American library books » Fiction » The Fortress by Catherine Holland (english reading book TXT) 📕

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i want your honest opinion.” Max bent over the table with him, then picked up a pencil from the centre of the map and began to divide the wooded area of the map into sections.
“It’ll be easier for us if we have a large group with us, we can search these areas quicker and more thoroughly; if we start from the closest point to town then work our way inwards, leaving the area around the Castle until last as it’s denser than the rest of the woods; there are also more places to hide and will take longer to search.”
Ryan nodded in agreement; “OK, well then i guess the first plan of action is to go around the town and ask people if they’re willing to help in the search.” Max shook his head, “No, i don’t think that will be a good idea Ryan; people are scared enough as it is. Nothing like this has ever happened in this town and the people around here rarely venture into the woods, i suggest that you hire experienced woodland hunters from out of the area.
“They can help us search the woodlands with fresh eyes and not skip parts because they’re too scared to venture there; or because they’re afraid of what they might find.” Ryan hadn’t thought about that, but it was a damn good idea; and he’d do anything to find his sister. He also knew that ax felt the same way about Dana.
“OK Max, you obviously know what you’re talking about; the computer is over there so i assume you know who you’re looking or who you’ve got in mind. Time is of the essence here so as soon as you find them, do whatever it takes to get them here; preferably today or within the next twenty-four hours. Money isn’t an issue.”

* * * *

Max nodded at Ryan, he then turned to face the computer and loaded up the search engine; he typed in what he was looking for and was surprised at the amount of hits, he refined his search then looked at the top five most popular links.
Clicking onto each page individually and then sending them an e-amil with the details of what was required, and what it was for. Max enetered his own e-mail address in for the responses and then sat at the computer; drinking his coffee whilst he waited. An hour later Max got his first reponse, the guide was interested in helping in the search but unwilling to arrive in the small town within the required time. Max sent an e-mail back thanking the man for his time.
It looked to be a long day; Max told himself to be patient and looked behind him for Ryan. The room was empty and Max helped himself to some coffee to try and pass the time and wait for the remaining responses. Whilst Max was adding the cream and sugar the computer bleeped; letting Max know that a new message had arrived in his in-box.
Max went back to the computer and read the message, his heart was in his throat; as his raked over the line that had given him confirmation of the help he’d asked for. Max replied in kind and gave the hunter Ryan’s address; he drank his scorching coffee and waited for the next response. By the time early evening had arrived, Max had been given only three responses to the five e-mails he’d sent out.
Only two hunters out of the three had confirmed they were arriving, Max had given them all the details they’d required and Ryan’s address. He’d then found Ryan in the living room pacing again and given him the news. The hunters would be arriving the following afternoon to help search the woodland and would stay for as long as they were needed; they had sent a copy of their resume’s and prices, and Ryan had agreed once shown.
Max had been offered to spend the night and had accepted, as he ate the take-away meal in front of him that Ryan had paid for; he thought back to the last time he’d spoken to Dana and felt guilty. Wishing he could exchange places with Dana; and wishing that he’d been there to protect her when she’d needed it the most.
Max knew that Ryan was feeling the same emotions; they swirled around him and left him with the feeling of being in a room with a caged tiger. And yet they both still had a long way to go in the hunt for what was theirs; Max felt a grim determination settle over him; he was going to find out who took Clara and Dana, and whoever they were would be extremely sorry by the time Max and Ryan had finished with them.

Chapter Five

Ahmed and Bastien returned to the College as though nothing had happened, the increased security was a bit much; but it still wasn’t enough for the double snatch they had planned. After a few days’ monitoring they had discovered that Toni Adams and Abbi Holt had done extensive research on the battle for the Castle, and were also two of the descendants from the original five American negotiators.
The twins had arranged to meet with Toni and Abbi in the library, they had chosen a spot near the fire exit at the back of the library, and their van was conveniently parked fifty yards from the door. Ahmed and Bastien had bought the girls coffee as a way of saying thank you, they had also slipped a few sleeping pills into each cup.
Bastien had disabled the alarms that are triggered when a fire door is opened. That way there would be no sound when they took the girls. Prior to their arranged meeting, Abbi and Toni had agreed to bring all of the research and information they had gathered on the battle with them; the two girls approached the table where Ahmed and Bastein were waiting patiently but eagerly.
Bastien pushed the coffees across the table as the girls sat down “Two coffees as promised.” “Thanks, I’m Abbi by the way; i know we’ve spoken in class but i wanted to introduce myself properly.” Ahmed nodded and turned his gaze on Abbi, setting her nerves on edge. Bastien cleared his throat and shot his brother a look that spoke legions.
“Thank you for coming Abbi and you Toni, my brother and i appreciate it greatly.” Toni took her coffee and drank deeply she then opened her shoulder bag and put a thick wad of papers on the table. Bastien saw her looking at him curiously and smiled, “Is this all of your research?” The girl nodded “Yes, these are only copies though; i’ve kept the originals for my assignment. You’re not planning to use my research for your assignment are you?”
Bastien laughed, “No Toni, this is a personal interest of mine; i’ve looked everywhere for as much information on the battle as i can and have come up empty, i don’t think you know how much i appreciate you two doing this for my brother and myself.” Toni finished her coffee and put the empty cup on the table, Abbi’s cup was already empty and the two brothers were now waiting for the sedatives to take effect.
They didn’t have to wait long, within minutes the girls were falling asleep; losing track of the conversation. “Why don’t we go outside for some air? It’s quite stuffy in here isn’t it?” Bastien asked the sleepy girls, they nodded mutely and followed the twins from the table and out the fire exit. The cool air should’ve woken the girls up; but it had the opposite effect, sending them quicker into sleep.
Bastien and Ahmed only had a moments notice before the girls’ legs gave out from beneath them; they caught the now unconscious girls and carried them soundlessly to the back of the van. Bastien got in the drivers’ seat and waited for the van door to close meaning that Ahmed was also in the van before driving off towards their destination.

* * * *

Ryan opened the door and let Max in, following him into the living room where watched Max slump in an overstuffed arm chair. “It’s true Ryan, Abbi and Toni are now officially missing. That makes four girls in two months. What the hell is going on with this town?”
Ryan didn’t have an answer to that question, so he did the only thing he could. “Come on lets go, we’ve still got the woodlands to search and we still have about seven hours of daylight left. I’ll call the hunters and we’ll go out and start the search today; now.” Ryan stalked from the room anxious to have something to do; he took out a cell phone from his pocket and called the other hunters’ numbers.
An hour after the calls had been made, Ryan, Max and the two hunters had readied themselves to start the search, and they each contained a map, compass, first aid kit and several bottles of water. Five minutes later the group were searching the first section of the map; the hunters had told Ryan and Max they would cover more ground if they split up into two teams.
Ryan was willing to agree but Max disagreed, he knew the woodlands better than the hunters and even though they were all well equipped for an emergency the woodlands were treacherous. They finally all agreed to stay as a group and spaced themselves out in a line a few feet apart, some of the local had seen them venture into the woodlands and had followed them.
As they started walking and keeping their eyes downcast for signs of anything unusual, Ryan couldn’t help but wonder what exactly was going on with this town and how two more girls had managed to be taken from the College of all places. He was also worried for his sister and Dana; worried for their safety and the safety of the girls in town, even though he still couldn’t figure out the connection.
Two hours later they hadn’t found anything, Ryan wanted to keep searching but the sun was fading fast as an unexpected storm moved across the sky. The hunters were unwilling to continue the search and suggested they stop for the day and continue tomorrow, Ryan was forced to agree as the first drops of rain fell, heavy and fast.
By the time they emerged back in town they were all soaked through. The hunters went back to their hotel and ryan and Max got into ryan’s Porsche Turbo and he drove them back to his home. Ryan knew that he was missing something; but he just couldn’t grasp what it was, once inside the house in dry clothes and a mug of coffee each; they retreated to the operations room and went over everything again.
With the constant crashed of thunder and bolts of lightning threading across the sky it seemed as though they were characters in the middle of a horror movie waiting for the killer to come and get them. Ryan crossed off the section of the woodlands they had searched that day and stared at the map; it was hard to concentrate with the thunder and lightning.
The sounds of the storm reminded him of war movies, just as another crash of thunder and lightning rippled across the sky; realisation hit Ryan like a ton of bricks. Why hadn’t he thought of it sooner? He was chastising himself as he went over to the computer and brought up the web
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