Love Again by Marisa Maichel (best english novels for beginners txt) π

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- Author: Marisa Maichel
Read book online Β«Love Again by Marisa Maichel (best english novels for beginners txt) πΒ». Author - Marisa Maichel
They weren't 'offensive', but they didn't want to be a part of the problem either. So they moved to Italy until it was almost over then they moved to America. They didn't experience any discrimnation, they were totally honest with the government.
"My dad is half Indian and half Native American. My mother is German. I can speak maybe a hundred words in German. I can speak a bit of Lakota and a bit of Indian. I learned the words from Dad before he...passed away." Kavin touched my hand.
"I'm sorry." So what if I lied a little bit? This was my chance for a new life. A new school, new friends, new boyfriend. Besides, the teachers and populars were nicer here. Especially Lucy, the hippest girl in school.
She was blond and did cheerleading, the usual, and she gossiped, but she didn't do it when the victims were around, like my ex-friend did. Yes, she and I were not close at all. I still love all my other friends, but she was a pain in the ass.
She was going to drop me anyway, saying that I no longer have Hawt status. Stupid blondee bee. I wrote that, including the details of the date, in my diary that night. I'd scored a few popular numbers, including Kavin's. He'd done club football for years and now did a bit of basketball.
FYI, the blond jerk from earlier was named Laci. Apparently she's a tanorexic slut, from what I could gather from Lucy and Kavin. Lucy doesn't even like her. She likes Kavin, but he hates her because she stole the boyfriend of a girl friend of his.
At that instant I decided she was on the F List. At my old school, the F List was something the populars, including me, made up. It was for sluts, players, mushrooms, delinquents, etc. Although it was sort of hypocritical because some of the populars are sluts and players and mushrooms and delinquents.
Kavin leads me up to my door now.
"So...I..." he begins. I kiss him without thinking. He deepens the kiss. He mumbles something.
"Nothing. Brook, that was fantastic."
"Which part of it? And what's it?" He smiles.
"Everything. Dinner, talking to you, that kiss...everything about you is perfect." I smile.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Kavin says, pecking my cheek. Suddenly, the door opens. It's Jane and Brigid, both with big quirky grins on their faces. I resist the urge to kill them.
"I should go. See you, Brook."
"Bye, Kavin." He turns and walks to his car, glancing back. I turn and go inside. Ugh. Mom is there, with a basket in her hand. Whenever Brigid or I go out, she makes us pick out three qualities and say if they're true or not.
"Yes." "Good in awkward situations?"
"Def. Reid came to our table and Kavin totally stood up for me." I tell them what Reid had done and said. And what Kavin and I said back.
We Are In Trouble With My Ex-Boyfriend
I was totally in love the next morning. I hopped out of bed to the smells of coffee and bacon. My mother and sister were making breakfast. Jane had stayed last night, along with Khloe and my other friend Deirdre. The girls followed me. We'd stayed up talking about boys and beauty. We were in love with a new nail polish line with every color and pattern known to humankind. And at a good price.
"When should I call him?" I asked everybody.
"Call him tonight, before dinner." Brigid said.
"A little later. Play hard to get." Mom told me. It turned out that I didn't have to call him. He called me.
"Did you enjoy dinner?" Kavin asked with a nervous tone.
"Absolutely." I told him with a mouthful of pancake. "We should totally get together again soon. When are you free?"
"I have club Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I will probably be free Saturday. What say you, lunch at one o'clock?"
"Hold on." I held the phone away from my ear. "He wants to meet me at one pm on Saturday." My girlfriends smiled and Brigid clapped her fingertips, while Mom checked her Sidekick.
"Saturday's fine." she told me.
"Saturday'll work." I told him.
"Good. I can't wait to see you again."
"Me, either." I said. He whispered something inaudible.
"What's that?"
"Nothing. I will see you Monday, Brook. Good bye. "
"Bye." I clicked off. "He said he can't wait to see me." I told them dreamily.
"I do find it odd that he called you. This early, too. He could've called you yesterday," Khloe said.
"Agreed." Deirdre said, flipping her brown waves. "But he's hot, right?"
"Drool worthy. Brook is a lucky girl," Brigid said.
"Well, we'll see." Mom said. "If anything else that's weird pops up, he needs to go. Obsessive calling is the number one sign of an abusive relationship," she continued. i ignored that. Kavin was hot, and I wanted him. "What's in the present?" Brigid asked.
"I don't know, I didn't open it yet." I answered. I went to get it. It was pretty, with gold wrapping and a red ribbon. My mother put her hand on my back.
"Open it, baby," she said in a slightly excited voice. I carefully untied the ribbon and tore the wrapping off. The box contained chocolate, and a pretty pink bow. "Ooh, don't mind if i do," Mom said, taking a piece of chocolate. I put the bow in my hair, and glared at Brigid, who was trying to steal the entire box of chocolate.
"Pretty," Jane said, touching the bow.
"B, you've got yourself a keeper." Khloe said.
Later, I said bye to Khloe and Deirdre. I wished they could've stayed longer, but Khloe had piano lessons and Deirdre had plans with her hunk of a boyfriend, Matthew. Jane had to go thirty minutes later, for FBLA. I had nothing to do. I'm a huge people person, I get bored easily without other people around. So what do I do? I call Kavin.
"Do you want to meet later?" he asked. I agreed, told my mother what I was doing, and sat on the front steps, playing with my phone. I saw a shadow above me. I ignored it, hoping the unwanted person would go away.
"How are you?" came Reid's voice. I looked up. Speak of the devil.
"I'm okay. How are you?"
"I've been fine. Well, not necessarily fine." he said, sitting down close to me. "I...Brook, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did. I just..." He paused, closed his eyes and swallowed. "I've been a real jackass. The way I broke up with you was insensitive. Foolish. I should never have broken up with you anyhow. When I saw you with what's-his-face, I got really, really jealous. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I love you, Brook."
I didn't know what to say. He still hadn't explained why he broke up with me. He realized this.
"The only reason why I broke up with you is because I was confused about my feelings. I wanted you, yet I felt like I couldn't have you. More like I felt like I shouldn't have you. I've realized I was wrong. I want you back, Brook."
Part of me wanted to forgive him, hug him, tell him I loved him too. But another part of me wanted to scream at him, tell him that he nearly ruined my reputation there, that he caused a lot of unnecessary trouble. But I couldn't say either of those. I decided to be honest but gentle about it. He may not have deserved it, but I decided to go about it differently than he did.
"I appreciate that, Reid. But I found someone else that makes me happy. What we had is in the past and should stay there." I told him. He looked down, and I noticed for the first time that he'd brought a single red rose. He closed his eyes, and tears fell down his cheeks.
"I deserve that, I guess. I should have expected this. You're gorgeous, Brook. Both on the outside and on the inside. That's why I fell for you. I screwed up big time. I've never been so ashamed, or heartbroken. I have never felt for anyone what I feel for you. I want to protect you, hold you, love you, run my fingers through your hair and lay on my bed with you again. I want to...I'm rambling now."
At that I took the rose from his hands and brought it inside. "Is that from your blond hunk?" my mother said, smiling. Then her smile fell. "Baby, what's wrong?" I relayed my conversation with Reid to her. She shook her head. "He might not mean it. But he did give you a rose. But the way he broke up with you was unforgivable. Don't go back to him."
"I don't plan to." I answered.
"Good girl." she said. I went upstairs and put the rose with Kavin's flowers. Mom had put them in a violet vase with water. I grabbed my purse and went back downstairs. Reid was still on the porch. Kavin was there, too, in his car waiting. I hugged Reid and went to my crush's car.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Kavin said, sounding furious. I was a tad shocked by his aggressiveness.
"He wanted to apologize and ask for me back. I basically told him he was too late." I answered. Kavin relaxed.
"All right. I'm sorry, Brook."
"It's all right."
"Good." he said, leaning back and letting out a breath. I quickly studied his chest and stomach for muscles. Nothing I could see, his green shirt was a little bit too big. He also looked like he was going to explode, he was breathing so heavily. I pushed myself up and planted a kiss on his cheek, which seemed to calm him down.
"I'm sorry." he said again, softly. "I just...I-I just get so jealous, and I can't control myself. I also fall way too quickly. I know you probably think I'm a freak now. I want you to tell me if I'm falling for you too quickly or if I've done something to upset you. Promise me you'll do that?" he looked at me with love in his eyes, and desperation.
"Yes. I promise." I told him, touching his thigh as he backed out of my new driveway. I leaned closer to him. "I don't think you're a freak, either. I think you're sexy as hell. " He smiled at me.
"So bold, yet so mysterious!" he said, shaking his head. "I'm glad you said that, Brook, because I feel the same way." he said. I smiled. He seemed pleased.
"Where are we going?" I asked him. He only smiled and said nothing more. My heart pounded in anticipation. As it turned out, we were going to the mall. He complained a little at the busyness. I found a spot on the least popular side. He parked, leaned across me
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