American library books ยป Fiction ยป The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper (e ink manga reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•

Read book online ยซThe Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper (e ink manga reader .TXT) ๐Ÿ“•ยป.   Author   -   James Fenimore Cooper

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may be, or however he may be qualified for his rank, he now speaks to you and, of course, can be no enemy to dread.โ€

The scout regarded Heyward in surprise, and then lifting his cap, he answered, in a tone less confident than beforeโ€”

though still expressing doubt.

โ€œI have heard a party was to leave the encampment this morning for the lake shore?โ€

โ€œYou have heard the truth; but I preferred a nearer route, trusting to the knowledge of the Indian I mentioned.โ€

โ€œAnd he deceived you, and then deserted?โ€

โ€œNeither, as I believe; certainly not the latter, for he is to be found in the rear.โ€

โ€œI should like to look at the creatureโ€™; if it is a true Iroquois I can tell him by his knavish look, and by his paint,โ€ said the scout; stepping past the charger of Heyward, and entering the path behind the mare of the singing master, whose foal had taken advantage of the halt to exact the maternal contribution. After shoving aside the bushes, and proceeding a few paces, he encountered the females, who awaited the result of the conference with anxiety, and not entirely without apprehension. Behind these, the runner leaned against a tree, where he stood the close examination of the scout with an air unmoved, though with a look so dark and savage, that it might in itself excite fear. Satisfied with his scrutiny, the hunter soon left him. As he repassed the females, he paused a moment to gaze upon their beauty, answering to the smile and nod of Alice with a look of open pleasure. Thence he went to the side of the motherly animal, and spending a minute in a fruitless inquiry into the character of her rider, he shook his head and returned to Heyward.

โ€œA Mingo is a Mingo, and God having made him so, neither the Mohawks nor any other tribe can alter him,โ€ he said, when he had regained his former position. โ€œIf we were alone, and you would leave that noble horse at the mercy of the wolves to-night, I could show you the way to Edward myself, within an hour, for it lies only about an hourโ€™s journey hence; but with such ladies in your company โ€˜tis impossible!โ€

โ€œAnd why? They are fatigued, but they are quite equal to a ride of a few more miles.โ€

โ€œโ€˜Tis a natural impossibility!โ€ repeated the scout; โ€œI wouldnโ€™t walk a mile in these woods after night gets into them, in company with that runner, for the best rifle in the colonies. They are full of outlying Iroquois, and your mongrel Mohawk knows where to find them too well to be my companion.โ€

โ€œThink you so?โ€ said Heyward, leaning forward in the saddle, and dropping his voice nearly to a whisper; โ€œI confess I have not been without my own suspicions, though I have endeavored to conceal them, and affected a confidence I have not always felt, on account of my companions. It was because I suspected him that I would follow no longer; making him, as you see, follow me.โ€

โ€œI knew he was one of the cheats as soon as I laid eyes on him!โ€ returned the scout, placing a finger on his nose, in sign of caution.

โ€œThe thief is leaning against the foot of the sugar sapling, that you can see over them bushes; his right leg is in a line with the bark of the tree, and,โ€ tapping his rifle, โ€œI can take him from where I stand, between the angle and the knee, with a single shot, putting an end to his tramping through the woods, for at least a month to come. If I should go back to him, the cunning varmint would suspect something, and be dodging through the trees like a frightened deer.โ€

โ€œIt will not do. He may be innocent, and I dislike the act.

Though, if I felt confident of his treacheryโ€”โ€

โ€œโ€˜Tis a safe thing to calculate on the knavery of an Iroquois,โ€ said the scout, throwing his rifle forward, by a sort of instinctive movement.

โ€œHold!โ€ interrupted Heyward, โ€œit will not doโ€”we must think of some other schemeโ€”and yet, I have much reason to believe the rascal has deceived me.โ€

The hunter, who had already abandoned his intention of maiming the runner, mused a moment, and then made a gesture, which instantly brought his two red companions to his side.

They spoke together earnestly in the Delaware language, though in an undertone; and by the gestures of the white man, which were frequently directed towards the top of the sapling, it was evident he pointed out the situation of their hidden enemy. His companions were not long in comprehending his wishes, and laying aside their firearms, they parted, taking opposite sides of the path, and burying themselves in the thicket, with such cautious movements, that their steps were inaudible.

โ€œNow, go you back,โ€ said the hunter, speaking again to Heyward, โ€œand hold the imp in talk; these Mohicans here will take him without breaking his paint.โ€

โ€œNay,โ€ said Heyward, proudly, โ€œI will seize him myself.โ€

โ€œHist! what could you do, mounted, against an Indian in the bushes!โ€

โ€œI will dismount.โ€

โ€œAnd, think you, when he saw one of your feet out of the stirrup, he would wait for the other to be free? Whoever comes into the woods to deal with the natives, must use Indian fashions, if he would wish to prosper in his undertakings. Go, then; talk openly to the miscreant, and seem to believe him the truest friend you have on โ€˜arth.โ€

Heyward prepared to comply, though with strong disgust at the nature of the office he was compelled to execute. Each moment, however, pressed upon him a conviction of the critical situation in which he had suffered his invaluable trust to be involved through his own confidence. The sun had already disappeared, and the woods, suddenly deprived of his light*, were assuming a dusky hue, which keenly reminded him that the hour the savage usually chose for his most barbarous and remorseless acts of vengeance or hostility, was speedily drawing near. Stimulated by apprehension, he left the scout, who immediately entered into a loud conversation with the stranger that had so unceremoniously enlisted himself in the party of travelers that morning. In passing his gentler companions Heyward uttered a few words of encouragement, and was pleased to find that, though fatigued with the exercise of the day, they appeared to entertain no suspicion that their present embarrassment was other than the result of accident. Giving them reason to believe he was merely employed in a consultation concerning the future route, he spurred his charger, and drew the reins again when the animal had carried him within a few yards of the place where the sullen runner still stood, leaning against the tree.

* The scene of this tale was in the 42d degree of latitude, where the twilight is never of long continuation.

โ€œYou may see, Magua,โ€ he said, endeavoring to assume an air of freedom and confidence, โ€œthat the night is closing around us, and yet we are no nearer to William Henry than when we left the encampment of Webb with the rising sun.

โ€œYou have missed the way, nor have I been more fortunate.

But, happily, we have fallen in with a hunter, he whom you hear talking to the singer, that is acquainted with the deerpaths and by-ways of the woods, and who promises to lead us to a place where we may rest securely till the morning.โ€

The Indian riveted his glowing eyes on Heyward as he asked, in his imperfect English, โ€œIs he alone?โ€

โ€œAlone!โ€ hesitatingly answered Heyward, to whom deception was too new to be assumed without embarrassment. โ€œOh! not alone, surely, Magua, for you know that we are with him.โ€

โ€œThen Le Renard Subtil will go,โ€ returned the runner, coolly raising his little wallet from the place where it had lain at his feet; โ€œand the pale faces will see none but their own color.โ€

โ€œGo! Whom call you Le Renard?โ€

โ€œโ€˜Tis the name his Canada fathers have given to Magua,โ€

returned the runner, with an air that manifested his pride at the distinction. โ€œNight is the same as day to Le Subtil, when Munro waits for him.โ€

โ€œAnd what account will Le Renard give the chief of William Henry concerning his daughters? Will he dare to tell the hot-blooded Scotsman that his children are left without a guide, though Magua promised to be one?โ€

โ€œThough the gray head has a loud voice, and a long arm, Le Renard will not hear him, nor feel him, in the woods.โ€

โ€œBut what will the Mohawks say? They will make him petticoats, and bid him stay in the wigwam with the women, for he is no longer to be trusted with the business of a man.โ€

โ€œLe Subtil knows the path to the great lakes, and he can find the bones of his fathers,โ€ was the answer of the unmoved runner.

โ€œEnough, Magua,โ€ said Heyward; โ€œare we not friends?

Why should there be bitter words between us? Munro has promised you a gift for your services when performed, and I shall be your debtor for another. Rest your weary limbs, then, and open your wallet to eat. We have a few moments to spare; let us not waste them in talk like wrangling women.

When the ladies are refreshed we will proceed.โ€

โ€œThe pale faces make themselves dogs to their women,โ€

muttered the Indian, in his native language, โ€œand when they want to eat, their warriors must lay aside the tomahawk to feed their laziness.โ€

โ€œWhat say you, Renard?โ€

โ€œLe Subtil says it is good.โ€

The Indian then fastened his eyes keenly on the open countenance of Heyward, but meeting his glance, he turned them quickly away, and seating himself deliberately on the ground, he drew forth the remnant of some former repast, and began to eat, though not without first bending his looks slowly and cautiously around him.

โ€œThis is well,โ€ continued Heyward; โ€œand Le Renard will have strength and sight to find the path in the morningโ€; he paused, for sounds like the snapping of a dried stick, and the rustling of leaves, rose from the adjacent bushes, but recollecting himself instantly, he continued, โ€œwe must be moving before the sun is seen, or Montcalm may lie in our path, and shut us out from the fortress.โ€

The hand of Magua dropped from his mouth to his side, and though his eyes were fastened on the ground, his head was turned aside, his nostrils expanded, and his ears seemed even to stand more erect than usual, giving to him the appearance of a statue that was made to represent intense attention.

Heyward, who watched his movements with a vigilant eye, carelessly extricated one of his feet from the stirrup, while he passed a hand toward the bear-skin covering of his holsters.

Every effort to detect the point most regarded by the runner was completely frustrated by the tremulous glances of his organs, which seemed not to rest a single instant on any particular object, and which, at the same time, could be hardly said to move. While he hesitated how to proceed, Le Subtil cautiously raised himself to his feet, though with a motion so slow and guarded, that not the slightest noise was produced by the change. Heyward felt it had now become incumbent on him to act. Throwing his leg over the saddle, he dismounted, with a determination to advance and seize his treacherous companion, trusting the result to his own manhood. In order, however, to prevent unnecessary alarm, he still preserved an air of calmness and friendship.

โ€œLe Renard Subtil does not eat,โ€ he said, using the appellation he had found most flattering to the vanity of the Indian. โ€œHis corn is not well parched, and it seems dry. Let me examine; perhaps something may

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