American library books ยป Fiction ยป The Splendid Spur<br />Being Memoirs of the Adventures of Mr. John Marvel, a Servant of His Late Maj by Arthur Quiller-Couch (libby ebook reader TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซThe Splendid Spur&lt;br /&gt;Being Memoirs of the Adventures of Mr. John Marvel, a Servant of His Late Maj by Arthur Quiller-Couch (libby ebook reader TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Arthur Quiller-Couch

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clatter and shouting of the company above had gone on without a break; and all this while the man with the white hair had rested quietly on one side, watching. But now he steps up to where the bully stood mopping his face (for all the coolness of the evening), and, with a finger between the leaves of his book, bows very politely.

โ€œYou handled that dog, sir, choicely well,โ€ says he, in a thin voice that seemed to have a chuckle hidden in it somewhere.

The other ceased mopping to get a good look at him.

โ€œBut sure,โ€ he went on, โ€œ'twas hard on the poor cur, that had never heard of Captain Lucius Higgsโ€”โ€

I thought the bully would have had him by the windpipe and pitched him after the mastiff, so fiercely he turn'd at the sound of this name. But the old gentleman skipped back quite nimbly and held up a finger.

โ€œI'm a man of peace. If another title suits you betterโ€”โ€

โ€œWhere the devil got you that name?โ€ growled the bully, and had half a mind to come on again, but the other put in brisklyโ€”

โ€œI'm on a plain errand of business. No need, as you hint, to mention names; and therefore let me present myself as Mr. Z. The residue of the alphabet is at your service to pick and choose from.โ€

โ€œMy name is Luke Settle,โ€ said the big man hoarsely (but whether this was his natural voice or no I could not tell).

โ€œLet us say 'Mr. X.' I prefer it.โ€

The old gentleman, as he said this, popped his head on one side, laid the forefinger of his right hand across the book, and seem'd to be considering.

โ€œWhy did you throttle that dog a minute ago?โ€ he asked sharply.

โ€œWhy, to save my skin,โ€ answers the fellow, a bit puzzled.

โ€œWould you have done it for fifty pounds?โ€

โ€œAye, or half that.โ€

โ€œAnd how if it had been a puppy, Mr. X?โ€

Now all this from my hiding I had heard very clearly, for they stood right under me in the dusk. But as the old gentleman paused to let his question sink in, and the bully to catch the drift of it before answering, one of the dicers above struck up to sing a catchโ€”โ€”

โ€œWith a hey, trolly-lolly! a leg to the Devil, And answer him civil, and off with your cap: Singโ€”Hey, trolly-lolly! Good-morrow, Sir Evil, We've finished the tap, And, saving your worship, we care not a rap!โ€

While this din continued, the stranger held up one forefinger again, as if beseeching silence, the other remaining still between the pages of his book.

โ€œPretty boys!โ€ he said, as the noise died away; โ€œpretty boys! 'Tis easily seen they have a bird to pluck.โ€

โ€œHe's none of my plucking.โ€

โ€œAnd if he were, why not? Sure you've picked a feather or two before now in the Low Countriesโ€”hey?โ€

โ€œI'll tell you what,โ€ interrupts the big man, โ€œnext time you crack one of your death's-head jokes, over the wall you go after the dog. What's to prevent it?โ€

โ€œWhy, this,โ€ answers the old fellow, cheerfully. โ€œThere's money to be made by doing no such thing. And I don't carry it all about with me. So, as 'tis late, we'd best talk business at once.โ€

They moved away toward the seat under the sycamore, and now their words reached me no longerโ€”only the low murmur of their voices or (to be correct) of the elder man's: for the other only spoke now and then, to put a question, as it seemed. Presently I heard an oath rapped out and saw the bully start up. โ€œHush, man!โ€ cried the other, and โ€œhark-ye nowโ€”โ€œ; so he sat down again. Their very forms were lost within the shadow. I, myself, was cold enough by this time and had a cramp in one legโ€”but lay still, nevertheless. And after awhile they stood up together, and came pacing across the bowling-green, side by side, the older man trailing his foot painfully to keep step. You may be sure I strain'd my ears.

โ€œโ€”besides the pay,โ€ the stranger was saying, โ€œthere's all you can win of this young fool, Anthony, and all you find on the pair, which I'll wagerโ€”โ€

They passed out of hearing, but turned soon, and came back again. The big man was speaking this time.

โ€œI'll be shot if I know what game you're playing in this.โ€

The elder chuckled softly. โ€œI'll be shot if I mean you to,โ€ said he.

And this was the last I heard. For now there came a clattering at the door behind me, and Mr. Robert Drury reeled in, hiccuping a maudlin ballad about โ€œTib and young Colin, one fine day, beneath the haycock shade-a,โ€ &c., &c., and cursing to find his fire gone out, and all in darkness. Liquor was ever his master, and to-day the King's health had been a fair excuse. He did not spy me, but the roar of his ballad had startled the two men outside, and so, while he was stumbling over chairs, and groping for a tinder-box, I slipp'd out in the darkness, and downstairs into the street.


Guess, any of you, if these events disturbed my rest that night. 'Twas four o'clock before I dropp'd asleep in my bed in Trinity, and my last thoughts were still busy with the words I had heard. Nor, on the morrow, did it fair any better with me: so that, at rhetoric lecture, our presidentโ€”Dr. Ralph Kettleโ€”took me by the ears before the whole class. He was the fiercer upon me as being older than the gross of my fellow-scholars, and (as he thought) the more restless under discipline. โ€œA tutor'd adolescence,โ€ he would say, โ€œis a fair grace before meat,โ€ and had his hourglass enlarged to point the moral for us. But even a rhetoric lecture must have an end, and so, tossing my gown to the porter, I set off at last for Magdalen Bridge, where the new barricado was building, along the Physic Garden, in front of East Gate.

The day was dull and low'ring, though my wits were too busy to heed the sky; but scarcely was I past the small gate in the city wall when a brisk shower of hail and sleet drove me to shelter in the Pig Market ( or Proscholium) before the Divinity School. 'Tis an ample vaulted passage, as I dare say you know; and here I found a great company of people already driven by the same cause.

To describe them fully 'twould be necessary to paint the whole state of our city in those distracted times, which I have neither wit nor time for. But here, to-day, along with many doctors and scholars, were walking courtiers, troopers, mountebanks, cut-purses, astrologers, rogues and gamesters;

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