins and serpent scattered across the beach and forest. So much blood. Tears stared escaping. Lia just wiped them away. Soon she was sleeping.

The scent of blood was every where it was as if she was drowning in it. Serpents were slaughtering dragons right before her. She saw Arrow trying to fight off a griffin. It got his wing and pinned him. "No!" she shreiked and tried to help her brother but was unable to move. She watched in horror as the griffin tore off arrows wing. His screams stung deep. It contiued riping at his body. Ripping off his other wing and tearing his body open. She saw pete. "Pete run!" she screamed. "Run!!" it was no use she couldn't hear him. More griffins and a serpent tore him apart as well. Lia felt her heart shattering. Dark swallowed her and she fell into darkness.

Lia snapped awake she looked around. Pete and Arrow were still sleeping. She let out a sigh of relief. 'Good only a dream' she thought to herself. Lia stood up and stretched her wings. She slwly krept around a few sleeping dragons including Arrow and Pete. Lia walked all the way to the main entrance. A young dragon walked up to lia and tuged on her wing. She looked down at him. He was skinny and looked very unstable like he was ready to fall over. "Excuse me, my... my mum dosen't feel alright can you look at her." he asked. Lia couldn't refuse his plea. She followed him over to a young female. Lia could see she was sick and young, younger than herself infact. Lia was afraid to touch her she looked so frail. The female was pale and had a fever. "She has GreyFever." Lia was unsure about her prediction. "Wait here alright" she said sweetly to the little one. He noded slightly and sat by his mother. Lia smiled and walked over to another coridor. She found Swirl a healer. "Hey Swirl can you come diagnos a disease for me."
"Sure what symptoms."
"Fever, pale, trembling, short of breath, and Swirl she has a child"
"Oh sounds like Greyfever... hmm......" Swirl looked through some herbs until she found some greyish colored leaves. She handed a few to Lia. "Thank you" her voice muffled. "Have you and the little one also take some just a precaution" Lia noded and headed back to the sickly female. She dropped the herbs and placed some in the she-dragon's mouth. She swallowed them. The youngling took one and Lia did as well. Lia saw Arrow and pete emerge from the sleeping chambers. "Good bye little one" Lia said to the youngling. She walked over to her brothers. "Ready to go..." she asked
"Ready" they said. As they were about to take off she caught a scent. Like in fire...

Raging Fire

Lia tore a griffin from the air slashing its wings and legs. Another jumped on her back. Arrow pulled it off her and threw it to the ground. Lia bit into a sea serpent before it could kill a young male. It snarled and his thrash around. It dove into the water dragging Lia with it. She clawed at its neck. Blood turned the water red. Lia gasped for breath as she crawled up in shore. Pete saw her. "C'mon Lia!" he said and helped her to her feet. He swated a serpent away. Another phoenix lit the sky. "They are calling reiforcements. Get out of here!" Pete roared and pushed Lia away. She got some of the dragons going trying to carry some injured. Arrow had gotten the young and weak into the

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