American library books Β» Fiction Β» Cirlce of Fire by Heather Parsons (great novels .TXT) πŸ“•

Read book online Β«Cirlce of Fire by Heather Parsons (great novels .TXT) πŸ“•Β».   Author   -   Heather Parsons

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away and all thoughts to disappear. This very night she didn't want to dream at all. No nightmares or heart breaks just peacefulness. For once she wanted to be able to sleep throughout the night.
When she woke to both the sun's shining on her face she still didn't open her eyes and face reality. Maybe, she thought, if she kept them closed then believing all that's happened being a dream will come true. Rolling on to her back she brushed her hand across the bed. The softness of the sheets made her mind believe she was in her bed, in her house. And any minute now Travis will be coming in to tell her good morning and lay down beside her. Pulling her close to his side to whisper in her ear. Any minute now. Holding her breath she waited for him. Silently begging.
When she brushed her hand across the empty space beside her, she realized it wasn't so empty after all. There was someone else in the bed with her. This person whoever it was had no shirt on and was very well proportioned. Her insides quivered but still she forced her eyes to remain closed and rolled over, snuggled closer to this person. Feeling the warmth against her side as she leaned over more. Behind her closed eyelids Sierra saw who she wanted it to be. Her one true love, Travis. Smiling, she thought, how comical everything would be when she opened her eyes and saw that she was in his arms and they were at home.
"Good morning, Sierra." The voice come out in a musical tone, causing her heart leap up in joy. "I came up to see if you wanted anything and when I stood close to you and asked. You pulled me into bed with you." He laughed, wrapping his arms tighter around her.
What would it be like to laugh along side him, never opening her eyes and living as a blind person? Seeing only what she wanted to see and nothing else. It would be heaven

, she thought.
At the last moment she opened her eyes, not being able to stand not knowing who this man was beside her any longer. And when she did, her heart plummeted. It wasn't Travis at all but Patrick who laid besides her, with her arms wrapped so tightly around him. The dream she wanted to savor faded away. The face of the man she gave her heart to disappeared and all she saw was the painful truth. The truth of knowing that everything that's happened, has really happened.
β€œPatrick! I said you could take her here so she could rest but I didn't expect to see you resting with her.” Caedman yelled, barging into the room. Sierra jumped at the sound of his voice and nearly fell off the bed in the process, grabbing the sheets in a effort to keep from doing just that. Her head started spinning from sitting up to quickly but she didn't utter a word in her own defense to what she'd been doing or thinking. Putting as much distance between herself and the two of them as was possible.
The danger level was rising in this little room and looking between the two of them, neither was safe for her. Stuck in the middle, that's where she was and hating it with a passion. Thinking quickly to dissolve the situation Sierra blurted our, β€œit's my fault. I'm the one who pulled him on the bed and kept him there. Please Caedman, Patrick has been very kind and hasn't once stepped over the line. Please don't be mad at him. If anything you should be mad at me.”
Her little speech seemed to erase the anger off of both their faces and watching them both take a deep breath she thought the situation was resolved. So changing the subject Sierra asked, β€œCaedman I was asked to go to the lake with a few friends today and I wanted to know if that would be okay?”
Caedman visibly tensed before saying, β€œPatrick could you give us a minute, I need to talk to Sierra, alone.” He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Keeping the distance she'd put between them the same.
Patrick stood up stared at Caedman for a moment and then walked out of the room. Sierra watched their silent conversation but didn't understand what was said or in this case not said. But her eyes followed Patrick's every move until he disappeared behind the door. Then sighing inwardly to herself she asked, β€œwhat do you want to talk about?”
β€œThe lake.” He simply stated. Giving nothing more than that.
β€œIs there something wrong with the lake?” Sierra asked raising an eyebrow.
β€œThere is nothing wrong with it, the lake is our source of life here. It provides us with the strength we need to live for as long as we have. That is the reason why we've enclosed this town in glass to protect it. The lake as you call it has a name 'Angel Lake'. We all come from sources within that lake. Everyone here has the blood of angels in them regardless to what you see on the outside. But for you to go to the lake and as much as touch the water, I'm afraid of what will happen to you. No human has ever survived after coming in contact with it. Please for me, don't go.” He said in a tone that demanded to be obedience.
Sierra's eyes widened with shock, she couldn't believe what he was saying. The source of life here came from the water? Everyone had angel blood? What? This wasn't possibly. She had to still be dreaming.
Opening her mouth to say something to what he'd just said, to respond with something but nothing came out. She tried again taking a deep breath as well and finally was able to talk. β€œHow do you know human's cannot survive the water if there was never one here? You told me human's weren't allowed. Why did you bring me here if it's that dangerous for me? I was safer where I was. You should have left me alone!” Sierra screamed, pushing beyond her own control and wanting to escape his presents. Useless tears, tears that had no business falling were running down her face.
β€œYou were the one who called for my help, remember! And it isn't dangerous here if you listen to me. I'll keep you safe. If you want you can always return home but you'll be on your own.” He yelled back letting anger take control of him. Caedman knew she was hurting, could see it in her eyes and he wanted her to understand. His protection only reached so far. Looking up at her tear stained face he pleaded for her understanding.
All the fire and rage she felt died a slow burning death inside her. β€œI wouldn't last a day at home but from what I've gathered so far I won't last that long here either. I don't know what to do. If I go, then everyone will find out I'm human. But if I stay, they'll find that out eventually anyway. It's a no win situation. What do I do?” Sierra asked quietly. The last question was more for herself than Caedman or any other.
β€œIf you really want to go. Then I'll go with you and protect you. I won't let anything happen to you.” He said and slowly stood up.
β€œI won't let anything happen to you either.” Patrick said standing at the door. Sierra stared at him wide eyes, asking herself how long had he been standing there? Did he hear everything that was said? The answers were clear on his face, he'd heard.
β€œWith the two of you there to protect me, how much trouble could I get into?” Sierra said, laughing without humor. Her eyes locked on Patrick's and she couldn't look away. Her breath catching in her throat, she watched every slight movements of his muscles as he flexed his arms to cross them across his chest.
β€œWe'll leave so you to get dressed and see you down stairs.” Caedman said and walked to where Patrick was standing, pushing him out the door and closing it behind him.
Sierra felt her knees wobble and knew she should have told Caedman at least that she's been having dreams about this place and mostly about the lake itself. But what they meant she wasn't sure. Still after years of trying to sort through those dreams all she's come up with are more questions. With no answers in sight. And the latest question was: Have I ever been here before?
In her dream she was able to walk out in the water and saw both her parents standing there waving for her to join them. When her feet touched the water, nothing happened. She remembered being able to place her foot on top of the water and felt as if was a solid sheet of glass but moist beneath her feet.
Shaking out of her thoughts Sierra stood up and walked over to the closet. Surprisingly it was full of clothes but none of her own. Who do they belong to and where was this person now? Ran through her mind. Whoever she is/was had great taste in clothing. Brushing her fingers across the tops of some of them, Sierra felt a sense of regret and sorrow. In the back of her mind a voice spoke softly answering her question. The clothes were your mother's when she was young. My mothers.....

Sierra felt the moisture in her eyes again and slid to the floor, crying softly to herself. Was that voice from a memory?
β€œSierra are you ready yet?” Patrick asked just like Travis would have done at home when she took to long getting ready. He opened the door a crack and looked in seeing Sierra sitting on the floor, crying. Patrick walked to rest of the way and crouched down beside her. Unsure of what to do he asked, β€œwhat happened? What's wrong?” Looking around the room for any signs that someone broke in.
β€œWhy are my mother's clothes here?” She asked looking up through tear soaked eyes and catching her trembling lip between her teeth.
β€œThey're not. These are my mother's clothes. She died years ago and I haven't gotten around to giving them away yet. For some reason I cannot part with them just yet. I know it

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