Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows by Katie Radgowski (top 10 novels of all time .txt) π

Fang and his Pack settled their grounds, now ready for Dark Shadows. But are they really?
Dark Shadows is growing, hoarding a bigger horde. Fang know's his Pack will fall easily.
But when he get's an omen of the Second One, another wolf to help him succeed his Pack into victory, Fang must search throughout the strangers, hoping to find the Second One before time elaspes.
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- Author: Katie Radgowski
Read book online Β«Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows by Katie Radgowski (top 10 novels of all time .txt) πΒ». Author - Katie Radgowski
Fang helped Seed lower some knoted brambles beside the Infirmary entrance. Below, the Defenders were digging out a new large section underground and under the Defender den. It was the new spot for the Infirmary, where a tunnel will lead to the Defender den and one to the open hollow. It was for safety reasons, like when Dark Shadows striked with his horde.
"Hey, Fang, can we go eat for a while? We're pretty hungry." Shadow of Night asked as he padded from the tunnel with some other tired Defenders.
"Sure." Fang replied through a mouthful of brambles. "A Prey Patrol brought back some tasty looking rabbits."
"Thanks, Fang." Shadow barked as he padded to the Storage Chamber, followed by the other working Defenders.
Fang left Seed to finish the brambles as he padded to the Seniors den. Sand was stuffing leaves between the den's brambled cracks as Black was putting grass around the back.
"Good job, guys." Fang barked.
"Thanks." Sand muffled. "This is a good idea, to get ready and stuff. I never thought of this."
"Yeah." Fang agreed softly as Sand padded inside the den.
Fang padded away as he saw Misty and the Trainees come in from a Prey Patrol. Misty padded over and nudged him a greeting, while dropping a huge rabbit in front of his paws.
"You should give this to Sun." Misty suggested. "With Pups on the way, she'll need some food to keep her strength up."
"Good idea." Fang replied as he grabbed the rabbit in his jaws.
Fang bounded away. He saw Misty gaze after him. Feather told him four months ago that Misty liked him. A lot. Fang didn't mind, but he didn't know if he liked her or not. He was too busy with Pack stuff anyway, like leader of the Hunters, and stuff.
Fang found Sun and some Carers basking in the sun, while the Pups played nearby. The Carers were talking about their Caring stuff as Fang padded over with the rabbit.
Sun rolled over to her paws. Her belly was rounder then a boulder, heavy with Pups. She gasped for breath as if the air was knocked out of her.
"Thanks." She sighed, taking in deep breaths as if talking was too much. "With these fiesty Pups, they would eat anything. Besides, I'm starving."
"Well, you'll love this rabbit." Fang replied as he dropped the prey in front of her. "Remember, if these Pups aren't born before the battle, you'll have to stay inside the Infirmary."
"I know." Sun mumbled.
Fang could pitcure it if the expecting mother got clawed in the belly or got killed, it would be over for her and the Pups. Fang didn't want them to die, as if by costs.
"You know, this is harder then I thought." Sun muttered as she bit into the rabbit, swallowing the tangy flesh. "I'll be fatter then an elk before these Pups are born."
"You'll still be the best." A voice interrupted.
Tiger came padding around the corner, putting his nose gently to her belly. Tiger was Sun's mate, and the father of the future Pups. Tiger was a strong wolf, but way to lovey when it came to Sun and the Pups.
"Oh, shut up." Sun laughed, licking his ear.
Fang felt sick in the belly. Fang wasn't too keen on love and when other wolves shown to much affection, it made him go butter-flied.
Fang rose to his paws, quietly sneaking away from the two mates. Fang sighed in relief as he came met Acorn, who wasn't to sharp on love nonsense.
"Oh, hello Fang." She greeted through a mouthful of herbs. "Just restoring before the battle."
"Good idea." Fang agreed. "We'll need a lot of herbs before the battle. Hey, did you pick a Healer Trainee yet?"
Acorn dropped the herbs on the ground, rolling them in a leafwrap as she admitted. "No but I'm really hoping for one Pup. It's Star. She's focused, caring and very interesting in the herb arts. She may be perfect and I'll probably get to train her before the battle. So two paws will be helping in medical help, plus with Leaf, since she has some herb knowledge too."
"Great!" Fang barked.
"You know, Sky Lupus came to me in a dream last night." Acorn broke in as she grabbed the herbs in her jaws again. "He say's that Dark Shadows is close, but we have a lot of time to get ready."
"Good." Fang murmured as he dipped his head. "This new construction isn't easy. But thanks, Acorn, for the news."
"No problem." Acorn replied as she padded back to the forest and to her cave. She stopped shortly before she turned.
"Fang, could you talk to Star for me tommorow? Try to convince her to settle her path as a Healer. Or try too."
Fang nodded. "I'll try."
Acorn nodded before she turned and pushed into the undergrowth. Fang watched her go.
The barrier of protection. That's what my Pack is making.
Chapter 2: The Path of Herbs
Fang led Star into the forest. Star bounced after him, panting in excitement. Fang knew he couldn't lie down Acorn. Besides, they would need all the help they could get if the battle outraged with deep, bloody wounds.
Star pounced on some bugs, like butterflies and crickets some times. Then she'd get right back to her pawsteps with a warning glance from Fang.
Fang led her to the crystal pond where Snowflake, his dead Carer who got shot by a Being many months ago, took him when he was a Pup.
Fang paused, taking a deep breath as Star sat down, her tail wrapped around her front paws. Fang turned to look at her.
"Star, I have something to tell you. I wouldn't ask most Pups this, but this is important and you must agree to it."
"What is it?" Star asked, her tongue lolling from her mouth as her head cocked sideways.
Fang hesitated. Would she agree? Most Pups had dreams on hunting large elk or fighting large rival wolves from the hollow. Most would never think about sorting herbs and being in a cave alone in the territory. Besides, Star was energetic and full of dignity. A Healer would have those kind of traits... right?
Fang sighed as he began. "Star, the battle that's coming up is going to be dangerous and... bad. Many wolves will be injuried, having gruesome wounds or fatally bleeding. Now... now it's important that you must agree to this. Will... will you be Acorn's Trainee and become a Healer Trainee?"
"I know, I know." Fang interrupted. "It's stupid. But this battle is going to be bloody. We need all the spare paws we can get. Acorn's been observing you and thinks you'll be great. You'll still learn to hunt for yourself and defend yourself, but herbs are easy to learn. Acorn will teach you all you know. It'll take longer to train, but it'll be worth it. What do you say?"
Star was silent. Fang could tell she was thinking.
"I-I don't know." Star sputtered out. "I always wanted to be a Healer, but a Hunter too. They can both help my Pack. I just don't know which rank."
Fang nodded slowly. We was now the Lead Hunter, and he knew what she was feeling. He wanted to be a Defender at first, but accepted the fact that his rank was his rank. Star would need to understand, too.
"You can hunt for the Pack, too." Fang told her. "I mean, after your done with your Healer duties you can help around the hollow. To be the Healer is a big choice but you can help your Pack in many ways."
"Really?" Star asked as she stood up, her tail wagging. "Great! I'll accept."
Fang dipped his head. "Good choice."
Star's eyes sparkled. Fang could tell the Lupus destined her from birth to be a Healer. Fang knew Lupus was on his side for the battle.
Fang rested his tail tip on Star's shoulder gently. "Let's go back to the hollow and get some prey."
Star nodded as he led her to the forest, bouncing excitedly.
Chapter 3: Frostpaw's Idea
Fang padded back to the hollow, letting Star run to her littermates as he padded acorss the clearing. Storm, his father, was nearby, licking a few scratches he got from a thornbush. Fang ignored him, remembering how Storm lied to him when he was younger.
Fang saw Muddy and Frostpaw, the two rogues, carrying vines to the entrance. Fang caught the two rogues four months ago near Star Gulley Creek. Both were cannibals in the past, eating dead wolves bodies that floated down the river. Luckily, Fang caught them before they ate Snowflake's body greedily. Now, they were respected members of the Pack, keeping their old names and changing their ways. They knew how to fight and hunt now.
Fang walked over. Muddy lowered some vines down in a pile, as he flashed Fang a friendly glance.
"Fang, old buds!" Muddy exclaimed as he jogged over. "I helps with the contructions. They can' do its on their own's, the old slops!"
Muddy and Frostpaw had bad grammar. Seed tried to educate them, but the two rogues were used to talking in Rogue Language. Fang didn't mind and the rest of the wolves thought it was amusing. But they never told the rogues, of course.
"Hey, I'm helpin's too." Frostpaw hissed as he prowled over, his tongue covered in sticky juice from the vine. "This juicey is nasty. I'ma go clean it offs by the puddles."
Fang nodded as Frostpaw padded over to a nearby puddle, his tongue lapping at the water to wash off the sticky sap.
"You knows, I loves it in a Pack." Muddy barked. "It has carin' wolves, nicey friends, plentiful foods and warms beds. It's heavens!"
Fang sighed. "Not for long. Muddy, a battle is brewing. Soon, this place will be a bloody battlefield, with slashing teeth and claws and blood soaked puddles."
"You dun knows thats." Frostpaw pointed out as he padded back, his
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