Fighting Dreamers by Aiden R. Ranks (top 10 best books of all time txt) 📕

Excerpt from the book:
The planet is at war among two very powerful clans, who will conquer the other as they battle it out with high tech battle technology and dark ancient power.
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- Author: Aiden R. Ranks
Read book online «Fighting Dreamers by Aiden R. Ranks (top 10 best books of all time txt) 📕». Author - Aiden R. Ranks
was weary and looking around the windows. The sounds stopped and everyone relaxed their muscles and nerves. But the calm moment was about to end. Suddenly three big and long nets jumped out off nowhere and tangled the medium ship; the wires released a tremendous wave of jolts that shocked the ship cousin it to shut down all systems.
“It’s going down.” said Ace.
They came crashing down into two big boulders by a river bank.
“Is everyone ok.” said Ace clearing the smoke and sitting up.
“Yeah!” said most of them unsure.
“Who caught us, for a net that was strong to catch us.” said Mike.
Zack like everyone else moved around in the dark since the power shut down on the ship. The only light was that of sparks that sparked from damaged areas and flash lights they had. Zack noticed a shadow standing by the window then moved.
“Look outside I saw something move quickly.” said Zack.
Ace, Kai and Simon who where up aimed at the window. The pilot pulled and placed wires together of all sorts, he put a few together and the power began generating again.
The light of the broken down ship lit outside into the cave just far enough to see the hard thick walls and a river bank fallowed by many giant boulders.
“Come on lets go check it out.” said Kai. We obviously have nothing else to do.”
“What are you crazy, am not going out there. Besides someone has to check on Sean, he is ok.” said Zack.
“Alright you sit here while we find a way out, we lost the radio apparently so we will come back with back up.” said Kai.
“I’m ok, I want to come, someone just help walk, the healing antidote has done enough.” Sean said trying to stand up.
“That’s great, you’re ok, and I guess we are coming.” Zack said.
“Sean, I think you should know your brother.” said Kai.
“I know, don’t worry, not now anyways.” replied Sean.
Ace kicked the door down off the ship, and jumped on to the ground fallowed by Sunny and Mike. They quickly aimed their guns around the area.
“Come on jump already.” said Kai.
Zack who was nervous on the edge of the ship's door way was thinking to jump.
“Move it or lose It.” said Ishy waiting for him to jump.
“I’m going; I’m going, ok..... Ill convince myself alright think.... Hey look,” he told himself. “Oh no a soul eater!” he pretended to faint and fell to the ground where he landed safely.
“That worked.” he said.
“Why did you, um never mind.” said Ishy as he landed on the ground.
“Let’s head out, we have to find out whom or what hit us.” said Ace.
“Oh ok lets go.” said Zack.
As they walked further away from the ships light, it faded more and more, and darker it got. Ace lit the flash light on his Ak-200 automatic machine riffle as the others did as well fallowing his steps. Suddenly something jumped out of the dark and hit Ace on the head. Another shadow jumped out and double hit both Kai and Mike. Sunny and Simon shot at them but the two shadows where hard to spot.
It jumped in to the dark and came out of the other side and hit Sunny and Simon with some kind of tool weapon.
“Ah! Shrieked Zack
But shut right up as he saw many come out of the dark. Zack’s weapon was taken out of his hand, he did not even see who or what took it. One gave a sign that looked like he wanted Zack to follow him.
“Uh, ok.” said Zack terrified.
He looked back and saw more of them coming out, some, where picking the rest of the team up they were knocked. About a half hour later Ace woke up and looked around dazed and confused. He noticed Zack sitting down by a fire.
“Ace you’re awake.” he said.
Suddenly the mysterious people walked towards Ace, a number of five. They looked like they were human because of the kind of cloth they used. They had black armor of some kind, their uniforms where black generally, their theme of style resembled hidden sort of ninjas, of warriors. Their masks showed only black. They had weapons that required skill using them, swords, and hand used metallic weapons. Some of the ninja like people looked at the weapon Ace had as if they’ve never seen a gun.
“You have trespassed our lands and found or secret base.” said the guy.
“Uh we didn’t know this was here.” said Ace.
“Well now you do.”
“They could be with the soul eaters.” said one in the back.
“What! No were not.” said Ace.
“They don’t look like soul eaters.” he said.
“My name is Zen and I am the leader of the lost clan, The Abaskie Clan.” he said as Ace looked at him surprised and shocked.
“The.......Abaskie…clan?” he said slowly.
“I’ve heard of the Abaskie clan..........I.......thought.......they...........were instinct.” muttered Ace.
“Instinct no, hidden is the right term.” Zen said.
“But.... there is just a few of us left. I am not going to let my clan disappear I will dispose of all those soul eaters that have began to appear out there.”
“I see you have encountered soul eaters.” said Ace. “We have as well, and we are not happy about them either, we are on the same side you and me?”
The others began to wake now and move around on the ground.
“What hit me, oh my head?” mumbled Ishy.
“My head?” muttered Mike.
“Give my money back.” said Sunny who was still unconscious.
All of them were saying things that didn’t quite make sense, as they stood up.
“They attacked us and killed many of my people, but I got my hidden army we will go to war with this intruders, alien scum’s.” said Zen. “From what we have discovered concerning this creatures, is simple, we have found out they travel from planet to planet conquering it by killing ever life form then moving to the next. They are of a powerful race of aliens and advanced in weapons.”
“Now knowing that your hatred is of the soul eaters, and you are human, we’ve seen your machines fly above for years.
Ace nodded
“Very well, now my proposal to you, it will increase our strength and skills, let’s unite and become one.” said Zen as he reached out with an opened hand towards Ace.
Chapter 9
Return of an Old Friend
“Unite? To defeat the soul eaters.” said Ace.
“Formative, and have you by any chance met the ones who have also done wrong to us, we’ve known them for millennia now, the Rediants or so called reds?” asked Zen.
“Have we, off course we have there our number one enemy and we won’t stop till there done in out.” said Ace.
“Then we should make very well allies, we encounter this reds and well didn’t get along, they tried to conquer us years ago.” said Zen.
“So you will help us beat these invaders, we could use experts for this kind of new foe, your help will be of much use.”
“Well first thing first we need to get to our head quarters out south from here.” said Ace.
“Very well than I should show you the fastest way to the south, come follow me.” said Zen.
As they walk through many halls of caves Ace and the others look around and notice a lot of people like families and warrior like man guarding on the side of entrances and kids playing around.
“Wow this place is huge, and underground fortress kind of thing now this is impressive.” said Sean who was on a wheel chair been pushed by Zack.
They made it to a dark tunnel and walked through it. It was cold and wind blew hard and loud.
“If you follow this path you should come out a hidden way, please contact us when you reach your destination. I will have men waiting for any response near the exit.” said Zen loud so they can hear him.
“Yes, I will.” said Ace.
They stood on the edge of the tunnel, there was no bottom it was all dark.
“You must jump!” shouted Zen.
Everyone looked at each other and nodded with fear. Ace jumped first and Kai followed, everyone else jumped and Sean only dropped. Swoosh! Their bodies flew nearly have way down when a giant wave of gust hit them and began taking them down the tunnel. Their body’s where suspended in the center of the tunnel away from the ground and walls.
“Hold on to something this thing is extremely fast.” shouted Mike who had trouble speaking.
“What will I hold on too? There is nothing to hold on too!” shouted Ishy.
They made it to an end and it looked like there were going to collide with a wall, all of them shouted in fear, but it was actually a hologram, they past right through and into a wall that slid swiftly up like a slide, they slid up toward the sky emerging from a whole on the ground, they came crashing down on to a small lake.
Emerging from the water drifting to the river bank, Ace pulled Sean since he was next to him.
“Do you think Zen knew the lake was here?” asked Kai.
Everyone just giggled a bit.
“Let’s move, and careful, you never know what can emerge out of now where.” said Ace.
“We are near our territory now, we shouldn’t worry.” said Sunny.
A ship suddenly rushed towards them aiming its big cylinder weapon at them, ready to obliterate.
“Ah! We are Blueskies, relax it’s me Ace.” shouted Ace.
“My apologies.” said the pilot of the blue guard battle ship.
They were picked up and taken back to headquarters.
“Glad to see you alive like always.” said Master Squall happily.
Master Squall sat in his office on a big chair in front of a flat glass that happened to be a touch screen computer. He was typing a long memo of the experiences that had happened in the past few days.
“Well you won’t be glad when I tell you that the base is a disaster no one was left alive, does things kill them all, they are called Soul Eaters.” said Ace.
As Ace spoke Master Squall walked by shaking his head in shame and anger, but all of his negative emotions quickly fled, for he gazed out the giant window that sat on the left of his office.
“Ace.” said Master Squall slowly and confused.
“Yes sir, we feel sympathy for everything lost as well?” said Ace.
“How many ships are you traveling with? He whispered.
“None sir, we had to walk for a little while, why?” said Ace who was now wondering and feeling odd.
Master Squall rubbed both his eyes with one hand and sighed.
“Well I hate to say this but.......who do does ship belong too?” he asked as he glared at many objects hovering and coming near them.
They all looked out the window as well, many ships were getting near. The ships were black, full of darkness. The biggest of the ships landed on the ground as many smaller but powerful and fast looking battle ships landed around it, the door opened swiftly and smoked emerged out quickly.
“How did they penetrate our defenses, how
“It’s going down.” said Ace.
They came crashing down into two big boulders by a river bank.
“Is everyone ok.” said Ace clearing the smoke and sitting up.
“Yeah!” said most of them unsure.
“Who caught us, for a net that was strong to catch us.” said Mike.
Zack like everyone else moved around in the dark since the power shut down on the ship. The only light was that of sparks that sparked from damaged areas and flash lights they had. Zack noticed a shadow standing by the window then moved.
“Look outside I saw something move quickly.” said Zack.
Ace, Kai and Simon who where up aimed at the window. The pilot pulled and placed wires together of all sorts, he put a few together and the power began generating again.
The light of the broken down ship lit outside into the cave just far enough to see the hard thick walls and a river bank fallowed by many giant boulders.
“Come on lets go check it out.” said Kai. We obviously have nothing else to do.”
“What are you crazy, am not going out there. Besides someone has to check on Sean, he is ok.” said Zack.
“Alright you sit here while we find a way out, we lost the radio apparently so we will come back with back up.” said Kai.
“I’m ok, I want to come, someone just help walk, the healing antidote has done enough.” Sean said trying to stand up.
“That’s great, you’re ok, and I guess we are coming.” Zack said.
“Sean, I think you should know your brother.” said Kai.
“I know, don’t worry, not now anyways.” replied Sean.
Ace kicked the door down off the ship, and jumped on to the ground fallowed by Sunny and Mike. They quickly aimed their guns around the area.
“Come on jump already.” said Kai.
Zack who was nervous on the edge of the ship's door way was thinking to jump.
“Move it or lose It.” said Ishy waiting for him to jump.
“I’m going; I’m going, ok..... Ill convince myself alright think.... Hey look,” he told himself. “Oh no a soul eater!” he pretended to faint and fell to the ground where he landed safely.
“That worked.” he said.
“Why did you, um never mind.” said Ishy as he landed on the ground.
“Let’s head out, we have to find out whom or what hit us.” said Ace.
“Oh ok lets go.” said Zack.
As they walked further away from the ships light, it faded more and more, and darker it got. Ace lit the flash light on his Ak-200 automatic machine riffle as the others did as well fallowing his steps. Suddenly something jumped out of the dark and hit Ace on the head. Another shadow jumped out and double hit both Kai and Mike. Sunny and Simon shot at them but the two shadows where hard to spot.
It jumped in to the dark and came out of the other side and hit Sunny and Simon with some kind of tool weapon.
“Ah! Shrieked Zack
But shut right up as he saw many come out of the dark. Zack’s weapon was taken out of his hand, he did not even see who or what took it. One gave a sign that looked like he wanted Zack to follow him.
“Uh, ok.” said Zack terrified.
He looked back and saw more of them coming out, some, where picking the rest of the team up they were knocked. About a half hour later Ace woke up and looked around dazed and confused. He noticed Zack sitting down by a fire.
“Ace you’re awake.” he said.
Suddenly the mysterious people walked towards Ace, a number of five. They looked like they were human because of the kind of cloth they used. They had black armor of some kind, their uniforms where black generally, their theme of style resembled hidden sort of ninjas, of warriors. Their masks showed only black. They had weapons that required skill using them, swords, and hand used metallic weapons. Some of the ninja like people looked at the weapon Ace had as if they’ve never seen a gun.
“You have trespassed our lands and found or secret base.” said the guy.
“Uh we didn’t know this was here.” said Ace.
“Well now you do.”
“They could be with the soul eaters.” said one in the back.
“What! No were not.” said Ace.
“They don’t look like soul eaters.” he said.
“My name is Zen and I am the leader of the lost clan, The Abaskie Clan.” he said as Ace looked at him surprised and shocked.
“The.......Abaskie…clan?” he said slowly.
“I’ve heard of the Abaskie clan..........I.......thought.......they...........were instinct.” muttered Ace.
“Instinct no, hidden is the right term.” Zen said.
“But.... there is just a few of us left. I am not going to let my clan disappear I will dispose of all those soul eaters that have began to appear out there.”
“I see you have encountered soul eaters.” said Ace. “We have as well, and we are not happy about them either, we are on the same side you and me?”
The others began to wake now and move around on the ground.
“What hit me, oh my head?” mumbled Ishy.
“My head?” muttered Mike.
“Give my money back.” said Sunny who was still unconscious.
All of them were saying things that didn’t quite make sense, as they stood up.
“They attacked us and killed many of my people, but I got my hidden army we will go to war with this intruders, alien scum’s.” said Zen. “From what we have discovered concerning this creatures, is simple, we have found out they travel from planet to planet conquering it by killing ever life form then moving to the next. They are of a powerful race of aliens and advanced in weapons.”
“Now knowing that your hatred is of the soul eaters, and you are human, we’ve seen your machines fly above for years.
Ace nodded
“Very well, now my proposal to you, it will increase our strength and skills, let’s unite and become one.” said Zen as he reached out with an opened hand towards Ace.
Chapter 9
Return of an Old Friend
“Unite? To defeat the soul eaters.” said Ace.
“Formative, and have you by any chance met the ones who have also done wrong to us, we’ve known them for millennia now, the Rediants or so called reds?” asked Zen.
“Have we, off course we have there our number one enemy and we won’t stop till there done in out.” said Ace.
“Then we should make very well allies, we encounter this reds and well didn’t get along, they tried to conquer us years ago.” said Zen.
“So you will help us beat these invaders, we could use experts for this kind of new foe, your help will be of much use.”
“Well first thing first we need to get to our head quarters out south from here.” said Ace.
“Very well than I should show you the fastest way to the south, come follow me.” said Zen.
As they walk through many halls of caves Ace and the others look around and notice a lot of people like families and warrior like man guarding on the side of entrances and kids playing around.
“Wow this place is huge, and underground fortress kind of thing now this is impressive.” said Sean who was on a wheel chair been pushed by Zack.
They made it to a dark tunnel and walked through it. It was cold and wind blew hard and loud.
“If you follow this path you should come out a hidden way, please contact us when you reach your destination. I will have men waiting for any response near the exit.” said Zen loud so they can hear him.
“Yes, I will.” said Ace.
They stood on the edge of the tunnel, there was no bottom it was all dark.
“You must jump!” shouted Zen.
Everyone looked at each other and nodded with fear. Ace jumped first and Kai followed, everyone else jumped and Sean only dropped. Swoosh! Their bodies flew nearly have way down when a giant wave of gust hit them and began taking them down the tunnel. Their body’s where suspended in the center of the tunnel away from the ground and walls.
“Hold on to something this thing is extremely fast.” shouted Mike who had trouble speaking.
“What will I hold on too? There is nothing to hold on too!” shouted Ishy.
They made it to an end and it looked like there were going to collide with a wall, all of them shouted in fear, but it was actually a hologram, they past right through and into a wall that slid swiftly up like a slide, they slid up toward the sky emerging from a whole on the ground, they came crashing down on to a small lake.
Emerging from the water drifting to the river bank, Ace pulled Sean since he was next to him.
“Do you think Zen knew the lake was here?” asked Kai.
Everyone just giggled a bit.
“Let’s move, and careful, you never know what can emerge out of now where.” said Ace.
“We are near our territory now, we shouldn’t worry.” said Sunny.
A ship suddenly rushed towards them aiming its big cylinder weapon at them, ready to obliterate.
“Ah! We are Blueskies, relax it’s me Ace.” shouted Ace.
“My apologies.” said the pilot of the blue guard battle ship.
They were picked up and taken back to headquarters.
“Glad to see you alive like always.” said Master Squall happily.
Master Squall sat in his office on a big chair in front of a flat glass that happened to be a touch screen computer. He was typing a long memo of the experiences that had happened in the past few days.
“Well you won’t be glad when I tell you that the base is a disaster no one was left alive, does things kill them all, they are called Soul Eaters.” said Ace.
As Ace spoke Master Squall walked by shaking his head in shame and anger, but all of his negative emotions quickly fled, for he gazed out the giant window that sat on the left of his office.
“Ace.” said Master Squall slowly and confused.
“Yes sir, we feel sympathy for everything lost as well?” said Ace.
“How many ships are you traveling with? He whispered.
“None sir, we had to walk for a little while, why?” said Ace who was now wondering and feeling odd.
Master Squall rubbed both his eyes with one hand and sighed.
“Well I hate to say this but.......who do does ship belong too?” he asked as he glared at many objects hovering and coming near them.
They all looked out the window as well, many ships were getting near. The ships were black, full of darkness. The biggest of the ships landed on the ground as many smaller but powerful and fast looking battle ships landed around it, the door opened swiftly and smoked emerged out quickly.
“How did they penetrate our defenses, how
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