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and set it in front of Enrique. “From the night you arranged the accident that killed your sister-in-law. Why did you do it?” “She was having his child,” Enrique said softly, his mind going back, “not mine! I meant only to frighten her.” “And when her sister was recovering after delivering her child prematurely,” the man asked, “why did you steal her child?” “To replace my lost Cassandra,” Enrique replied dopily. “I would have her raised to be the perfect wife, incapable of lies and treachery. And so she is,” his smile widened. “Isabel is an angel.” “And Cassandra’s child?” the man demanded. “What happened to her?” When Enrique shook his head, refusing to answer, he was struck. “What did you do to your brother’s child?” “I raised her as my own,” Enrique replied. “For that is what she was meant to be! Alejandra is Ricardo’s child.” He looked over at his son, who was eyeing him in shock. “As is Rafael. I stole my brother’s woman and she was already pregnant with his child!” “Tell us how you arranged things to bring the Council judgement down on Isabel,” the man suggested. “It was quite easy,” Enrique smiled. “I went to the woman I had chosen to raise her, Olivia Chambers, and suggested she add some things to her journal. In exchange, I would allow the woman to live.” He looked defensive. “It had to be done. Isabel was meant to be my tool to wield against her family.” “Who helped you abduct her, Enrique?” “Not abduct,” Enrique muttered, growing more uneasy with every minute. “I alerted the Council and they sent their Captain to secure her for trial.” His eyes went wild. “I had to do it! Isabel belongs with the Alvarez!” “Is that why you had Roger Hancock killed?” “He meant to use her as a weapon against the Alvarez,” Enrique told his interrogator. “I could not allow this! He had to be punished.” He suddenly bucked as a shot rang out. There was the sound of someone rushing away as the Council erupted into action. Sebastian pulled his hood off and went to check on Enrique. The man was dead. The bullet had hit him dead center. He rose to his feet, closing the man’s eyes. Someone had snuck into a Council trial and killed the accused. What had they been afraid he would say? He had admitted to enough crimes to earn severe punishment, yes, but it was by the hand of the Council, not at the discretion of an outsider. He looked at Orlando and the others. “Someone has passed sentence on the man,” Sebastian frowned. “He is dead.” He snapped to attention. “Emilio! Guillermo! Call the guards out. Find the assassin!” He walked up to Ricardo and laid his hand on the other man’s shoulder. “I mourn with you, the loss of your hermano.” He looked at the others. “With the permission of the Council, I would take my nephew and niece with me.” They agreed and he went into the other room where Isabel was being held in her mother’s arms. “I am sorry we had to do this,” he said as he crouched down and laid his hand to the girl’s cheek. “The man who forced you into marriage to his son had to pay for his crimes.” “He was planning on turning himself over to you in the morning,” Isabel informed him and saw his stunned look. “He said he had to make amends.” Isabel looked up at him in distress. Then looked into the other room where Rafael was examining his father. “Where do I belong now?” “With your husband, hija,” Sebastian smiled at her, “unless you wish it otherwise.” He nodded as she looked at him. “Your mama and I will take you home with us if you prefer. Give you time to recover and then start to build a life for yourself.” “Where is home?” “We will begin in your mother’s old penthouse,” Sebastian told her, “while the funeral arrangements are being made and the will prepared.” He got to his feet. “Once this is done, home is on San Matteo, the ancestral home of the Guerrero family.” “Maybe I want to stay here,” Isabel told them both, “in Baltimore.” “You won’t be safe here,” Liza cried out. She pulled Isabel closer. “After everything you have been through, Isabel, why would you want to stay here?” “I have friends here, Li…”” Isabel smiled at the woman shyly. “Mother.” She was rewarded by a warm smile and another embrace. She looked over at Sebastian. “Tell me you understand?” “You have lived a life with people telling you what to do,” Sebastian replied, frowning, “where to be.” He nodded. “It is time you have a chance to make your own choices.” He heard his wife’s cry of dismay. “It is for the best, Liza. Your daughter needs her freedom.” He laid his hand on Isabel’s shoulder. “If we leave for San Matteo and you do not wish to accompany us, we will honor that choice, hija. But know this, I will be leaving Emilio and Guillermo behind to keep watch over you.” He was astounded when Isabel got to her feet and threw her arms around him. The joy in her eyes made his heart melt. He was determined now to help her find her own way. He remembered watching her dance and saw a path opening for her. His Isabel deserved her chance to pursue a career, if that was her choice. There was knock on the door and he went to open it. Ricardo Alvarez came into the room. He went to Isabel and pulled her into his arms. “Our family has wronged you greatly, Isabel,” he told her bluntly. “Now I learn that Rafael is my son; and this makes you truly a daughter!” He kissed Isabel on the cheek, shook Sebastian’s hand, kissed Liza’s hand and left. “You have found yourself a protector,” Sebastian smiled over at Isabel. “He will see to it that no harm befalls you.” “Then I won’t need Emilio and Guillermo?” “Nice try, hija,” Sebastian laughed. “They stay or you come to San Matteo.” He helped Liza to her feet. “We will go to the penthouse now.” They arrived at the penthouse and Isabel was not surprised when Gordon came to join them. He had heard about Enrique’s murder and had worried how it would affect his niece. He could see that she was hurt, and confused. She was also a bit angry at having learned that the man who had been her father-in-law so briefly had been behind every trauma in her life. How could he have done such heinous things? She went into the kitchen to get a cup of tea as the adults discussed options for her security. They meant well; she couldn’t fault their motives. The phone rang and she answered the extension on the wall in the kitchen. “You belong to us, Isabel,” Alejandra’s cold voice sounded over the line. “You will come home or people you love will start dying.” Isabel slammed the receiver down, and sank down against the wall. She lowered her head to her knees and shuddered. What was the girl thinking? She felt someone coming towards her and looked up to see Gordon standing in the doorway. He saw the fear in her eyes and sank down next to her. The feel of his arms around her made the chill go away. She told him what had just happened and saw the anger on his face. “Why can’t it be over?” Isabel sobbed. “We’ll make it be over,” Gordon promised her. He saw how exhausted she was and pulled her to her feet. “You should get some rest, child. It’s been a long day for you.” “I couldn’t agree more,” Liza nodded from where she was leaning in the doorway. “When I get back, Gordon, we need to talk.” * Morning came and the day dawned bright. Isabel stood on the balcony enjoying the sights of the city as it woke. She heard someone moving behind her and turned to see Liza setting the table. Isabel joined her and was surprised to see Sebastian in the kitchen, preparing the meal. There was lot she didn’t know about this man. What she did know was endearing him to her heart. She went to the kitchen and leaned against the door frame. “Can I help, Father?” Isabel asked. She watched as he nearly dropped a plate in his shock. “Do you know how to cook the potatoes?” he asked as he turned to smile at her. “Your Mama called them hashed browns?” “It’s not that hard, Father,” Isabel smiled back at him. She found everything she needed and went to work. “How would you like them? Just pepper. Just onion. Or both?” “Do it as you like it,” Sebastian said as he put his attention back to what he was doing. “No, querida,” he said softly when Liza came back to help. “Our hija and I are doing the cooking this morning.” The phone rang and Isabel nearly dropped the stick of butter she was holding. Sebastian answered. “Guerrero residence.” He listened and smiled at Isabel. “It is your amigo, Simon Tremont.” “Isabel!” Simon’s voice sounded over the line when she answered. “My goddess! I am in dire straits!” “What’s wrong, Simon?” Isabel asked him. “The young lady who was Clara in our production of the Nutcracker,” Simon sniffed, “has broken her leg. You must rescue us, Isabel!” “I don’t know…” “Please, goddess!” Simon begged her. “You will earn my undying adoration and devotion.” “I will come discuss the possibility with you this afternoon,” Isabel told him and held the receiver away from her ear as Simon squealed in delight. She hung up the phone and turned to her parents, smiling. “Simon wants me to take the role of Clara in their Nutcracker production.” “This is wonderful, hija!” Sebastian crowed. He nodded towards the fry pan. “Your hashed browns need your attention.” They finished cooking and settled down to the meal. Isabel watched her parents, overwhelmed by the happiness they shared. Despite the strange beginning of the life together, it was obvious to her that they loved each other. When the meal was done, and the dishes finished, her parents went with her to the theater. Simon picked her up and swung her around with a cry of delight. He turned to the other company members as he set her down on her feet. They all got on their knees, clasping their hands. “You don’t fight fair, Simon,” Isabel frowned as she saw this shameless ploy. She looked at her parents, so proud for her, then back at the company. “All right. I’ll be your Clara.” “It will not be hard for you, child,” Simon smiled, as he took her on stage. “You know all the solos and the company numbers. It is only the duets you have not done.” He motioned to a handsome young man with flame red hair and he stepped forward. “This is David Evans. He will be your prince.” “Evans?” Isabel looked at him closely and knew. “You’re Tabitha’s…” “Younger brother,” David finished for her with a nod. “We are a very large, rowdy Irish Catholic family.” He nodded over at Simon. “Tremont has spoken of your talent. He says you will pick up the duets without any problem. Shall we see how we fit?” He smiled as he suddenly lifted her up off her feet and held her over his head, and then through several positions. When he finally released her, he nodded. “You are a light as a feather! We’ll have no problem dancing together.” “All right, children,” Simon clapped his hands and they moved apart, “we will start with the opening number. Take your places.” He looked at David and Isabel. “You two go practice the duets in the studio.” “He’s a slave driver,” David laughed
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