American library books Β» Fantasy Β» The Student(A short, semi-sweet,semi-bitter, Harry Potter love story) by Diana LeRoy (ebook reader that looks like a book .txt) πŸ“•

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Chapter Five: Desirable

By the end of her first class which was potions with Professor Snape, Celestia finally felt like she could be at ease now that his hard glare was no longer on her, Cesare had his seat moved from the middle of the classroom to the front row, right next to his lady that he was sworn to serve no matter not whether it would be for comfort, advice, small favors or protection it was his duty to serve her and when he had noticed his lady looked terribly uncomfortable on her first day he asked the professor if he could sit up front where he could hear the lesson better and see more clearer, he simply nodded "go on", so he grabbed his things and moved by her and inquired as to what was wrong she merely just shook her head and whispered "our teacher, he won't stop glaring at me, he acts like an owl ready to capture his prey and it doesn't settle well for me for I am no mouse". No but you certainly are as cute as one he said with a wink.

"Oh Cesare you know I'm not ready for another beau just yet and besides the person I have a possible tiny crush on is on our class so quiet and concentrate on the lesson" she said with a smile. Cesare needed no further instruction and turned his head forward to observe as the professor was demonstrating how to make a potion for changing appearances to resemble any person you would like to look like. Maybe this class could be interesting after all he thought. The rest of the day went by pleasantly as Celestia shared a couple of classes with some former friends from Beauxbatons and made some new guy friends from Durmstrang as Hogwarts was hosting the two schools for the tri-wizard tournament meaning mixed classes with Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbaton's students alike. The Hogwarts students were exceptionally friendly and asked many questions like "what’s it like to be an heiress", "can you show me how to time travel since I heard it’s your specialty" and other whimsical questions which she answered politely, honestly and gracefully with poise, growing up as an heiress she was taught that smiling often and graceful poise go a long way especially when many people’s eyes and attention are on you. Guys from Durmstrang and Hogwarts alike flirted with her and tried to ask her out but when Cesare gave them his cold glare they would just wait till later and try to pursue her again.

That was the typical pattern for a girl like Celestia adored, be asked out, be befriended, be envied. Honestly her life felt boring sometimes but she could always count on Cesare to make her smile for he was more than her bodyguard, he was her friend who secretly considered her desirable but he didn't pursue her for he knew she still felt for that Malfoy heir who happened to attend this school and once she had passed by him in the hallways on a rush to her next class he knew he wanted her as he saw those strawberry blonde girls and shapes legs that couldn't be hidden not even by her uniform. "It’s no wonder she's the most desirable girl at Hogwarts" he said to himself for now it was no secret that the beautiful and desirable young Flamel heiress was attending Hogwarts, the same year as the tri-wizard tournament and has officially been declared through word of mouth and many, MANY Durmstrang and Hogwarts males that Celestia Flamel is officially the MOST DESIRABLE person at Hogwarts. Oh bloody hell......I may have competition.... was all Draco could think. He would just have to work hard to get the most desirable student and please his father....

Chapter Six: Jealous Much?

Draco Malfoy was not used to being the jealous type, at least not very often. It was the end of the day meaning classes had ended, meals were finished and students were in their dormitories studying or relaxing. When he had heard Celestia had been placed in his house and was in the dormitory a few minutes ago studying he had become anxious with excitement and dashed up the ever changing, moving stairs. When he had entered the Slytherin Common room he saw Celestia alright, Celestia with her soft strawberry blonde waves that had been curled at the ends, sapphire blue eyes, creamy soft skin and with another guy....a guy who had surfer-style brunette hair and the most piercing eyes that reminded him of the dark night skies he had olive skin tone, Italian perhaps he thought but who was he and what did he mean to Celestia, he hid behind a pillar and watched them talk in hushed voices.

 It was Celestia speaking alright could never forget the silky, soft voice she had been blessed with, only Celestia had such an angelic voice, heck if she wanted she could be a singer but instead she chose to live on as a socialite and avoid as much limelight as possible, every so often he would see her in the tabloids so that was one reason he still recognized her. She hadn't changed over the years too much really, when she was little she wore pigtails with the ends curled which he noticed she still did, she was also a bit of a tomboy always climbing trees, playing in the woods and what not and now she seemed more feminine and graceful, probably from spending a few years in Beauxbaton's academy. Now Celestia had shapely legs, a small waist and gorgeous hair that cascaded like a waterfall and had perfect curls at the end this much he could tell.. "Oh Cesare..." he finally heard, so that was his name huh, Cesare, definitely Italian. Finally he couldn't take it anymore, he came out from behind the pillar where he was standing and walked towards "the couple"....."It’s been a long time...Celestia"...

Chapter Seven : Semi-Awkward Introductions?

Celestia suddenly looked up and cocked her head to the side "Draco? Good lord it is you, what a pleasant surprise, I didn't know you were in Slytherin, allow me to introduce Cesare" she said with slight surprise as she watched him shake hands with Cesare, "Cesare Ferrante at your service, lady Celestia has told me so much about you, it is an honor to finally meet you"....there was an awkward silence in the air for a few moments just as she was about to pay Draco a compliment he suddenly spoke out "Your...your... Cesare Ferrante?!". Cesare just raised his eyebrow "You know of me?" he inquired "Yes how I could not, I can't believe you’re the son of Andrea Ferrante....but if you’re his sole heir than why are you... "With her" he finished abruptly, Draco just nodded his head "to put it short, I'm always by Celestia's side because she is my mistress and as her body guard and personal assistant it’s my sole duty to assist and protect her till the day I die, I was born for this job that’s why I trained with the FBI when I was twelve, after I turned 18, I was hired by her father right before he died, it was his wish that the last Flamel heir always be protected" he finished with a serious look aimed towards Draco who held a solemn face  "I see" be eighteen and be able to enroll in Hogwarts just to be her guardian is quite an accomplishment, he's lucky he looks young enough to be a high school student still, come to think of it he and Celestia were only 6 months apart.

 "Well Cesare, your clearly a talented and gifted guy to be able to look young enough to be a student and to have trained with the FBI for 7 years is truly remarkable, I'm glad to have made your acquaintance." Cesare curtly nodded in response to the compliment for truthfully he was a little jealous of Draco, as much as he loved Celestia he knew that he would never be good enough for her, that he could never be her Draco, he could've inherited a mansion of his own and his father's multi-million dollar automobile industry but instead he chose to hone his skills under the training of some of the best trainers the FBI had to offer and it had landed him a highly sought after position which was to be the guardian of an heiress and not just any normal heiress, for everyone knew Celestia is currently the last heiress of the Flamel clan, as all the other members of the family have had "mysterious deaths", her parents being the only exceptions, her father died of cancer and her mother died shortly after from a heart attack.

 "As for you, Celestia, I am sorry to hear that your parents have passed away and if you need anything, I'm here" he said with a heartfelt smile that made her blush, she always blushed around Draco and she sort of hated that small fact a smile beamed on her face when she replied "Thank you Draco, they died a few years ago and to be honest I miss them but they did a lot of great things in their life and were able to die peaceful deaths so because of that I'm able to move on in life even without them, I look forward to seeing you around". Yes indeed, he thought "this will be an interesting school year" Draco murmured to himself with a grin as he headed to his bed.

Chapter Eight: A New Target
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