American library books ยป Fiction ยป The Legends of King Arthur and His Knights by Sir Knowles James (life changing books to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซThe Legends of King Arthur and His Knights by Sir Knowles James (life changing books to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   Sir Knowles James

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our footmen from us, for it is almost night, and King Arthur will not stay to slaughter them. So they can save their lives in this great wood hard by. Then let us gather into one band all the horsemen that remain, and whoso breaketh rank or leaveth us, let him be straightway slain by him that seeth him, for it is better that we slay a coward than through a coward be all slain. How say ye?โ€ said King Lot; โ€œanswer me, all ye kings.โ€

โ€œIt is well said,โ€ replied they all.

And swearing they would never fail each other, they mended and set right their armour and their shields, and took new spears and set them steadfastly against their thighs, waiting, and so stood still as a clump of trees stands on the plain; and no assaults could shake them, they held so hard together; which when King Arthur saw he marvelled greatly, and was very wroth. โ€œYet,โ€ cried he, โ€œI may not blame them, by my faith, for they do as brave men ought to do, and are the best fighting men and knights of most prowess that I ever saw or heard tell of.โ€ And so said also Kings Ban and Bors, and praised them greatly for their noble chivalry.

But now came forty noble knights out of King Arthurโ€™s host, and prayed that he would suffer them to break the enemy. And when they were allowed, they rode forth with their spears upon their thighs, and spurred their horses to their hottest. Then the eleven kings, with a party of their knights, rushed with set spears as fast and mightily to meet them; and when they were encountered, all the crash and splinter of their spears and armour rang with a mighty din, and so fierce and bloody was their onset that in all that day there had been no such cruel press, and rage, and smiting. At that same moment rode fiercely into the thickest of the struggle King Arthur and Kings Ban and Bors, and slew downright on both hands right and left, until their horses went in blood up to the fetlocks.

And while the slaughter and the noise and shouting were at their greatest, suddenly there came down through the battle Merlin the Wizard, upon a great black horse, and riding to King Arthur, he cried out, โ€œAlas, my Lord! will ye have never done? Of sixty thousand have ye left but fifteen thousand men alive. Is it not time to stay this slaying? for God is ill pleased with ye that ye have never ended, and yonder kings shall not be altogether overthrown this time. But if ye fall upon them any more, the fortune of this day will turn, and go to them. Withdraw, Lord, therefore, to thy lodging, and there now take thy rest, for to-day thou hast won a great victory, and overcome the noblest chivalry of all the world. And now for many years those kings shall not disturb thee. Therefore, I tell thee, fear them no more, for now they are sore beaten, and have nothing left them but their honour; and why shouldest thou slay them to take that?โ€

Then said King Arthur, โ€œThou sayest well, and I will take thy counsel.โ€ With that he cried out, โ€œHo!โ€ for the battle to cease, and sent forth heralds through the field to stay more fighting. And gathering all the spoil, he gave it not amongst his own host, but to Kings Ban and Bors and all their knights and men-at-arms, that he might treat them with the greater courtesy as strangers.

Then Merlin took his leave of Arthur and the two other kings, and went to see his master, Blaise, a holy hermit, dwelling in Northumberland, who had nourished him through all his youth. And Blaise was passing glad to see him, for there was a great love ever between them; and Merlin told him how King Arthur had sped in the battle, and how it had ended; and told him the names of every king and knight of worship who was there. So Blaise wrote down the battle, word for word, as Merlin told him; and in the same way ever after, all the battles of King Arthurโ€™s days Merlin caused Blaise, his master, to record.


The Adventure of the Questing Beast โ€” King Arthur drives the Saxons from the Realm โ€” The Battles of Celidon Forest and Badon Hill

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non, thereafter, came word to King Arthur that Ryence, King of North Wales, was making war upon King Leodegrance of Camelgard; whereat he was passing wroth, for he loved Leodegrance well, and hated Ryence. So he departed with Kings Ban and Bors and twenty thousand men, and came to Camelgard, and rescued Leodegrance, and slew ten thousand of Ryenceโ€™s men and put him to flight. Then Leodegrance made a great festival to the three kings, and treated them with every manner of mirth and pleasure which could be devised. And there had King Arthur the first sight of Guinevere, daughter of Leodegrance, whom in the end he married, as shall be told hereafter.

Then did Kings Ban and Bors take leave, and went to their own country, where King Claudas worked great mischief. And King Arthur would have gone with them, but they refused him, saying, โ€œNay, ye shall not at this time, for ye have yet much to do in these lands of your own; and we with the riches we have won here by your gifts shall hire many good knights, and, by the grace of God, withstand the malice of King Claudas; and if we have need we will send to ye for succour; and likewise ye, if ye have need, send for us, and we will not tarry, by the faith of our bodies.โ€

When the two kings had left, King Arthur rode to Caerleon, and thither came to him his half-sister Belisent, wife to King Lot, sent as a messenger, but in truth to espy his power; and with her came a noble retinue, and also her four sonsโ€”Gawain, Gaheris, Agravaine, and Gareth. But when she saw King Arthur and his nobleness, and all the splendour of his knights and service, she forbore to spy upon him as a foe, and told him of her husbandโ€™s plots against him and his throne. And the king, not knowing that she was his half-sister, made great court to her; and being full of admiration for her beauty, loved her out of measure, and kept her a long season at Caerleon. Wherefore her husband, King Lot, was more than ever King Arthurโ€™s enemy, and hated him till death with a passing great hatred.

At that time King Arthur had a marvellous dream, which gave him great disquietness of heart. He dreamed that the whole land was full of many fiery griffins and serpents, which burnt and slew the people everywhere; and then that he himself fought with them, and that they did him mighty injuries, and wounded him nigh to death, but that at last he overcame and slew them all. When he woke, he sat in great heaviness of spirit and pensiveness, thinking what this dream might signify, but by-and-by, when he could by no means satisfy himself what it might mean, to rid himself of all his thoughts of it, he made ready with a great company to ride out hunting.

As soon as he was in the forest, the king saw a great hart before him, and spurred his horse, and rode long eagerly after it, and chased until his horse lost breath and fell down dead from under him. Then, seeing the hart escaped and his horse dead, he sat down by a fountain, and fell into deep thought again. And as he sat there alone, he thought he heard the noise of hounds, as it were some thirty couple in number, and looking up he saw coming towards him the strangest beast that ever he had seen or heard tell of, which ran towards the fountain and drank of the water. Its head was like a serpentโ€™s, with a leopardโ€™s body and a lionโ€™s tail, and it was footed like a stag; and the noise was in its belly, as it were the baying or questing of thirty couple of hounds. While it drank there was no noise within it; but presently, having finished, it departed with a greater sound than ever.

The king was amazed at all this; but being greatly wearied, he fell asleep, and was before long waked up by a knight on foot, who said, โ€œKnight, full of thought and sleepy, tell me if thou sawest a strange beast pass this way?โ€

โ€œSuch a one I saw,โ€ said King Arthur to the knight, โ€œbut that is now two miles distant at the least. What would you with that beast?โ€

โ€œSir,โ€ said the knight, โ€œI have followed it for a long time, and have killed my horse, and would to heaven I had another to pursue my quest withal.โ€

At that moment came a yeoman with another horse for the king, which, when the knight saw, he earnestly prayed to be given him. โ€œFor I have followed this quest,โ€ said he, โ€œtwelve months, and either I shall achieve him or bleed of the best blood of my body.โ€

It was King Pellinore who at that time followed the questing beast, but neither he nor King Arthur knew each other.

โ€œSir Knight,โ€ said King Arthur, โ€œleave that quest and suffer me to have it, and I will follow it other twelve months.โ€

โ€œAh, fool,โ€ said the knight, โ€œthy desire is utterly in vain, for it shall never be achieved but by me, or by my next of kin.โ€

Therewith he started to the kingโ€™s horse, and mounted to the saddle, crying out, โ€œGrammercy, this horse is mine!โ€

โ€œWell,โ€ said the king, โ€œthou mayest take my horse by force, and I will not say nay; but till we prove whether thou or I be best on horseback, I shall not rest content.โ€

โ€œSeek me here,โ€ said the knight, โ€œwhenever thou wilt, and here by this fountain thou shalt find me;โ€ and so he passed forth on his way.

Then sat King Arthur in a deep fit of study, and bade his yeomen fetch him yet another horse as quickly as they could. And when they left him all alone came Merlin, disguised as a child of fourteen years of age, and saluted the king, and asked him why he was so pensive and heavy.

โ€œI may well be pensive and heavy,โ€ he replied, โ€œfor here even now I have seen the strangest sight I ever saw.โ€

โ€œThat know I well,โ€ said Merlin, โ€œas well as thyself, and also all thy thoughts; but thou art foolish to take thought, for it will not amend thee. Also I know what thou art, and know thy father and thy mother.โ€

โ€œThat is false,โ€ said King Arthur; โ€œhow shouldst thou know? thy years are not enough.โ€

โ€œYea,โ€ said Merlin, โ€œbut I know better than thou how thou wast born, and better than any man living.โ€

โ€œI will not believe thee,โ€ said King Arthur, and was wroth with the child.

So Merlin departed, and came again in the likeness of an old man of fourscore years of age; and the king was glad at his coming, for he seemed wise and venerable. Then said the old man, โ€œWhy art thou so sad?โ€

โ€œFor divers reasons,โ€ said King Arthur; โ€œfor I have seen strange things to-day, and but this moment there was here a child who told me things beyond his years to know.โ€

โ€œYea,โ€ said the old man, โ€œbut he told thee truth, and more he would have told thee hadst thou suffered him. But I will tell thee wherefore thou art sad, for thou hast done a thing of late for which God is displeased with thee, and what

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