Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows by Katie Radgowski (top 10 novels of all time .txt) π

Fang and his Pack settled their grounds, now ready for Dark Shadows. But are they really?
Dark Shadows is growing, hoarding a bigger horde. Fang know's his Pack will fall easily.
But when he get's an omen of the Second One, another wolf to help him succeed his Pack into victory, Fang must search throughout the strangers, hoping to find the Second One before time elaspes.
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- Author: Katie Radgowski
Read book online Β«Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows by Katie Radgowski (top 10 novels of all time .txt) πΒ». Author - Katie Radgowski
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Fallen Wolves (First Series):
Fallen Wolves #1: Dark Stars
Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows
Alliances of Fallen WolvesThe code and codiance of the Fallen Wolves Packs are simple. The ranks are a bit confusing but the higher ranks are more easier to understand. Every wolf has a special name. Like Sun in/of Sky. Sun is the first name for the wolf, being the nickname. It may get it's first name for it's personality, fur color or it's resemble to something. It's last name, or it's pure name, is resembled to it's first name. Like Branch of Trees. Branches are connected to trees, so it's last name resembles tree to branch.
Pups are called by their first name after they are born. For example, Pebbles of 'Creek'. Pebbles is it's name untill it grows older, to a Hunter/ Defender. Pups don't move on to the next rank untill 5 months. The pups stay with their Carers untill then.
After 5 months on being a Pup, the wolf moves to Trainee. Trainees train to be a Hunter or a Defender or a Carer. One may be chosen to train as the Healer Trainee. Spirits pick on what their to train for. The Trainees train with about five or ten other pups that have the same goal. They have a Captain of the Trainees for that rank. They keep their first name.
After 7 months on being a Trainee, one wolf may be chosen to be a Hunter. Now, they are picked their names. The last name is chosen from the sample of it's first name. Like if it's name is Rock, it would be named Rock in Mountain etc etc. The Hunter is the one who goes on the Prey Patrols. They hunt elk, deer, rabbits, mice and other edible foods. They even collect fruit and berries.
Like the Hunter, the wolf changes it's name to it's Pure one after 8 months. The Defender defends the hollow (camp) of the wolves. They also go on Search Patrols around the territory to search for trespassers and other enemies, like hunting dogs, panthers, bears and other rogue wolves. Defenders take 1 month extra from the Hunters so they can learn all the quickest ways through the territory and the best moves to take down enemies.
Carers are chosen their Pure name after 7 months, like the Hunter. Carers care for the newborn pups and sick wolves in the Infirmary underground of the hollow. All Carers are mostly females. When one female wolf gives birth to the litter, after a week of spending time of the Infirmary, the female goes back to duties and one or two Carers take care of the pups. Sick wolves are healed by the Healer and his/her Trainee, then the Carer takes over. Carers mostly stay in the hollow at all times and can't have mates and pups of their own.
The Healer takes almost a year to be chosen it's Pure name. Spirits chose the Healer's name. The Healer has a cave out of the hollow and in the territory. It uses medicene herbs and berries to heal the sick and wounded. Healers live longer then any other wolf rank, given an extra life by it's ancestors. Healers can only have a mate if it's the Leader of the Pack.
The General is the second in command of the Pack. The General takes over leadership when the Leader dies. The General is like any other wolf.
The Leader is the top command of the Pack. The Leader's name is changed to "Leader" when it becomes one. For example, if it was called Moon in Sky, it would be called Moon Leader. The Leader lives long, but not longer like the Healer. The Leader can have any mate in any rank except the Carer. The Leader is in charge of battles, Patrols and any other things.
Bright Lightning Pack:
Leader: Moon Leader~ pale gray female wolf with white crescent marked chest and ears with blue eyes
General: Storm in Clouds (Storm): dark gray male wolf with gray stripes with blue dappled eyes
Healer: Acorn of Oak (Acorn): small ginger female wolf with dappled green eyes
Defenders (defends the hollow):
Lead Defender~ Fire of Forest (Fire): dark ginger male wolf with pale green eyes
Rain of Air (Rain): light gray female wolf with amber eyes
Thunder of Day (Thunder): large black male wolf with yellow eyes and missing ear
Shadow of Night (Shadow): dark gray male wolf with blue eyes and black spots
.Sun in Sky (Sun): golden female wolf with green eyes and ginger paws
.Tiger of Jungle (Tiger): large ginger and white male wolf with stripes and with yellow eyes
Flower of Field (Flower): ginger and white female wolf with green eyes
Twig of Branch (Twig): pale large brown male wolf with yellow eyes
Sap in Trunk (Sap): multi-colored female wolf with blue eyes
Flint of Coal (Flint): sleek black male wolf with amber eyes
Hunters (hunt for Pack):
Lead Hunter~ Fang of Jaw (Fang): light brown and dark brown male wolf with dark green eyes
Misty of Mist (Misty): gray and white female wolf with sage like green eyes
Feather of Bird (Feather): gray female wolf with silver patches and has blue eyes
Maple of Trunk (Maple): multi-colored female wolf with green eyes
Fawn of Valley (Fawn): white spotted ginger female wolf with green eyes
Mountain of Earth (Mountain): large but lean gray and white male wolf with yellow eyes
Badger of Woods (Badger): large black and white male wolf with green eyes
Dusk at Sunset (Dusk): black, white, brown and gray female wolf with blue icy eyes
Coal of Flames (Coal): light black male wolf with small ears with green/yellow eyes
Grass of Field (Grass): gray female wolf with amber eyes and long fur
Horn of Elk (Horn): dark brown male wolf with black paws and amber eyes
Lead Carer~ Seed of Plant: creamy colored female wolf with green eyes
Ice of Lake: white and gray female wolf with green eyes
Velvet of Eyes (Velvet): brown female wolf with velvet amber eyes
Rose of Pelt (Rose): dark ginger female wolf with yellow eyes
Bird of Flight (Bird): brown and white female wolf with blue eyes
Swan of Pond (Swan): white female wolf with hard blue eyes and black ears
Snow of Sky (Snow): pretty white female wolf with blue eyes and a gray tail and muzzle
Honey of Hive (Honey): pale creamy and ginger female wolf with foresty green eyes
Peach of Fruit (Peach): pale ginger female wolf with white paws and yellow/blue eyes
Silver (Silver): gray female wolf with blue eyes and fluffy coat
Polar (Polar): white male wolf with blue eyes
Robin (Robin): dark ginger male wolf with amber eyes
Hope (Hope): black and brown female wolf with green eyes
Star (Star): gray and white female wolf with star like mark on chest and has blue/greenish eyes
Boulder (Boulder): dark gray male with green eyes
Ember (Ember): creamy and white female wolf with blue eyes
Seniors (old wolves who retired):
Sand of Desert (Sand): pale sandy female wolf with blue eyes
Snake of Rock (Rock): gray striped male with yellow eyes
Foot of Wolf (Foot): white male wolf with large ginger paws and has green eyes
Leaf of Birch (Leaf): pretty creamy female wolf with green eyes
Black of Hole (Black): black male wolf with amber eyes
Wind of Moor (Wind): pale, small gray wolf with amber eyes
The Dark Clan:
Dark Shadows: black male wolf with red eyes with flecks of shadows in fur, needle like claws, posionous teeth and spiked fur and tail
Saber: small black and gray male wolf with yellow eyes
Dark Shadows held his pose, eyes gazing over his marching horde. Pale moonlight glowed into his dark, wet cave that was looming above his Shadow Slaves. His snake like tongue flickered in and out as his ears pricked, hearing the wails of the dark.
It was like a lullaby to make one wolf dream horrible, bloody nightmares.
Dark Shadows tasted the air as he scented his Messenger, Saber, come in. The tiny black wolf tripped over his paws once or twice before regaining balance and facing his Lord.
"I've come with news, sir."
"Good. Tell me." Dark Shadows sheethed.
"Er.. our horde has ruled over Panther Border on the mountain, sir. Stupid cats we took over, sir." Saber reported.
"Aw, good." Dark Shadows murmured as his eyes shimmered. "One pawstep forward to victory. But you know what I really want?"
"What, sir?" Saber asked, puzzled.
Dark Shadows swished around and pushed Saber into the ground. Dark Shadows large, shadowy paw was placed on Saber's throat as he leaned over, his breath reeking as he mumured to Saber's ear.
"That wolf. The one that has that power. If I can get him and squeeze it out of him, I may have a chance. My horde is strong, Saber, but not enough without his power."
"E-excuse me, sir, but what power does he have that we need so much? I think the horde is deadly and powerful to the way it." Saber gasped as he tried to breathe in the fresh air.
"Fool!" Dark Shadows snarled as he grasped Saber by the neck with his jaws and flung him into the wall. The stones cracked, leaving dents along the spot where Saber was thrown.
"He has the power to fly into past and future dimensions!" Dark Shadows snapped as his snake like tongue flickered out. "I need that power. One way, or another. I can become more powerful. I can fly into the past, and kill that Lupus when he was alive and started the Fallen Law. I can rule over the wolves, then. That power has the hunger for dark on it, but that wolf doesn't have a clue what it's for."
Saber slowly slid to the floor, falling on his head as he fell from the cracked wall. He stumbled to his paws, eyes clouded as he muttered. "Right."
Dark Shadows turned back to the window in his cave wall, watching his endless horde stomp below and do training. The moonlight washed the whole forest white as Dark Shadows eye sparkled.
"I will have that power. I will take it by force, blood or guts, pleasing him or doing whatever. I'll back down on the fight if I need too. I just need that power."
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