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“Will you stop it?” He suddenly said.

“I’m sorry but can you put me down?” She asked innocently.

“No can do- boss’s orders.”

“But I’m feeling a bit dizzy…” Arina lied.

“Whoa! I don’t want any of your vomit on my leather jacket,” he quickly said before rushing her down off his shoulder. It took a moment for Arina’s vision to not look so hazy.

“Where’s Mustafa?” She asked livid.

“He’s in there,” the man pointed at the building in front of him. "He had me bring you out because you were asleep.”

Arina looked at the building and its surroundings. The streets were full of unoccupied buildings, all grey and lifeless. Nobody could be seen for ages. The polluted air created a horrific stench.

Arina wondered where her school would be.

She then saw the building that Mustafa was in. It was walled with large, red gates that were bigger than the building itself. The building looked like an unused apartment block that had been converted for somebody’s own personal use. It was, however, the only building that looked like a human being could inhabit.

“Hurry up.” The man ordered when he saw Arina had stopped in her tracks to observe the building. When he saw his words had completely swept over her head, he went over and led her up the crooked path by grabbing her hand.

As they entered the building, Arina was stunned. But not in a good way. She could barely make out Mustafa sitting in the corner smoking; the room was incredibly dark. She stumped her toe on a table she hadn’t seen, and cursed herself.

“What took you so long?!” Mustafa asked, putting out his cigarette.

“The girl was being difficult,” the man said.

Mustafa stepped closer to Arina.

“Didn’t you say you were going to be a good girl?”

“Yes. I’m sorry, Mustafa.”

“Take her to her room,” Mustafa ordered the man.

Arina followed the man up the stairs. She didn’t feel comfortable walking up the stairs; it felt like they were going to collapse beneath her feet. Once they had reached the top, the man pointed to a room.

“You’re in there.”

He turned around and went back down the stairs.

Arina dawdled down the corridor until she stopped in front of the door that the man had pointed out. She could hear loud banging from inside the room so she froze; unsure of what to do. Then she heard a woman calling out. It didn’t sound like screams of a woman looking for help, but yet to Arina, it still sounded like the woman was in desperate need of something. Arina braced herself, put on a brave façade and charged into the room with a large bang.

The sight Arina saw when she barged in made her physically sick. She wanted to pour out her guts. She was absolutely morbid. For a thirteen year old, seeing such a thing could’ve scarred them for life.

There was a large, hairy man lying on top of a younger woman and both were completely naked. She saw every body part of theirs and saw them close together in a forced embrace.

“I’m sorry!” Arina cried and rushed out of the room, sick with herself. She wanted to remove the image of the two naked beings on the bed but it kept replaying in her mind. The man with a shocked look on his face. The woman who looked indifferent.

Maybe the man had given her the wrong room? Arina thought. She surely couldn’t be sharing a room with such people.

Suddenly, the man, who had only a couple of minutes ago been on top of the woman, stormed past Arina. He had a towel wrapped around him below his waist.

“What kind of service is this?!” He yelled, storming down the stairs.

The door to the room was now left open. Arina decided to go in; she couldn’t stand in the corridor all day especially now that she had just angered that man.

She walked into the room, careful to keep her gaze down on the ground.

“Hey, what was that for?! Now I’m going to get in trouble with Mustafa! Why couldn’t you just stay outside?” The woman looked enraged.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to. I thought you were in trouble so I wanted to help you. I’m really sorry. Please forgive me-” Arina’s pleading was interrupted by the woman letting out a laugh.

“Ha-ha, you’ve never been to a place like this ‘un, have yous?” The woman had a strong accent that Arina wasn’t able to decipher easily.


“Well, I’m Natalie. You can call me Nats.” Out of the blue, the woman got up out of her bed and started getting dressed. Arina stared, confused. Why was this woman walking around the room completely naked as if Arina wasn’t standing there?

“Umm, okay. I’m Arina.” Arina introduced herself. Once again, Natalie let out a laugh.

“Arina? Ha! What kind of a name is that?!”

Arina looked offended. She actually liked her name.

“My mum gave me that name.”

“So what? It doesn’t mean that it’s any good. For all I know, your mum could’ve been a crack whore!” Arina didn’t understand Natalie’s obscene language. All she understood what that this strange woman in front of her was talking rudely about her mum.

“My mum’s dead,” Arina managed to say through clenched teeth.

“Oh. Sorry darls. I di’nt know. Anyway, how old are yous?”

Before Arina could respond, Mustafa’s booming voice filled the entire building.

“Natalie! Natalie! Come down here right now!”

Natalie froze.

“See what you done?! This is your fault, it is.” Natalie said before zooming out of the room.

Arina still didn’t understand what had just happened. Who was that man and what were they doing? And why was it such a big deal that she had walked in?

Arina took this moment to check her room out. There were two bed; both were more luxurious than she had expected. Beside each bed, there was a small cupboard. That was all. There was nothing more but a window. The walls were bleak, and the room smelt of sewage but already Arina had gotten used to the smell.

The room slammed open and Natalie walked back into the room.

“You bitch! You did this to me. It was your fault!” Natalie came in screaming, pointing to a bruise on her shoulder.

Arina felt scared.

“I’m sorry-”

“Enough of your darn apologising! If you ever do anything to get on my bad side again, I am going to make your life hell.”

Natalie’s eyes looked full of venom. Imprint

Text: Photos don't belong to me, but everything else does.
Publication Date: 06-04-2011

All Rights Reserved

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