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"I know." said Rock as he fell into a heavy sleep.


(The point of view of STAR)

"Good night Mom, good night Dad!" I whispered to them. The night sky was full of stars and the moon was there. The owls hooted their songs, and the bugs made the "Crk" sound. The pack guards walked around in the night on the each of the land that belongs to Claw Pack. Every thing was great, every wolf, even the two omegas were full of meat. So far spring has been great. Easier pray was coming, like hares and the babies, more pups, more food, more work for us all. I soon felt my eyes being to close, the sleeping wolf was coming to help me to sleep, or was it the fresh elk that I ate? All I know was that I was getting sleepy, very, very sleepy.

The next day was dark, and when I raised to say good morning to my mom and dad, they weren't there. I listened for a sound...nothing. I walked out of the den, and nothing was there, but emptiness. I stepped out and looked around, no trees, no grass, no rocks, no wolves, no birds, nothing was there. I started to run "Where am I!" I yelled demanding an answer, "WHERE AM I!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Still nothing. "Tell me were I am! Now or I will rip you to ribbons!"

"No need to fear...for I am your mother."said a calm voice.

"You sound nothing like her, NOTHING." I said at the voice.

"Let me say it again....I am your real mother. Ro, your true mother." said Ro.

"I never heard of this Ro, you must not be my mother....wait....Dad always told me how he loved a she-wolf named Ro, and he wanted to be with her. To bad she was in a different pack...Then she was killed." I said as I felt my body shacking.

"Yes, I loved him very much, as long with your brothers and sisters dad." said Ro.

"Wait, are you a Med. Wolf?" I asked.

"Yes, yes I am." Ro said.

"So you mated with different wolves from different packs?"

"Yes, for one cause. To end the war of the packs. This war is causing too many deaths. I got a message from the Sun and the Moon, telling me other males will mate with me and end this war. The female also agreed and mated with the male first then me, so that the pups would be born the same day. And when I had you Star I gave you to your father in a night sky with only stars, that is how we came up with your name. I wanted to let you know... you had a brother. You were the last to be born, after your brother. So I gave you to your father first, then when I was taking your leader caught me and killed me. Of course after they killed the pup, they told the pack that the last of the evil wolves were dead but he was wrong. He also killed me in the pack. Many think that I was killed outside the pack through. BUT here is the main reason for this dream, you and your brothers and sisters will meet on the next No moon, at the Still Lake, and there you will have your quest."

I woke up, back in my den and back at my camp, this dream, this dream was real, and this makes me.... a dead wolf.




Text: I made this book! So please don't copy! Unless you had ask, and use my name in the book! THANK YOU!!!!
Images: All of the photos go to the rightful owner
Publication Date: 10-11-2012

All Rights Reserved

To all of thoose who reads this book, even you!

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