American library books Β» Fiction Β» Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy by Jr. Horatio Alger (best e books to read .TXT) πŸ“•

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kept. He had put it in his pocket with a view to mislead his employer.

That gentleman uttered a low exclamation of satisfaction when his fingers closed upon the key, never doubting for a moment that it would open the trunk.

Leaving the candle in its place, he rose from his recumbent position, threw the pants on the bed, and went round on the other side, to try the key.

He got down on his knees before the trunk, and had inserted the key in the lock, or rather had made an ineffectual attempt to do so, when suddenly the candle was extinguished, and a horrible blast on the fish horn resounded through the garret.

Now, Abner Holden was not a very courageous man. In fact, he was inclined to superstition. He knew that he was engaged in a dishonorable attempt to rob a boy who was placed in his charge, and there is an old proverb that says β€œconscience makes cowards of us all.” It must be admitted that it was rather calculated to affect the nerves to find one's self suddenly in the dark, and at the same time to hear such a fearful noise proceeding from an unknown quarter.

Abner Holden jumped to his feet in dire dismay, and, without stopping to reflect on the probable cause of this startling interruption, β€œstruck a bee line” for the staircase, and descended quicker, probably, than he had ever done before, narrowly escaping tumbling the entire distance, in his headlong haste.

Herbert had to stuff the bedclothes into his mouth to keep from bursting into a shout of laughter, which would have revealed his agency in producing the mysterious noise.

β€œI thought I heard a frightful noise last night soon after I went to bed,” said Mrs. Bickford, at the breakfast table. β€œDidn't you hear anything, Mr. Holden?”

β€œNo,” said Abner, β€œI heard nothing. You were probably dreaming.”

β€œPerhaps I was. Didn't you hear anything, Herbert?”

β€œI sleep pretty sound,” said Herbert, quietly.

Abner Holden watched him as he said this, and was evidently more perplexed than ever. But that was the last visit he paid to the garret at night.


It would be hard to tell what Abner Holden's precise occupation was. He had thirty or forty acres of land, but only cultivated enough to produce supplies of vegetables for his own table, and grain for his horses. He kept four cows, and he had, at this time, three horses. He had the Yankee propensity for β€œswapping,” and from time to time traded horses, generally managing to get the best of the bargain, for he was tolerably sharp and not much troubled by conscientious scruples about misstating the merits of his horses.

But, about two months before Herbert came into his employ, he had himself been overreached, and found himself the possessor of a horse of excellent outward appearance, but blind of one eye, and with a very vicious temper. He accepted the situation with a bad grace, and determined, as soon as possible, to β€œtrade” the horse to another party.

One day, about a fortnight after Herbert's arrival, a gentlemanly-looking stranger knocked at Abner Holden's door.

The call was answered by the housekeeper.

β€œIs Mr. Holden at home?” he inquired.

β€œYes, sir,” was the reply.

β€œI should like to see him.”

Abner Holden soon made his appearance.

β€œMr. Holden.” said the stranger β€œI am in search of a good family horse. I am told that you have some animals for sale, and called on you, thinking I might get suited through you.”

β€œYou've come to the right place,” said Abner, glibly. β€œI've got just the animal that will suit you.”

β€œI should like to see it.”

β€œHe's in the pasture now. If you don't object to walking a short distance, I will show him to you. I feel sure he will suit you.”

β€œVery well, I will go with you.”

β€œThis way, then.”

The two walked down a green lane at the back of the house to the entrance of the pasture, where the three horses, at present comprising Abner Holden's entire stock, were grazing leisurely.

Now, it happened that, of the three, the blind and vicious horse was much the best looking. He held his head erect, had a graceful form, and was likely to attract favorable notice at first sight.

Abner Holden paused at a little distance, and pointed him out.

β€œWhat do you think of that horse, Mr. Richmond?” he said.

β€œA very good-looking animal,” said the stranger, with an approving glance; β€œbut I must explain that I want such an animal as my wife can drive. It is absolutely necessary that he should be good-tempered and gentle. If, with this, he is handsome, and of good speed, all the better. Now you know what I am in search of. Can you recommend this horse of yours?”

β€œYes,” said Abner, confidently, β€œhe will just suit you. I did calculate to keep him for my own use, but I'm rather short of money, and I shall have to let him go.”

β€œYou say he is gentle?”

β€œOh, yes, as gentle as need be.”

β€œCould a woman drive him?”

β€œOh, no trouble about that,” said Abner.

β€œAnd he has no serious defect?”


β€œWell, that seems satisfactory. I like his appearance. He would look well in harness. What is your price?”

β€œTwo hundred and fifty dollars, cash down,” said Abner. β€œThat's too cheap. He's worth a cool hundred more, but I got him cheap, and can afford to sell him cheap.”

The horse had cost Mr. Holden just a hundred and ten dollars, and at this price he considered himself decidedly taken in; but this he did not particularly care to mention.

β€œTwo hundred and fifty dollars!” mused the stranger. β€œIt is a little more than I intended to pay. Still, if the animal is what you describe, I don't know that I shall object on that score.”

β€œYou had better take him,” said Abner. β€œIt'll be the best bargain you ever made, I'll warrant. You'll pay cash down, I suppose?”

β€œOf course.”

β€œThen shall we say it's a bargain?”

β€œNot quite yet. I'll take till the afternoon to think about it.”

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