American library books Β» Fiction Β» The Dream Weavers Collection Part 2 by K.R. Gomlok (grave mercy txt) πŸ“•

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happened to others before?
Regardless, he would report back. He had to. Where else did he have to go? Anywhere else he went he had a small chance of living but more than that, Kallous would not be there. And that was something he could not bear.
He walked through the garage slowly, his steps echoing off of the concrete floor as if to heighten the somber mood. Anuro had been in a bad mood lately? He wondered what Kallous would do? if she would come to his defense or support Anuro?s judgment. A part of him hoped she would uphold the order they had fought for so long to create, to approve of his own death. But deep inside? he held on to a small strange glimmer of hope that perhaps she would speak out against Anuro and plead his case.
He hesitated at the door into their base of operations. His hand froze on the handle, pausing as he pondered whether or not he should take the final steps and seal his fate. He could take the car? could go and start anew? But in the end he had nothing more in this world than Kallous and his hate for the world of light that had been hunting him. Well? if he was to be taken it would not be by that world.
The door knob turned beneath his hand and swung violently inwards as another person opened it from the other side. Reddivor stumbled in and fell against TrabiΓ©r, who had been about to come out. Too confused to say anything, Reddivor scrambled back into a hasty fighter?s stance. If TrabiΓ©r had been sent to finish him? should he resist?
?Reddivor!? TrabiΓ©r shouted, quite annoyed with his accomplice, ?So you finally came around? About time? We need you.?
Reddivor hesitated a moment. Was TrabiΓ©r playing him to be a fool? In their time working together, Reddivor had noticed his cohort was not very sincere with his words. ?So? You?re not going to kill me?? He asked slowly, as if he could trust the answer.
?No,? TrabiΓ©r answered plainly, though it seemed to Reddivor a tinge of disappointment was in his voice, ?We still need you for the moment. Anuro wants you to talk to Chimera? see if you can get her to join us.?
?Why didn?t you tell me in the Dream World?? Reddivor asked, passing by TrabiΓ©r and entering the base. The Barracks were just ahead, if he could find a good bed for this assignment he would be able to focus much better? ?Never mind,? He muttered, it did not make much difference now, ?I?ll just get to it. Say hi to Kallous for me, alright??
Not waiting for a reply, Reddivor entered the Barracks, laid himself down on a bunk and closed his eyes. In seconds he was touching the dream world. Breathing deep, he plunged into the depths of his mind.

He got up in pond that had broken the pavement of an abandoned castle entry court. This was where she was? he could feel Chimera?s presence nearby. She had so much power just on the verge of discovery and she did not have any idea it was there. He would help her realize this?
Reaching out with his mind, he felt the various wards and traps Ember had set up for him but by now he knew his way through. She would have to be a little more creative next time or things would wind up a little too quickly.
There were the typical alerts placed in the doorways that would give away his presence to Ember if he triggered them, the various animals and statues that she had placed to aid her surveillance efforts, and the newer addition of trap ceiling, making over going maneuvers impossible without being noticed; this was complimented by a trap floor to stop him from doing a reverse maneuver so as to prevent going under the wall and there also felt to be one on the wall itself.
The task seemed all but impossible to one without proper knowledge, but Reddivor knew better. Ember was only a Killia class Weaver thus could not possibly generate more than two of the traps on her own. In junction with her friend Rakaburn perhaps she could add another one, at most two but that was unlikely. In which case one of these had to be a fake or an incomplete obstruction. Upon further evaluation it was probably the floor since that way they could do an incomplete job by doing every other tile. Or? No, the pattern was the same as the tiles but it was off set so as to make things difficult. On top of that, it was slowly rotating across the floor and thus actually ?Covered? everything eventually.
However, this only meant he would have to work quickly. Carefully touching on one of the gaps, he leapt on and sunk himself under the barrier before it touched him. He worked his way through the floor till he almost hit the wall barrier before creating a copy of himself, or doll in dark weaver terminology, and touching off the alarms with it. Immediately the barriers began closing in. As it approached he used a technique known as ?Slipping the Consciousness.? He half left the dream world, making his presence seem like that of a doll to the detectors, before slipping back in once the wall had passed and continuing on. That had bought him a little time with Chimera but not much, he would have to be fast about it?
He resurfaced in a hallway leading to another open courtyard where he could sense Chimera?s presence quite keenly. She was there, standing by a gravestone, watching as the clouds passed over head. How would he persuade her? What could he say? What different angle could he give her on the situation? It seemed like he was as trapped in this stone prison as she was?
Sealing off the dream behind him, he entered the courtyard and approached Chimera.
?Reddivor?? She asked as he set foot in the place. She had sensed his presence, how intriguing? ?How did you get in? You got Rue, didn?t you??
?Good guess, but no.? He answered, smiling at her assumption; did she truly believe he would be so blunt? ?I would rather not face unnecessary conflict at the moment. It does not take much to make Smolder turn her head. But even so, I fear we do not have much time.?
Chimera gave him an odd, evaluating look, before nodding, ?Alright,? She said, ?Then get to the point. What do you want??
?I want to free you.? Reddivor answered. Not entirely a lie? ?I want to get you out of Smolder?s trap and help you realize your destiny. You could be great among us, but Rusiu denies you that power. Come, and I shall show you the way. I will show you the path of the Dream Weavers.?
He smiled at her and offered his hand. She could seal his fate in an instant? she was his hope to live another day or his doom at his master?s hands. The deciding factor in so many lives? ?Will you accept??
She looked at him with hesitance, though definite indecision. Could he summon Requiem fast enough? He did not want to risk losing her? What could he do? It was his neck that was on the line here. What would Kallous do? He wished she were there. She knew what to say in almost any situation. She was a master with words and yet? it seemed she never felt them. She had tried on many occasions but it seemed she had entirely lost the ability to feel passion in her words. But what else could she do? She had used Heartbreak upon herself. There was only one way she could take back the action? and yet, perhaps she would rather not feel the burn of a heartless world. Perhaps? perhaps it was better this way.
But at long last, she said those half dreaded words that he knew would not sound good to his superiors. ?I?ll think about it.? She told him, standing firm. ?Come back tomorrow and I?ll tell you.?
?Of course,? He said smoothly, bowing in respect to hide the frustration in his eyes. Of all the things one could manipulate in the dream world, manipulating oneself was often the most difficult. Reddivor had never really understood why this was but in a strange way it made sense. He had intended to bring up the matter with Kallous on multiple occasions but somehow it never seemed the right time.
He turned to go and quickly melted his way through the dream once he was out of sight. He began preparing himself for the skirmish on the way out as he had been detected but when he got to the edge, Rusiu was not waiting for him.
He paused, wondering if she was hiding herself, waiting for him to enter the trap. But no, he couldn?t sense anything around him. No trace of manipulation, the castle even seemed to be withering away into nothingness as he left the dream. It felt so? empty.
Once he left, he plunged his thoughts into the Dream River, searching for Kallous?s scent. He found her surprisingly close by, in a dream not of her making. Was she still on duty? That would explain her absence at the base? but what could she be doing? Forging ahead, Reddivor entered just as the Dream began to fade.
He found Kallous alone, waiting on the gloomy shores of a murky beach. A distant sunset could be seen through the heavy clouds but aside from that the dream was quite dark. She sat alone, watching the waves come closer before they retreated back into safety amongst themselves.
?You came,? She said, turning to him. A humorless smile twisted her scarred face.
What had happened? Horrified, he rushed to her side and brushed her cheek, trying to find words of comfort for her. But his heart had become empty, and nothing answered his summons. He held her close and tried to weep but no tears came to his eyes.
?They don?t know you?re here, do they?? She asked him at last, ?Anuro told me no one was to know what happened, even though it had to be done.?
?What are you talking about?? Reddivor demanded, ?What happened? Why are you like this? Why??? He was about to ask why he felt the way he did inside if it was nothing to worry about but somehow the words would not come out. His mouth closed, refusing his efforts. Did he really feel it? Yes, his heart was pounding so hard he could feel his pulse in the dream, creating small disturbances as he began to lose control. But in a moment, things calmed down as Kallous breathed deeply and faced him, her
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