American library books » Fiction » Wishes, Gems, and Disasters by Martha Wickham (books to read this summer .txt) 📕

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of the hospital and went in. She looked around the white building and didn’t see anyone. Glancing in the door on the left she saw a women working at a desk. “My friend was taken in here and I don’t know where he is. How can I find him?”
“The emergency room is down the hall straight ahead. He should be in one of the rooms there.”
Anita nodded, and gave a polite thank you, then went down the hall. She heard voices and followed them. A woman in uniform came out a door and Anita asked, “I’m looking for Tony Leah. Can you help me find him?”
“He came in with a cut to his head. It must be really deep so we put him to sleep and the doctors are cleaning him up right now. He’s stable but there is a chance he could die. You can wait here but he probably won’t wake until the morning.”
In fear Anita sat down in a waiting room chair. Taking her cell phone out of her purse she called her mother. “I feel so bad. If I didn’t have him try to take me to this stupid concert this never would have happened. I’ll get him some flowers then I’ll be back home mom, okay.”
Anita went to the door the woman came out of and looked in. She saw Tony sleeping and she ran to him and held his hand. She began brushing his hair out of his face and whispered, “I’m sorry.” He was too young to die. Just out of high school like her. After turning out the light she stepped out of the room.
She was relieved when she found the gift shop because she thought she would have to walk five blocks before finding a florist. Picking out a nice bouquet of white roses she put them in a glass vase and placed them in Tony’s room on a table.
Anita sat in a waiting room chair and saw it was getting darker outside. There weren’t any magazines to read just a Bible. She put it on her lap and read the page she opened it to. She had heard of the Bible before but only thought that it was true, about God, and had angels in it. One of the pictures inside was of a larger angel dressed in white and standing in the clouds. It was pretty with the use of pastel colors. The side of the Bible was golden and shining.
A loud buzz came from Tony’s room and nurses ran to it. People were running down the hall.
Her first impression was something’s wrong with Tony and she ran to the room. The nurses were putting pressure on his chest with an instrument they use to quicken the heart rate. Anita knew it had slowed down but the nurses had gotten it going again. This worried Anita and she didn’t want to leave the hospital.
Tears filled her eyes as she stepped out the doors for fresh air. Across the street over the tops of houses Anita could see a cross and she knew it was a church. She sat down on a bench and stared at the ground feeling guilty. How would she ever repay Tony for this accident? Was she bad luck? How could she go on happy if Tony died? She felt like not only his life was over but so was hers.
She ran as fast as she could trying to burn up all the tense energy. When she stopped running she noticed it was evening and she was standing in front of the church. There were cars parked in front so she knew people were there.
Entering inside the glass doors she went in tired and tearful wanting to sit down. Anita heard a guitar softly playing and she closed her eyes as the sound soothed her. A young teenage girl with blond hair began singing a song about how great she thought God was. Her voice was pretty and soft. Anita enjoyed it. When the song was over the people in the church gathered together in groups. Anita sat staring at the floor.
“Are you ready to pray?” a woman’s voice softly and sweetly asked her. “Me and another woman need to be praying with someone else right now, so what do you need help with at this time?”
“I was in a car accident today,” Anita’s voice shook. “I’m Anita. I’m okay but my friend Tony isn’t. He’s in the hospital right now.”
The lady signaled for her friend to come over and they grabbed Anita’s hands. “Father God thank you for healing me and guiding me in my life and I pray that we open our hearts to your message and blessings tonight. We thank you that Anita was okay after her accident and that you never allow her to fall again once she receives you God. I also pray that Tony is healed and that Jesus allows him to walk again and be even healthier than he was before. Thank you God for hearing and we know your blessings lead us to victory and we worry not about our futures anymore, Amen.”
Anita heard what she said and actually felt a little better about her situation. She took a deep breath and sat down.
The woman stood next to her and handed her a card. It asked personal questions about her. It was like a sign up in that church to become a member. Anita wasn’t really sure if she was a real Christian but the woman handed her a pen and she filled it out anyways. Was she a new Born Again Christian? At least the woman thought she was.
Anita handed the woman back the filled out card and pen and asked, “What’s your name?”
“It’s Sandy Chabella. Call us if you want to get baptized or give to charity with us. Now we need to pray again.”
They took each others hands and Anita watched Sandy pray to God and Jesus that she thanks them for saving Anita and for God’s blessings and guidance. Sandy spoke quickly. Sandy didn’t say goodbye she just walked on back to her seat.
Anita sat down wanting to rest from her day’s excitement. She didn’t know if they were having more church that night so she went over to Sandy. “What’s going on tonight?”
“It’s just midweek Bible study. Why don’t you stay and you can share a Bible with me?”
“Okay that’s what I’ll do. After this I need to get a motel room near by. I want to be here when Tony wakes up in the morning.” Anita sat down at a table and picked up a handout that taught about the Bible. I hope I’ll make a good Christian, she thought. As she sat and stared at the paper her day flashed before her eyes. Her head started to ache and her stomach growled with hunger. Tears filled her eyes completely and she lost her will to study and stay in public. She stood up and ran out the door like wild.
Walking down the sidewalk tears kept falling down her cheeks. Conveniently she saw a cute little motel down the street from the church and Anita jogged quickly to it.
Once she had her room key she opened the brown door to the cozy room and fell on the bed crying. She closed her eyes a few seconds then reached for the phone to call her mother.
Anita liked the room so much she planned to stay there three nights. Her mother would bring her clothes in the morning. It became quiet and she felt so sad that her eyes felt heavy. With little strength left she turned off the light and fell asleep.
Seeing white in her dreams a bright light woke her. She jumped up nervous because she didn’t know who turned on the lights. The lamp didn’t make the light. Dropping her head in her lap she sat by the door fearing it was a bad supernatural experience. The figure of a small short woman in a white dress came flying to the front of her bed holding a light. To Anita’s relief she saw the lady had pastel white and blue wings.
A small fairy stood in front of her. Her hair laid long and brown and so were her eyes. Her eyes sparkled in the light and she stared at Anita.
Anita didn’t feel afraid since her favorite holiday was Christmas and she had seen plenty of plastic fairies then. This fairy wasn’t an angel but she reminded her of one. “Are you the fairy of death coming to take me and Tony away?”
The fairy replied, “No, I’m here to show appreciation to you for your becoming a Christian. I promise you great victory, health, and happiness in your future. You have prayed before and I believe it is being answered also. Tony will not die but be home the day you go home. Don’t be sad anymore. Your pain will soon be over. I have granted your desires.”
“Now that I’ve seen a fairy I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.” After this Anita could not feel the broken heartache. She then laid back on the bed to sleep because the fairy was leaving. “Will you ever come back again?” She asked the fairy.
“I don’t know.”
“What is your name?” Anita asked.
“Irene.” The fairy turned her back and left the room.
In the morning the warm sunlight felt good on her face. She felt renewed and like she had almost forgotten her bad day. While relaxing in bed there was a sudden knock at the door and Anita jumped. The noise scared her. She didn’t know who would want to be there. She decided not to answer it. Out of curiosity she wanted to see who was there. Why won’t they go away? She wondered as they knocked.
Peaking out the small peak hole she expected to see a strange dirty man. Her heart pounded surprised. Her mother stood on the other side. Anita opened the door. “Hi mom. Did
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